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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread 2022-2023 v. Year of the Phenethylamine

I'm getting better at my job. And recent events triggering extreme anger at work have spurred me to exercise finally, or at least I did when I got home from work two hours ago. I hope to continue that. I may just start forgoing an extra half hour of sleep daily in order to do weight training because in my line of work it can be very important to be fit. And since I work twelve hour shifts I have very little time on work days if I don't manage it right. My wife has been supportive and been making me lunch daily so I don't have to waste time on it and I get to eat healthy vs the fatty food we have at work or fast food options.

But I still have real frustrating events that trigger me in odd ways. For lack of a better term, my job requires me to be extremely masculine in order to be effective. I have to be macho and I'm getting better at it but every time something makes me stutter I feel angry. I'm progressing with letting things go sometimes but sometimes I slip back and I dwell on things that I shouldn't.

At least I'm being paid decently. I get lots of days off if I do my mandated overtime early in the month. In April I'll have five days off followed by four days then four more off which is dope. All I have to do is work my ass off in the first two weeks.

Just thought I'd check in and let people know what's going on with me. I had a very interesting, strong psilacetin trip last Friday night where I just listened to music during the peak and cried a lot. It felt very healing but I feel I need more healing. I Hope I can achieve some greater sense of stability, and I do think I'm on the right track.

Best wishes to y'all.

i had to stop working 12s because i was flying off the handle a little too much - i can't work longer than a 10 for the sake of me and everybody else - i can pull a 12 here and there but not on the regular

hope you're doing well man
i had to stop working 12s because i was flying off the handle a little too much - i can't work longer than a 10 for the sake of me and everybody else - i can pull a 12 here and there but not on the regular

hope you're doing well man
It's exhausting but I'm doing better lately. And now we don't have to work as much mandatory OT so I'm spending more time at home, really only working 18 days a month which isn't bad.

I hate 12s but switching to 8s puts you on a real shitty schedule at my job so I'ma just stick it out. I just get myself into a work-mode mindset for 4-5 days straight and decompress on my days off. And it helps keep my mind off other shit too.
he could you just be vibing off you , hopefully.

I've seen it happen
He might have just thrown the gel cap under the couch. I couldn’t find it anywhere so I thought he ate it. But he probably just knocked it down to play with. He’s in fine shape today.
I think my eldest cat ate 10mg Psilacetin

I also ate lots tonight. My poor boy. I’ve hugged him a lot but he is definitely acting like a cat on drugs
I'm not a veterinarian, but I doubt psilacetin would do any physical harm to a cat. 4-sub tryptamines just don't interact with the mammalian brain or nervous system in a way that's likely to cause physical damage. I would proceed on the principle that cats are basically like people, something I've generally found to be true, and give him hugs, reassurance, and a cool, pleasant environment. Also be more careful with your drugs in the future, not that you don't know this already.
I'm not a veterinarian, but I doubt psilacetin would do any physical harm to a cat. 4-sub tryptamines just don't interact with the mammalian brain or nervous system in a way that's likely to cause physical damage. I would proceed on the principle that cats are basically like people, something I've generally found to be true, and give him hugs, reassurance, and a cool, pleasant environment. Also be more careful with your drugs in the future, not that you don't know this already.

Cats and other animals don't have the same 5-HT2A receptors as humans do, and their bodies also express them in very different amounts in different places compared to humans. Animals are likely to experience way more "body load" and toxicity from psychedelics in a trip, if they can even trip at all. They may not have enough 5-HT2A in the right places in their brain for that.

So please don't give your animals psychedelics unless you have some extraordinary reason, and only then with extreme caution (start very very low). I expect a cat on 10 mg psilacetin would appear severely fucked up, so I tend to think the cat didn't eat the capsule. Let's hope the missing drugs are soon found.
You can roll on only 35 mg? That's some impressive sensitivity you have there!
He might have just thrown the gel cap under the couch. I couldn’t find it anywhere so I thought he ate it. But he probably just knocked it down to play with. He’s in fine shape today.
Once was freaking out because I thought I accidentally dosed my mom with some 2c-t4. She used to have me make her a gel cap with a small amount of distillate to help her sleep. I dropped the cap on my desk when I was getting ready to prep it but quickly found it and gave it to her. She mentioned she was feeling it allot stronger than she normally does and I started getting concerned I may of invertedly picked up a 5mg 2c-t4 cap I had lost earlier that week instead of the one I dropped. Thankfully a week later I found the 2c-t4 cap proving I didn't dose my mom.
Wow, 2C-T-4! That was a very interesting substance that I unfortunately failed to fully get off on. It's a shame I'll not likely come across it again. I think my material may have degraded while dissolved in the H2O I used for volumetric measurement. The doses I took seemed to not work as well as they should have for either me or my (at the time) girlfriend.

The most interesting trip was actually the day after my first 2C-E trip on 15 mg while at Burning Man, and so I definitely had tolerance. Yet, I got very interesting effects. It felt very entactogenic in the beginning. My girlfriend got tired and went to bed before midnight. I wasn't in the mood to be out alone, so I laid down next to her, smoking a lot of weed. I had some pretty strong CEVs and felt like I could go out of body. The sounds from the environment, which are weird enough while sober, were heavily altered into a magnificent alien cacophony, which summoned all kinds of bizarre CEVs. In time I slipped completely out of reality and came to realizing there was light coming into the tent. The cacophony was still going but was much diminished. A couple hours later, we got up and felt mostly down. The sounds around were still just a bit altered, but we were back into the desert. My girlfriend remarked that she dreamed intensely, and that this was amazing because she hadn't recalled any dreams for a very long time---and couldn't even remember how long it had been. Furthermore, she has continued to reliably recall dreams after that trip.

So I guess one remarkable thing that 2C-T-4 did was restore my girlfriend's ability to recall dreams.