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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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No I am definitely familiar with different kinds of trembling or vibrations, but it felt way more problematic

Ended up managing it fine with some etizolam, which is again really reserved for real proactive (e.g. anti-convulsant) remedy.

Will have to keep monitoring this

Ended up having some more ( bute luckily positive) surprises though; the sense of wonder you can feel when tripping especially with surprising things, some of which make you see in a diffent way <3
Hope you're fine Solipsis.

Welcome, ToriTransmundane. I like the name! One of the biggest tasks in my self-growth right now is learning to appreciate the mundane for what it is, and not constantly desire to change it, nor think there's no way the mundane can be magical. It's a process, though. Anyways, I'm glad to see someone new!
One of the biggest tasks in my self-growth right now is learning to appreciate the mundane for what it is, and not constantly desire to change it, nor think there's no way the mundane can be magical. It's a process, though.

Hahaha, hey! :) Eh, not sure if I agree! Can you define reality objectively? I guess if you want to be practical about it it's a healthy way of looking at it though!
Hahaha, hey! :) Eh, not sure if I agree! Can you define reality objectively? I guess if you want to be practical about it it's a healthy way of looking at it though!

How do you mean? As well as, how do you disagree? I'm interested in a different perspective on such a pertinent issue.
Welcome Tori :D

Enjoying a nice bowl of high mids with a pinch of tobacco and my homemade herbal blend (mugwort/skullcap/lemon balm/chamomile/lavender/catnip... hope I don't start chasing mice) mixed in for flavor and possible added effect. It's like a really good-tasting shisha with the added mellow!
Ahhh! I don't have access to it often! But I'm lucky enough to go to college with a girl who has a dedicated psychonaut grandfather, who grew up in the 60's psychedelic heyday. So, he's a great source! It's something that has been very valuable to me, has helped me understand myself and reality significantly.

Very fortunate indeed. Have you written any trip reports for DET, or can you offer any comparisons between DET and other tryptamines? I'm always eager to learn more about this substance.

One of the biggest tasks in my self-growth right now is learning to appreciate the mundane for what it is, and not constantly desire to change it, nor think there's no way the mundane can be magical. It's a process, though.

Yep, I get that. :) I entered my religion as "proud to be ordinary" on a forum profile recently. :D
Solipsis, out of curiosity, how much ETH-LAD did you take?

About 175 µg..
I think even the benign or at least acute causes wouldn't have been a good sign. In any case, am starting a long break anyway due to tolerance.

Hope you're fine Solipsis.

Welcome, ToriTransmundane. I like the name! One of the biggest tasks in my self-growth right now is learning to appreciate the mundane for what it is, and not constantly desire to change it, nor think there's no way the mundane can be magical. It's a process, though. Anyways, I'm glad to see someone new!

Thanks. :)
I really like that name too, TT! welcome ;)
haha! I was so overthinking that cosmic friends... I really quite fancy her, you see. She is so kink hearted, adorable, sexy, cute, and the funniest chick I ever met! She doesn’t even need to try to be funny like everything she says has me in hysterics... so we are making each other giggle today.

I just burned my last girls beautiful, lovely love letter like serious nicest love letter ever. Burned it inside in my hand with a candle I’m like... is this safe to with

Such a chill girl, as if she was just down to drop acid like that, and I know her energy well enough to know that she’d love it. She would hate shrooms haha. She would smoke dmt for 15 minutes and then spend 15 hours telling me about what she saw. I normally don’t like listening to chicks for all that long I can get impatient but I could listen to her forever and never get bored it seems.

Not to create expectations... she is a really chill, hilarious, adventurous and sexy new friend! The one thing is her looks... she is so fucking hot hot hottest chick I ever met that I don’t know for how long I’d be able to keep my hands off her. For now we’re just chillin out and apparently trippin out just getting to know each other. She is very beautiful that is the hard part for me as I like to take some time to enjoy those lovely earthly delights we have around these parts. I’ll start with that lighting that roach behind my phone with candlelight.

I just left what I wrote above cause I dunno bout u guys, but chicks drive me fucking crazy haha. Gotta just be chill and patient I know what to do... nothing haha : )

I think she likes that I can be explosive like that like she just says that guy has serious balls cause I talk shit to our manager in front of her and she’s like the diplomatic one that they actually listen to. She thinks it is silly... I’d probably be too boring for her if I didnt have symptoms of bpd and drug problems LOL... and a sense of humour of course. She clearly needs that. Just let it be though... fuck these hot chicks fuck with my head I’m in hysterics about it though like serious I dooooon giva fuuuuuuuuuck : )
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No time to respond to it all, but... you might hate hangovers, but dude, just think about how much more you hate feeling suicidal from opiate withdrawal. A hangover lasts a day or less. SO not worth it.
Oh, I'm good in that regard man (the oxy and that shit I know not to use it or it will kill me). Thanks, that this is the first thing you noticed and responded to so that means you are looking out for me.

It was not my real concern man, I took some etiz for my hangover and had a great night! Our 2 hour date turned into a 15 hour hangout and we did so many things... her energy is really vibrant, she is so fucking beautiful too... but what I like most about her is her silly sense of humour because most people wouldn't really notice it or appreciate it. She isn't too demanding but she is. She talks so much I could never handle that shit from someone I didn't find perpetually extremely comical (like I don't even know what it is, she's just so damn silly). Man she can say anything at all like all serious and I will internally be in hysterics.

So, we trust each other so much (we told each other this really honestly, in a strange sort of way) that when I snuck a line in of 2c-c, and started tripping too hard for me not to tell her, she became quite intrigued. I trust her enough, having just met her a couple weeks ago, to give her a tab of 1p and later on a rail of 2c-c (after making sure she wasn't on meds and stuff). She was totally down for it - shocking to me, really, since she is a healthy typa vegetarian chick and likes tea and stuff - and her friends def knew we were fucked up. It was undeniable. Eventually we were just like... we are trippin on acid right now okay?! Not just drunk and stoned lol.

I get my girl advice from listening to Lil Peep who I believe killed himself (OD'd himself over heartbreak and shit), and 3 others: my 29 year old farmer who is still hung up on his high school ex, my younger brother in uni who I am 10 years his elder, and my fellow buddy with a broken heart who also does way too much drugs and is full of amazing ideas but we never seem to get anything done. =D Man, no wonder I don't know what the fuck I am doing but I somehow do!

Man burning that love letter felt amazing lol (my past girls last love letter, so beautifully written like honest a work of art... I burned in my house that letter to ashes while blazing a joint... didn't give a fuuuuuck it felt great! I deleted a post above, I woke up hung over and feeling fucking crazy.
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To add to my other post in the other social... yeah man, you saw her not long ago at all, give it a little time before you assume anything about her not communicating with you since. Honestly I think you're reading way too much into it. Sounds like you guys had a good time.
Yeah man that is how I am feeling dude. We had a good time, and I am keeping my mind off her... just gotta keep busy with stuff.

I'm sure she'll hit me back sometime soon; she isn't going to forget about that lovely day, or what I told her today about her subtle sense of humour.

I don't have to do shit, but be myself. So, I went to get an industrial ear piercing and my ear wasn't right for it. Wouldn't like right, she helped me decide on two conch piercings. I absolutely love them... like spears going through my inner ear out the back through a real thick layer of cartilage. Side by side on my one ear. Holy fuck did they hurt! They still hurt like hell today! The dude was saying that most people can't get more than one conch piercing but I have room for 3 on each ear. I think that, I will eventually have 2 on my other ear as well. I love how they are like little spears, getting them oh man like getting stabbed by a thick rusty needle for 30 seconds while it is being twisted for more pain... damn it hurts haha. She said he was like forcing the needle into me with so much force that, they have to have a block behind the ear so that like, it doesn't stab my neck or somethin like that when in pushes through. Oh god it hurt haha but I love them really so much. I like how I look much more now haha. Really chill and unique kinda piercing, they are like little spears but once it heals I can transform those spears into orbs on the end of little spears, or rings, or whatev. So... I am totally loving it, and she said they look really good too and wants to do the same thing (she couldn't yesterday for some reasons... not the right time for her).

I can't depend on anyone or anything but myself. I really like her a lot though... we've been talking every day for a few weeks and yeah man it's just I see the potential. I see the potential for something that is beyond words. So it's tripping me out, I'm not worried about that though. Just gonna let it be. There is absolutely nothing I can do at this point. She knows me well, I'm not saying shit if / until I hear back from her and either way I don't really give a fuck. As beautiful as she is, as much as I like her, I don't give a fuuuuuuuck like what am I supposed to do dwell on shit I have absolutely no control over? I did my best, I showed her a lovely day and we had a really fun time. By far the most unique first date of my life, and her sense of humour is so silly and subtle like nobody even would notice. I don't know why I find her so funny but yeah... just let it be. Easier said than done when I like a girl this much though.
Very fortunate indeed. Have you written any trip reports for DET, or can you offer any comparisons between DET and other tryptamines? I'm always eager to learn more about this substance.

Ahhh, I haven't written any, but I would decribe the substance as being somewhat similar to DMT but with a much friendlier feeling philosophically, unique enough to have it's own style.

haha! I was so overthinking that cosmic friends... I really quite fancy her, you see. She is so kink hearted, adorable, sexy, cute, and the funniest chick I ever met! She doesn’t even need to try to be funny like everything she says has me in hysterics... so we are making each other giggle today.

I just burned my last girls beautiful, lovely love letter like serious nicest love letter ever. Burned it inside in my hand with a candle I’m like... is this safe to with

Such a chill girl, as if she was just down to drop acid like that, and I know her energy well enough to know that she’d love it. She would hate shrooms haha. She would smoke dmt for 15 minutes and then spend 15 hours telling me about what she saw. I normally don’t like listening to chicks for all that long I can get impatient but I could listen to her forever and never get bored it seems.

Not to create expectations... she is a really chill, hilarious, adventurous and sexy new friend! The one thing is her looks... she is so fucking hot hot hottest chick I ever met that I don’t know for how long I’d be able to keep my hands off her. For now we’re just chillin out and apparently trippin out just getting to know each other. She is very beautiful that is the hard part for me as I like to take some time to enjoy those lovely earthly delights we have around these parts. I’ll start with that lighting that roach behind my phone with candlelight.

I just left what I wrote above cause I dunno bout u guys, but chicks drive me fucking crazy haha. Gotta just be chill and patient I know what to do... nothing haha : )

I think she likes that I can be explosive like that like she just says that guy has serious balls cause I talk shit to our manager in front of her and she’s like the diplomatic one that they actually listen to. She thinks it is silly... I’d probably be too boring for her if I didnt have symptoms of bpd and drug problems LOL... and a sense of humour of course. She clearly needs that. Just let it be though... fuck these hot chicks fuck with my head I’m in hysterics about it though like serious I dooooon giva fuuuuuuuuuck : )

Haha, kink hearted? What do you mean? ;)

Sounds like a lovely girl! Be careful man :)
I mean both, in fact. It was a typo, though.

You should read the post I just wrote in the other thread. This is getting crazier and crazier. This little love story involved me nodding the FUCK out on oxy's ALL day yesterday off 30mg I guess I technically "relapsed" but man just read the post you'll be in hysterics! I used to take like 500mg a day and not even feel it... I love my life so much now that I have total control over the shit. It is not meant for back pain. It is meant for nodding the FUCK out until you don't even remember if you are doing yoga on the bed, or the floor, or slouched over on the couch in heavenly bliss. Like once every 2 months max. That is what my pain medication is personaly for, almost like how people get drunk to escape but I don't drink it's just hedonism in all its glory for me. Something to nod the fuck out on and then let go for a long time, but keep around as the pills are so damn hard to get and they were dumb enough to give me a multi-year script the stupid fucks. Now I get to get high as FUCK once in a blue moon and not give a shit and move on! I have too much to live for to get caught up in that shit anymore, I trust myself so much even though I know two days of use in a row is enough to give me suicidal withdrawals and ruin my life. One day of nodding the FUCK out is okay though and holy fuck... yesterday was just what I needed. Not so much as a kiss since the summer time needed a little stress relief LOL. I sure got it...

and if this turns into the romance that I think and essentially KNOW it will, then I at least owe oxycodone one little fucking favour after all the years of downright hell. Everything would be worth it fucking everything for a 2nd date with this chick because that is all it will take to win her heart. I know this to be true. We already really like each other, but she asked me out the first time and changed her plans like three times. I need to be firm and ask her out in just the right way and make sure she doesn't fuck with my plans because she has no upper hand over me.

I'm working on the second date now. Just taking a break, from messaging her through our work app. All I have to do is be myself and she totally digs it. She also has modelled and stuff like she is absolutely stunning she could not be hotter man, or kink hearted as you say LOL although I dunno that about her yet just sense it. I am getting this second fucking date if it is the last thing I do. She asked me out the first time, and has been waiting a couple days now for me to ask her out on the second. My friend was kind enough to point this out to me. She walked me through my feeling and what to do this morning as she took over the foxes shift.. and also, she realized how much I actually like her because I told her about how I went out on a date with her when I was nodding yesterday. I was nodding the fuck out and even still, this girl is so lovely she is more powerful than oxy in the brain of a recently clean junkie giving him the best opioid high he has ever experienced in my life. I still couldn't get her out of my mind man, but in a good way. I'm already so proud that I got a random date with her through fuckin around making jokes and being myself, having explosive outburst at manaement and getting my way like she really wanted to meet me. I am only proud because my lady friend says that I should be. I don't want to fuck this up this girl is way too special in ways that work with my energy quite nicely. She is lovely and fucking wild too I can sense that and I love it (normally I wouldn't but like, it's a fine balcne lol). She is like my best friend right now serious, amazing artist and stoner and she's doing my tat sketches. I give her mountains of free chron just cuz. Just cuz real friends do shit like that for each other and she spends way too much money on weed. I don't, and have too much to even know what to do with (not that much haha, I just saved my friend 4 grand so...). I am high as a kite (NOT on oxy's, I seriously needed to not the FUCK out for one day after I have over a month 'clean' time and I don't give a fuck, I have so much to live for there's no way I'm gonna relapse even though I'm sitting right next to a bottle that has over 100 percs in it).

I don't give a fuck. I'm getting us talking about work and stuff, and at some point today I have the precise message to send her about our 2nd date. I will be getting this second date if it is the last thing I do with my life. She is the loveliest girl I have ever met, she is as equally chaotic as me but in a totally different way the balance is ridiculous and like super fine tuned man I had no idea what I was looking for until I randomly found her.

I'm not creating expectations. They have already been met. Is she ever fucking tricky, though. I will get this fucking date, and it will be much more romantic than her first one (which was crazy awesome and fun, and lasted 15 hours haha). I, of all people, needs to bring her down to earth a bit and appreciate her sense of humour and give her some freedom. So, our date is not just at the most romantic and chill pub with the yummiest and best food around that I know of. It is also near my hometown so I can show her the houses I grew up in, and my old highschools and stuff since she is so adventurous she always needs to be on the go. And then, we will have a coffee at my favourite coffee place in town. This girl is fucking CRAZY though man like if I have to put her on a fucking leash to show her what my kind of date is like then I will LOL. This is why I've been crazy lately but I don't even give a fuuuuuuuuuuck anymore I say what I want, when I want, where I want. She loves it. I just gotta be myself and she better accept my 2nd date I'm sure she'll be psyched! It's def right up her alley, it is all my ideas but I am still accommodating her ridiculous, hilarious needs. So yeah if I get the 2nd date, consider me and her in love.

If you want to know a little bit about my crush, I trust her enough to know that she would love dropping acid and railing 2c-c with my randomly on a whim once she realized I was tripping. She would hate shrooms, and have a nasty bad trip on them and it would probably ruin her personality and charisma and extroversion forever and turn her into a depressed recluse. She would smoke DMT, and spend like 24 hours explaining to me what happened to her while I laugh my ass off at her. Then she might request another hit, and not say anything about it and just be like yeah that was sick! She's so totally spontaneous and random like that, and I tend to stagnate so it's like a nice balance. She is so fucking funny but nobody notices it, that is what I like about her the most and that is why we work! This is not set in stone though I need this fucking second date and I am going to get it. I have to get back to work : p

Anyways if it doesn't work out and I'm wrong then I'm a dumbass, whatever, wouldn't be the first time by any means... but I very much sense this is different.
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"This little love story involved me nodding the FUCK out on oxy's ALL day yesterday off 30mg I guess I technically "relapsed" but man just read the post you'll be in hysterics! I used to take like 500mg a day and not even feel it... I love my life so much now that I have total control over the shit. It is not meant for back pain. It is meant for nodding the FUCK out until you don't even remember if you are doing yoga on the bed, or the floor, or slouched over on the couch in heavenly bliss. Like once every 2 months max. That is what my pain medication is personaly for, almost like how people get drunk to escape but I don't drink it's just hedonism in all its glory for me. Something to nod the fuck out on and then let go for a long time, but keep around as the pills are so damn hard to get and they were dumb enough to give me a multi-year script the stupid fucks. Now I get to get high as FUCK once in a blue moon and not give a shit and move on! I have too much to live for to get caught up in that shit anymore, I trust myself so much even though I know two days of use in a row is enough to give me suicidal withdrawals and ruin my life. One day of nodding the FUCK out is okay though and holy fuck..."

You're not doing yourself any favors keeping those pills. "Once in a while" will eventually get you right back where you were before. If you're serious about kicking opiates you need to get rid of them.
I think everyone has their own way man. I will never end back where I was. I don't need to do anything but not use them on any regular basis at all. Maybe next year or something, I really don't give a fuck. Never again for all I care. I have absolutely no attachment to them whatsoever. I have much more serious matters in life to attend to, and yeah... I have a friend in excruciating pain who got hit by a car, you see... I was throwing them between my hands this morning laughing and then threw them the fuck away from me for nothin. I don't need that shit man, I wanted to nod yesterday so I did. I never would do that again today, it would destroy my chances with the chick I have been going fucking bananas over first of all, plus a million and one other problems. Everyone is different, I have always had a physical dependency issue but psychologically speaking I just don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuck. I haven't had a single craving, and yesterday was not sparked by a craving either. I wouldn't even call it a relapse. I just got really fuckin high and got some bliss and stress relief going on all day! Fuck, I really could have used a break from life lately it has been so stressful and that changed my energy in a positive way. Anyways, I don't need to say shit or defend myself haha I don't mean it like that. I understand that I hold life and death in my hands, and I fully trust myself when it comes to that shit. I could never go back, and this was my way of proving it to myself in a way. It's not just the chick I'd lose it's my brother, more of my possessions, probably my home, like dude it's not worth it for a silly high that had me nodding for a day as nice as it was. I have way too much other shit going on in my life now to give any sort of two fucks about that shit!
Ahhh, I haven't written any, but I would decribe the substance as being somewhat similar to DMT but with a much friendlier feeling philosophically, unique enough to have it's own style.

Thanks for the comparison. :) That makes sense to me, as I find 4-AcO-DET similar to but in some ways friendlier than 4-AcO-DMT, and certainly distinct enough to have its own "style". And I have heard that DET is more relaxed and manageable than either DMT or DPT.
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