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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Tried 4-EMC again in a house party setting, still sucked imo but it was an experience at the least.
I like 4-EMC a lot but it's not really a party drug, to me it's a take alone or with a friend and sit around and listen to music. Relaxing, euphoric but not excitement-producing.

3-MMC for me tonight, with a little hexen mixed in. Also chill but I got real high for a bit... I'm sure my posting during that time reflects that fact. =D Since my girl got home I've been having a lot of great conversations with her. Good times. :)
Tried 4-EMC again in a house party setting, still sucked imo but it was an experience at the least.

What about it is bad?

Haven't ever taken that one before and these days i find it difficult to shift through so many of these Cathinones. It seems like a bunch of them are junk but a couple things sound good like Hexen, id really like tp try that. And 3-MMC is really good so you should just get that one probably.

Trying not to take another piece of Blotter till Saturday or Sunday. I'm thinking that on my day off i will make a big batch of brownies with some of the Weed i bought. I'm gonna eat two of them on their it's a trip in itself. Gotta try and keep the Psych tolerance down. Got diminishing returns yesterday and almost certainly for only putting one day between.

This time it will be 3 or 4 and I'll take the other piece that's probably 40ugs give or take a bit. The first day had me feeling amazing and i really love the feel of this ETH-LAD in small doses. Don't get any nausea or other ill effects, knock on wood. Probably gonna use the DOC mixture in a small dose the following week. Added more Vodka to fill the bottle. There is probably like 10-12mgs of DOC in there and the bag washes which wouldn't add up to THAT much.

So i figure one half of a shot glass for my first experiment this may be quite the under dose but that's pretty much what im looking for honestly. This is going to be a Micro sort of thing so maybe i should even do a third of a shot and then wait like 5 days and try again cuz you probably need to to space out DOx MicroDoses more with the long duration. The bottle is at least half Vodka if not more and like 12-16oz's I'd say but im not positive
I was really drunk when I said it :) like Xorkoth said it's not a party drug

Looking back it was actually pretty nice but the comedown made it kinda sucky, I had only 300mg left or so and spread it out over 3 100mg doses. It's not at all like mephedrone imo, much more chill and empathogenic.
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I went to see one of my favorite local bands yesterday, had a great night.
I took some 3-MeO-PCP, it had been a while. Ahh, missed that nice hypomania. Still feeling a bit of an afterglow today.
I know it's not tripping (and my friend wants me to bring acid to the festival this weekend) but I'm psyched to take a combo of clonazepam, alprazolam, and amphetamine this weekend. I think it's gonna beat the pants off simply drinking which is usually my festival thing. GI issues are preventing that. Alcohol is too muddled and poisonous.

Also gonna roll a couple hemp/bud mixed joints with some CBD kief sprinkled in to smoke throughout. I think it'll be a psychedelic day in its own right.
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Been feeling this nice kinda glow since i took those doses of ETH-LAD this week and I'm really happy for that stuff. Been thinking today about taking something tommorow instead of buying Cocaine which I've been craving this week. Such a waste of money and I'm just gonna dip in the Tryptamine stash thinking about maybe 18mgs of 4-HO-MET or a similar amount of 4-AcO-DET.

At least this way i could save my cash for way cooler things that some cut up crazy how the stuff still calls out addiction is a strange thing. But after taking this full dose im going to have to take a week off for tolerance sake. But its deff the healthier option IMO.
Lol, sounds pretty amnesiac to me. But if you are having GI issues, that's certainly better than drinking.
Honestly, BZDs don't give me too much amnesia, not unless combined with alcohol. And alcohol itself always causes amnesia when I go to this festival, there's booze everywhere.

I'm certain that an amp/bzd combo will lead to better recall and less pain while simulating drunkenness, which is what I'm aiming for.
Yeah, I haven't done that combo many times, but it sure sounds like it can simulate drunkenness !
Alright my friends a change of plan's.
Decided on a new Combo that i will be taking tommorow afternoon when i arise. Cancelled all of my plans and this is the main event of the week. Inside of this gelcap will be...

2C-C ~ 8mgs
2C-D ~ 16mgs
4-HO-MET ~ 13mgs

Expecting this one to be pretty special and i will be taking some notes throughout the trip. Going to compile them into a trip report i will put up at somepoint this coming week expecting the Visuals and Euphoria to be on another level. Going to preload with 500mgs of L-Arginine one hour before i drop the dose. Going to be putting this on when the drugs begin to take hold.

Can't wait, things will be getting pretty Swirly :D

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Nice, sounds like a good time. :)

Man guys, so I got some 3-MMC and ethyl-hexedrone on Tuesday. I had to sample the wares, so tuesday evening I went to band practice and did a total of 700mg of 3-MMC in 3 doses. Our drummer last minute canceled and two guys from the band whose festival we just went to (some of our best friends) wanted to jam. And boy did we jam. I was ON one... it was probably the best I've ever played, maybe at all. I got in that flow where I no longer am trying to control my hands but they're doing something amazing. I also did some hexen, bumps of it all night. I got home and ended up staying up until the sun was fully up,and only fell asleep because benzos exist and some of them are in my refrigerator. I woke up at 9, worked, felt really weird like my head was stuffed with wool. I decided at about 4pm to plug a fat dose of 3-MMC and hexen. Well suffice to say I was up almost all night that night. Which brings me to today... same shit. It's a binge, I gotta stop, I have a serious band practice tomorrow and I want to be sharp. But then I remember how well I was playing the other night... :devilish:

Anyway the point of that paragraph was to provide a backstory to now. I'm having quite profound, realistic visual and audio hallucinations. Like the background noise is a song (which is cool). Or weird taps somewhere, or someone talking and maybe they said my name. Mostly it's nonsense, I just clearly heard a young woman's voice say "worry, worry, custard curry", like I heard it, heard where it came from. Bu the weirdest part is that out of the corner of my eyes I see people. Regular people, not scary shadow people. The whole time I've been here typing, it fully seems like there's a guy, kinda fro-like hair but totally unkept, and with his right hand, he's writing something with a pencil. I also distinctly hear the scritch scratch sound of the pencil. Sometimes he stops and adjusts his glasses or something.

I think maybe this is in the vicinity of stimulant psychosis, except I totally understand that, I don't feel paranoid or anything, or believe what I am seeing and hearing is real. It's pretty cool actually, especially listening to the background song which is something just inconceivably beautiful. Also, objects, especially patterned ones, are changing shape a lot.

I should take some benzos and sleep and chillax.
So... uh... I smoked a dose instead. ? It wasn't nearly as strong as I expected but I do have a way better feeling and body high. And the shadows are actually moving and my mouse is saying words when I move it. Writing guy is still there. This is so interesting. It's like I imagine anticholinergic visuals to be kind of, but I'm pretty sure I'm all there, just euphoric. I still know it's not real. I may write a TR about this.

It sounds like there's a TV in the next room and it's playing commercials, I can hear the words: I smacked advice to you in a vision, and hey you can take my two fingers, cat touching memes, we've got it all (so much more but I can't keep up, point is, it's total nonsense but said like a TV or radio speaker does, and it sounds like it makes sense except that it's a bunch of disjointed ideas nonsensically fused together.
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This is wild... there are 2 separate radio type speaking sounds, coming from two very specific spots. I wondered if it was some background ads somewhere on my computer but one is coming from outside, so... it's just so crazy, I am hearing them as clear as day. As if the wall is picking up and transmitting some radio station. Also my writing buddy is still working hard next to me. I was seriously considering trying to vape some 3-MMC, or just do some, but I took etizolam instead. Gonna go lay down in bed and listen and think and then suddenly get tired and fall asleep.
You DJ? What are some of your favorite artists/tracks?

I also used to produce but gave up because I lost my equipment in a fire few yrs ago, as funny as it sounds for me it wasn't, so.. I gave up but recently I met up with an old friend of mine and I was foolin around with a 303 in Ableton, maybe who knows I will start again, I mean it would be a shame since again I see the techno genre different and would be a waste of talent for what?.. You know, if you want, you can check out my set ( https://www.mixcloud.com/berlindreams/night-cigars-coffee-shadows/ ). Now this friend of mine works at Dial records, dunno if you know that label but you should, they do really good moody techno, all of them. My favorite artists? Hmm..

Recondite is my favorite, he's the golden egg of the scene. Unique approach, unique sounds.
Christian Loffler, Sebastian Mullaert, David August, Prince of Denmark, Leafar Legov, Dwig. Etapp Kyle, Keith Carnal, Rodhad, Stimming, Andreas Tilliander and many fuckin more. Check out the Steyoyoke label too.

And my fav track?

This is wild... there are 2 separate radio type speaking sounds, coming from two very specific spots. I wondered if it was some background ads somewhere on my computer but one is coming from outside, so... it's just so crazy, I am hearing them as clear as day. As if the wall is picking up and transmitting some radio station. Also my writing buddy is still working hard next to me. I was seriously considering trying to vape some 3-MMC, or just do some, but I took etizolam instead. Gonna go lay down in bed and listen and think and then suddenly get tired and fall asleep.

Dafuq dude, you need to lay off stims and get some sleep xD
Yes indeed. Which is what I did. I actually feel pretty good today. It was an interesting experience for sure.
I also used to produce but gave up because I lost my equipment in a fire few yrs ago, as funny as it sounds for me it wasn't, so.. I gave up but recently I met up with an old friend of mine and I was foolin around with a 303 in Ableton, maybe who knows I will start again, I mean it would be a shame since again I see the techno genre different and would be a waste of talent for what?.. You know, if you want, you can check out my set ( https://www.mixcloud.com/berlindreams/night-cigars-coffee-shadows/ ). Now this friend of mine works at Dial records, dunno if you know that label but you should, they do really good moody techno, all of them. My favorite artists? Hmm..

Recondite is my favorite, he's the golden egg of the scene. Unique approach, unique sounds.
Christian Loffler, Sebastian Mullaert, David August, Prince of Denmark, Leafar Legov, Dwig. Etapp Kyle, Keith Carnal, Rodhad, Stimming, Andreas Tilliander and many fuckin more. Check out the Steyoyoke label too.

And my fav track?

Not bad! I generally prefer abstract tracks, but I would drop a track with a melody of this quality.

Is your list generally moody/melodic artists? Only heard of recondite, prince of denmark and rodhat, and to my knowledge that's more like the pounding variety of techno..
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