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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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^ I definitely wouldn't recommend combining benzo/thienodiazepines and psychedelics. They counteract each other, in my experience, and I'm pretty sure benzos modulate GABA-A receptors on the very neurons on which 5-HT2A is situated.
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There's nothing quite like a benzo at the tail end of a trip though. Such relaxation.
^ I definitely wouldn't recommend combining benzo/thienodiazepines and psychedelics. They counteract each other, in my experience, and I'm pretty sure benzos modulate GABA-A receptors on the very neurons on which 5-HT2A is situated.

Welp see ya later etiz. Psychedelics rule supreme of drugs. UNLESS my legs get chopped off and salt thrown on the wounds then opiods would be the best drugs ever haha
dogs i just blew it the fuck down
smoked 2 whole bowls although i didnt pack up huge oones and then i finished most of a third.
in my room give no fucks. my mom ame in and was like whats that smell and was like idk ma i got the window open
give no fucks
think i'm bout to be taking my last hit for a while tho
dogs i just blew it the fuck down
smoked 2 whole bowls although i didnt pack up huge oones and then i finished most of a third.
in my room give no fucks. my mom ame in and was like whats that smell and was like idk ma i got the window open
give no fucks
think i'm bout to be taking my last hit for a while tho

Dat sticky icky icky?
nah that was speed.
i blew it the fuck down earlier (and i havent smoked since i was 21. got wrecked but for real a smoked up all i had left and b no legs like 2 hours later and i'm barely feeling awake.
i actually caught an hour of sleep tonight from like 1-2am. i did actually do a small amount more speed that was still around the edges of the bag and shit and i cant find a cooker i had stashed that i had left a few units to dry on.
i should get a little bowl outta the resin tho but i havent checked if the water used to turn resin into a legit small bowl has evaporated off yet but thatll be a few hits at least.
fuck smoking i'd rather blow it for real but idk maybe its just this particular joint. iv and blowign it ist strong and lasts as it should
Ahh... good weekend. :) I haven't had any stimulants in almost 2 weeks, and I've only been drinking about half as often. I went 5 days without phenibut and only had rebound anxiety the 3rd and part of the 4th day which is better than I expected, so I'm taking this opportunity to reduce phenibut usage to once a week or special occasions. I went to 2 shows, Friday and Saturday, and had a ton of fun, Friday I saw Todd Snider with my girlfriend and friends, my second time seeing him (solo, not with Hardworking Americans) and let me tell you, he puts on a wonderful show. He reminds me of Arlo Guthrie a lot. Saturday I saw Toubab Crewe (kinda local/regional, world music/jam band, they're really cool), followed by Keller Williams (Grateful Grass). Took some AMT and AL-LAD for that and had a fantastic time, great combo, really great. My girlfriend was quite upbeat and fun this weekend, even though her stomach started bothering her (she has chronic stomach issues, but usually she keeps them udner control but for some reason it started coming back out of nowhere). This would normally get her really upset, but she wasn't. She also was really into sex this weekend which is great since she's been depressed and not very into sex for a good while now. :) She got some free tickets to the Biltmore from a coworker, and we went yesterday to look at the gardens.

She's really into orchids, like it's her main hobby (I think it's helped her to get inspired/passionate about something again), and some of them are at my house, along with a variety of other plants of hers. I've been buying ferns and other plants, and my office is full of plants everywhere, and now in my kitchen there are also a lot of plants, there are some ferns interspersed with orchids on top of the fridge and behind them there are plants in the high windows, and on the other side there's my biggest fern and some smaller succulents. I love having plants around, it's so much nicer to be inside. :) This week/weekend I'm going to start working on my garden again, I thinned out the saplings from about halfway down the yard (my yard is a sloping mountainside), to no trees up next to the stream next to the road. The last two years I've been digging out pathways and terraces up the slope, and planting increasingly shade plants as it goes up into the forest. I'm trying to do mostly native plants that are perennial. This year I have to find a bunch of stone and actually build retaining walls and stone pathways.

Basically, it feels good to be alive right now. :) This winter was really hard, but Spring is finally here and it feels so much brighter. :)
Wow, so I declared bankruptcy after I got off opiates to clear $40k in unsecured debt, my credit score went down to like 500-ish. That was 4 years or so ago. Since then I've gotten 2 credit cards and use them both and immediately pay them off. I also put about $1500 on them a few months ago and had a balance for a bit, but then paid it all off in a lump when I got my tax return. I just checked my credit score and it's 719, which is only about 10 points behind my all-time high. Crazy! The bankruptcy still shows up on my report too.
Wow that's crazy, well done on building your credit back up, amazing that you can do it so quickly. I've always wondered how much of a stain it is on your credit rating to have a bankruptcy on there.

Since then I've gotten 2 credit cards and use them both and immediately pay them off.

Was getting a credit card difficult after a bankruptcy? What steps did you have to go through before they issued you a card again? Some 5-6 years ago I let my credit card debt get out of hand. When I finally paid it off I was so determined to never let that happen again that I cancelled all my cards. A bit reactionary as a move and probably a mistake as I had a $35,000 credit line on one of the cards. Anyways, I tried applying for a card recently and I was rejected. Never checked my credit score but heard it goes down a lot if you don't have a credit card and no debt. Rarely need a credit card, but it'd be nice to have at this point again to build up some credit and to do stuff like rent a car or buy airplane tickets and get miles.
I used to have like 5 credit cards. Once I declared bankruptcy I started getting offers for shitty, secured credit cards from shitty companies. After about a year I got an offer from one where, when I looked them up, there were good ratings, so I got that one. Then after a little while I got another good pre-approved offer and did it. I make good income so that's probably why. They were hoping I'd end up paying them shit tons of interest again, but nope. :)
i'm so glad it's finally nice enough to go outside. took a 4 mile (7km) walk both yesterday and today. surprised i was able to jump right into doing 4 miles... i've barely had any physical activity since before chemotherapy last august.

while i'm posting, i think i forgot to tell you guys -- at my last doctor's appointment, my serum tumor markers (blood test to see if my cancer is coming back) were back up, after being normal for awhile after my surgery. they're not in the super high range, but they're in the range where we're concerned. i'm getting another PET scan done next Tuesday, which will give us a more definitive answer.

i'm honestly pretty fucking scared. i've been getting my pains again. :( idk what i'll do if i need more chemotherapy.
^Ah my brother <3 You deserve a break from all this. :(

Lets hope for a good outcome :)
God damn tnw... you deserve a medal for all of this. Sorry man... <3

I found out my favorite music festival of the year is this weekend, like 2 days ago, it moved earlier in the month since previous years. I managed to get the time off AND a VIP guest spot with my friend's band. So tomorrow through Monday I am off work, and gonn be at one of the most things of the year. :) So pumped!
I used to have like 5 credit cards. Once I declared bankruptcy I started getting offers for shitty, secured credit cards from shitty companies. After about a year I got an offer from one where, when I looked them up, there were good ratings, so I got that one. Then after a little while I got another good pre-approved offer and did it. I make good income so that's probably why. They were hoping I'd end up paying them shit tons of interest again, but nope. :)

Thanks for the info. Funny cause today I got an offer in my email for a credit card from my bank. I stopped getting those a long time ago. Not sure if preselected is just some random word they use to get you to apply (only to reject you when they pull up the credit score) but fuck it, I'm applying.

I had zero credit last year, opened a secured card and eventually got a gas card. Recently got another card from Capitol One, this time unsecured. My score is up in the lower 700s now even though I've never taken out a loan. It rises pretty quick as long as you're using your credit, but not leaving it unpaid. I always pay off my cards the day I get the bill.

Sorry to hear that tnw, I hope your trials will end soon... You're in my thoughts <3
i got a capital one joint. its already maxed out
dogs next week im hittin DC again right
and the week after that for hype but anyway
im gonna eat 3 tabs as usual right
what do you guys know about geltabs
i've never taken geltabs
i'm kinda hoping that itll be like when i saw sigma last time where like there was a good 3 hours that i couldnt really see in the club at all other than swirls and shit
its gonna be so live cause the dark shit is what sounds good on L. i was gonna tweak down there but i dont think its happening due to money constraints.
and that should be whats on most of the night as its calyx and teebee
i may or may not be smokin reefer as well
i have to reschedule my probation appointment if possible cause its in 2 weeks right and i'd prefer not to have to possibly be positive for reefer until after hype
it shouldnt be an issue. i wouldnt go to jail for failing for reefer anyway if i had to but again its like i dont wanna risk it you know
i'm gonna be like oh im goin to the burgh that week from wednesday till sat can i come in on monday
then ill blow it the fuck down while im in DC and maybe up here.
Hi I have questions about the fungals. I want to know how to tell which ones to pick. I heard cow excrement is a good starting place, but there are a lot of cows here and not many fungals.
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