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PD iz Dead Long Live PDEADD

And nobody else - more to share then =D

Thou: A grower at best. Certainly not a shower. I do however have a fairly large harem to my name - invites always open :D

i was wondering how this thread got so much bigger with a wink of the eye.

Was worth a try... don't think anyone's refreshed recently. Or has better things to do. I'm thinking more of the first option than the second 8)
awww, sparkler envy! we just watched some fireworks out the back door.

happy new year! :D
Is it healthy that I've grown a hardened obsession with turning my eyes into blue Fremen Dune eyes?


You think it would affect my employability chances?
*wipes his mighty swirlstick down and stows the beast*

For now, at least.

And I do so like a gal with an eyeball tattoo <3
Eyeball tats? WOW i've been hiding under a rock for a few years thats crazy!
Happy New Year Shambles, I'm not that miserable- as you said there ARE drugs :) even if you sometimes end up with shite ones.
And you can take your free brown mst continus and shove them up your arse! LOL LOL
How would ANY pain patient "not like them"? Do they prefer shitty tramadol or un-recreational voltarol?
But my love is too big to be confined to but one social forum alone!

I am no degenerate. :)
AntiLounge Tunes <3

Knew I should have gone for broke and swiped the Lounge thread too - would have amused me if nobody else =D

Riker: No sourcing :!;)

That's a full five. I only lost (and 4 of you the fax of drugness) my bet by an hour then :)