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Dissociatives PCPy overdose?


Mar 11, 2023
A few months ago I ended up coming to consciousness in a hospital bed with no knowledge of how i got there. I was told I had a seizure and fell in the bathroom. Maybe 10 minutes before, I remember taking an unmeasured dose of PCPy up the nose, and I was also drunk. At the hospital they drug tested me and said nothing was in my system except alcohol.
But enough backstory, what I am curious about is the possibility of an overdose, or some toxic PyCC was in the product. I've read that PCC isn't psychoactive so I assume the same for this stuff. All the literature I've found on PCC mentions that the formation of cyanide is what makes it toxic.
The batch that gave me a seizure was thrown away because I had thought the cause of the seizure was that it was mostly PyCC, but now I know that's not the case. There was very little I could find about PCP/PCPy overdoses and what I did find wasn't helpful.
This new batch is giving me a concern too. A small bump would give the right feeling of some pure product, but 24 hours later I would still be groggy and start getting very cold and clammy feet, a symptom of chronic cyanide poisoning. I have yet to do the cyanide test on it, but I will be before taking it again.
Does anyone have any similar experience or insight into what mightve happened to me? I'm thinking that there is a mix of relatively high PyCC in this new batch, but I also think I need to stop redosing after the first bump, which may cause some symptoms of an overdose.
A few months ago I ended up coming to consciousness in a hospital bed with no knowledge of how i got there. I was told I had a seizure and fell in the bathroom. Maybe 10 minutes before, I remember taking an unmeasured dose of PCPy up the nose, and I was also drunk. At the hospital they drug tested me and said nothing was in my system except alcohol.
But enough backstory, what I am curious about is the possibility of an overdose, or some toxic PyCC was in the product. I've read that PCC isn't psychoactive so I assume the same for this stuff. All the literature I've found on PCC mentions that the formation of cyanide is what makes it toxic.
The batch that gave me a seizure was thrown away because I had thought the cause of the seizure was that it was mostly PyCC, but now I know that's not the case. There was very little I could find about PCP/PCPy overdoses and what I did find wasn't helpful.
This new batch is giving me a concern too. A small bump would give the right feeling of some pure product, but 24 hours later I would still be groggy and start getting very cold and clammy feet, a symptom of chronic cyanide poisoning. I have yet to do the cyanide test on it, but I will be before taking it again.
Does anyone have any similar experience or insight into what mightve happened to me? I'm thinking that there is a mix of relatively high PyCC in this new batch, but I also think I need to stop redosing after the first bump, which may cause some symptoms of an overdose.
I was high on 3-meo-pcp one night and got the wonderful idea to try and hole. So I licked my finger, dipped it into the bag, and then stuck my finger back into my mouth. Well over 100mg possibly.

I came to two hours later in the hospital. I was seizing repeatedly throughout that time and at the hospital they were worried that I wouldn't stop because I didn't respond to the anti seizure meds they injected me with.

It seems like seizures are a likely outcome with certain PCP analogs in overdose situations.
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Well that's good to know. I had taken a larger than normal dose because I had been drinking and said fuck it, but I didn't think it was large enough for an overdose. The other thing that is bothering me is the drug test. Unless PCPy doesn't show on urine screens, which I highly doubt, I wonder why they said it was negative. Maybe the hospital just had some shitty tests
Well that's good to know. I had taken a larger than normal dose because I had been drinking and said fuck it, but I didn't think it was large enough for an overdose. The other thing that is bothering me is the drug test. Unless PCPy doesn't show on urine screens, which I highly doubt, I wonder why they said it was negative. Maybe the hospital just had some shitty tests
It's possible that they didn't have any reference standard for PCPy and it didn't show up on their GCMS test?

PCPy likely would show up as PCP on a stick pee test but not GCMS.
Wow glad you're ok!

I'm not familiar w PCPy unfortunately, but I am very interested in cyanomethyl synthetic byproducts. My understanding is that generally speaking the amount of free cyanide generated from recreational drugs is negligible but I spose there are synths gone wrong :(

I dont know much, do cyanide tests test free cyanide or can they also detect cyanomethyl products (PyCC)
@simstim I'm not sure they even did a gcms, don't those take more than a night to complete? The time from blackout to consciousness was around 6 hours. I'll have to try a Walmart pee test and see what it gives.

@Didgital I think the test is just for free cyanide, but that can be released in acidic conditions according to a paper done by shulgin when they were trying to determine PCC contamination in street samples. Small doses are still very fun, but Id like to avoid chronic cyanide poisoning if possible
Wow, you managed to get your hands on some PCPy? I'm unclear, did you take it on purpose, knowingly? Or was it tested and you found out later that it was PCPy? I ask because I have never once heard a report of anyone taking it. Not the base PCPy, anyway... 3-me-PCPy made the rounds.
It was synthesized by someone I know. But when I asked about it he explained it was made sloppily and the batch I have now was done correctly. He doesn't know a way to remove toxic byproducts easily so it was recommended to use with caution. Which I usually do, but the addition of alcohol made me make a stupid decision to take a large dose. PCPy is my favorite drug, a trip report is available on another forum related to chemistry if you're interested.
It was synthesized by someone I know. But when I asked about it he explained it was made sloppily and the batch I have now was done correctly. He doesn't know a way to remove toxic byproducts easily so it was recommended to use with caution. Which I usually do, but the addition of alcohol made me make a stupid decision to take a large dose. PCPy is my favorite drug, a trip report is available on another forum related to chemistry if you're interested.

You should repost it somewhere on BL too, for greater exposure to the information.

I'll have to get a proper write up together, the trip report isn't a report as much as it is a blob of what I felt. Thanks for the drugsdata thing! Didn't know about that.

Another thing I wonder, even if the stuff was pure cyanide, a 10mg dose of it shouldn't give these symptoms, if it gives any symptoms at all.
Are you sure that it was a seizure? All dissociatives have a dosage threshold which when crossed will throw you catatonic/aka dissociative anesthesia, what ketamine and before that PCP were/are used for. If they didn't find the dissociative and your symptoms didn't fit alcohol intoxication maybe they falsely assumed a seizure. Once I had a girl sniffing a fat line of MXE behind my back and she fell into a non-wakeable sleep which worried me quite a bit but it was just like sleep, no seizure stuff, thankfully are dissos hard to dangerously/deadly overdose them, she breathed normally.

That said, I don't know whether some dissociatives can lead to real seizure, I think there is possibility specially if the disso in question has stimulatory effects.
My wife said I was on the ground spazzing out, not just catatonic. Although after the spazzing stopped I was catatonic. This has happened before with another large dose and what I refer to as my "gollum state". Another large enough dose for a small blackout but no medical emergency.
I had a similar incident shortly after the first major breakup in my life, Must have overdosed on 3-MeO-PCP on a train where I was arrested by the police and I just remember getting on the train and then waking up in a psych ward. Thankfully they didn't restrain me but I never got to know what happened really. The railways company accused me of forcing the train to stop (this was eventually dropped) and damaging the train's toilet (which is barely possible because everything is made out of steel to avoid vandalism, no way I could have damaged that with my bare hands). Dissociatives usually exert a calming, anxiolytic effect on me, so I think there must have been something else going on than me falling asleep in public. Then they had admitted me to a normal hospital, not the psych ward. That indicent costed me like 5000$ in fine and taxes. They seized the remaining amount of substance and misidentified it as cocaine but I'm sure it wasn't cocaine - couldn't have it analyzed.
Oof that sounds rough. Also a reason why I would never take dissos in public. I can't even imagine what would happen if I took a stimulating compound like pcp and blacked out. Luckily pcpy is a couch locker so I never leave the house
Oof that sounds rough. Also a reason why I would never take dissos in public. I can't even imagine what would happen if I took a stimulating compound like pcp and blacked out. Luckily pcpy is a couch locker so I never leave the house
Yeah, was a rough ride. Specially that they convicted me of damaging something you can't possibly damage and never provided any evidence (they probably didn't have to). Guess yours too...

But dissociatives in public - it depends on the dosage and the substance. I did 3-MeO-PCP in public before, but primarily lesser potent and strong dissociatives like methoxetamine and deschloroketamine. When limiting to low dosages, like 5mg of MXE, it was a nice social lubrificant and anxiolytic with a slightly trippy edge. But of course, there are these stories about what people do on PCP and first I thought of PCP being specially toxic, yet probably just a very stimulating disso where people overshoot the dosage. I did do some bad shit on dissociatives though, specially when eyeballing.
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Well from what I'm reading it sounds like I just took too much and am being paranoid about the toxic byproducts. I'll update this once I get the time to run a couple of tests for nitriles and see what I get
I had quite severe seizure not responding to benzodiazepines or valproate / fosphenytoin / phenytoin leading to paramedics having to intubate me and sedate me with either propofol or pentobarbital. I don't know the exact details but there is a protocol for this. I woke up ~3 days later. This was in 2013 and luckily paramedics were in the building as I started to have a seizure. What led to this was me, already being under the influence of the 3-MeO-PCP, having taken all I had left (200 mg?) orally in the WC of the acute psychiatric ward in fear of losing it or some stupid idea like that... I am really lucky and thankful I made it out with quite little damage, being in my early 20s and abusing these dissociative drugs. :bowdown:
Well from what I'm reading it sounds like I just took too much and am being paranoid about the toxic byproducts. I'll update this once I get the time to run a couple of tests for nitriles and see what I get
I'm interested to see the results. What tests can be made on ACHs to determine the presence of these toxic compounds (nitriles)? I remember having a batch of 4-MeO-PCP that made me feel like I lost my breathe, taking only small amounts of it, and numbing my entire body in a not so enjoyable or typical disso-like way...
Freebasing and then doing the prussian blue test should give some results, this is used to prove you have potassium/sodium cyanide so I don't know if it'll work on a larger molecule like PyCC

To 1 mL of a 1 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in propylene glycol add 15 mg of the unknown dissolved in the minimum amount of propylene glycol. Then add 0.5 mL of 1 M potassium hydroxide in propylene glycol, and boilthe mixture for 2 min. Cool the mixture, and add 0.1 to 0.25 mL of 10% iron(lll)
chloride solution. A red-blue color is a positive test for almost all nitrile and amide groups, although benzanilide fails to give a positive test

This is a test for amides as well as nitriles