PCP laced weed in Ark,La,East Tex


Dec 21, 2005
I had a call last night from a friend who had just got out of the mental hospital and was diagnosed with schizophrenia after smoking some herb that freaked her out.Drug test results showed MJ and PCP in her system,she had never done PCP or seen it,either have i for that matter.

She described the weed as mainly seeds and what looked like parsely or oregano with dirt in it,she said what the hell and smoked it anyway with a friend,feeling no effects she continued smoking it until she started to believe the TV was speaking to her and one of her friends was God and then her stepdad was God and many other odd things.911 was called as she started freaking out and to the mental hospital she was sent.Her father is schizophrenic and i told her that PCP will bring out underlying mental disorders in people with a family history and she is scared to death she is going to be stuck like her father,it is really sad.

This weed is going around the Texas,Arkanasas,Louisiana area,this is the first i have ever heard of PCP in this area.

I am sure alot of people would be happy to receive this but to those who wouldn't,such as myself watch out for it,it can be very dangerous if you don't know your smoking it and think it's herb alone.The other girl was fine,but didn't enjoy the experience,mostly due to her friend bugging completely out.

This post is a safety concern.

She picked all the seeds out and smoked the oregano looking material that looked to be covered with dirt.
If someone has even limited experience with weed, I think they'd be able to tell parsley/oregano from cannabis, even if they've only been exposed to nasty schwag.

I mean, she even describes it as looking like oregano/parsley (common things to put PCP on), not shakey sweed, with cannabis seeds thrown in... covered with.. dirt. Now if that doesn't look sketchy as fuck I don't know what does.

...and then they smoke it anyway.
I wouldn't smoke it if it was being sold as pot. However, if someone said it's dirt covered parsley with PCP on it, that's another story, lol.
Either way this shit happened,girl isn't just too inteligent to begin with.The dirt was the dust,it wasn't dirt,it doesn't matter what you would have done,all i am saying is that this shit is going around in this area and to be careful.

Fuck all the bullshit comments,i am an old school mutha and know my shit and wouldn't have smoked it either,but this happened and i am just detailing it,this girl is now fucked in the head,NO JOKE!!!

This warning is useless. Nobody can accidentally smoke PCP. You can taste PCP, it overpowers the taste of tobacco or marijuana smoke. It tastes strongly like burning plastic or something else just as nasty, and is kind of numbing. You'd notice it had PCP in it before you finished taking your first hit.
No warning is useless. The purpose of this board is to provide information to be used hand in hand with harm reduction. Some people may stick anything in their pipe and smoke it, regardless of what it looks like or what it tastes like just because someone tells them it's fine and it'll get em high - I applaud him for giving people a heads-up.
Some people just arnt that bright when it comes to paying attention to what they are smoking.

I recall being at a guys place with a friend, and the other people were all tweakers. A glass pipe keeps getting passed around, and my friend keeps taking hits off of it. After his 4th or so hit I say "Hey, may want to take it easy with that", my friend asks why, I say "Because it's meth..."

He 100% honestly thought he was smoking weed. Mind you, we were pretty wrecked prior to getting there on a rather large cocktail of other drugs, but still - even the obvious can escape people at times.

It doesnt matter if common sense should of dictated what they were smoking was not right, the matter at hand is - it's going around, and some people just dont know any better to not smoke it.
if you ask me 90% of drug harm is caused by stupidity/ignorance. and the only way to fix that is education.

you dont see 2nd grade teachers slandering little kids because they dont know what 4 x 2 is...

thanks for the warning
Uh huh. So you heard about one girl getting this shit, and you are convinced that it is "going around" in Texas, Arkanasas, Louisiana. Ok. 8)
I have 2nd hand info (FOAF was smoking it) that this is in very limited circulation in NW Arkansas. Haven't seen it myself, so I cannot say for certain.
those dirty motherfuckers.

telling people that they're smoking/taking PCP is one thing but to give it to someone without mentioning a word is fucked up.

I think the first time I smoked weed the shit was laced. I still to this day have never been as high off of weed as I was that nite and that was 14 years ago.
PCP smells quite strongly, even if its old and degraded. So it be next to impossible to not recognize it.
PureLife said:
PCP smells quite strongly, even if its old and degraded. So it be next to impossible to not recognize it.

if one did not know what pcp smelled like they would not recognize it. Maybe they thought it was shwag with windex on it but they were fiending so smoked it anyway
cubehead said:
I think the first time I smoked weed the shit was laced. I still to this day have never been as high off of weed as I was that nite and that was 14 years ago.

do you know how many people say this? or how many newer smokers that smoke kind bud for the first time say that?
The people I heard of that had it, purchased it as PCP-weed. It is EXTREMELY uncommon in my part (my whole state for that matter).