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Paying for a new girlfriend to travel with you?


Feb 26, 2006
So I love to travel and the girl I've been with a while has never had the chance to like most people who have trouble or motivation to save.

How many of you would offer to pay fr most of a month long trip together. I'm talking spending 5-6000$$ for both of us. Also I've only been with her a month but won't propose the idea to her for another month or two.

I know she probably isn't the one, I'm 25 but she is amazing and I think she would appreciate it and not take it for granted. Also would girls find it offensive to offer to pay, like they think I think they are broke. Or think I'm a sucker who they can take advantage of?

I just want to travel either way I'm going, I'd rather not leave her so I think it's worth the money. Also learn a lot about each other a make or break type thing
What type of travel? Road tripping in the us? Flying to europe or sa and bouncing around in busses and hostels? Sounds like you have a good budget but if you know she has some money make her kick in a bit more. Travel can be a strssor so if you are a new couple at least you will learn a bit about eachother. I say go for it but nice to have a plan b in case things dont work out so well.
My ex took me to Europe(we live in the States) during the first month of our relationship. Granted we also moved in together after one week, but... He had the cash and he loved my company so it wasn't a big deal. I'd say that if she's a nice girl and you want her around then that's enough reason to foot the bill. I've done the same in the reverse -- paying for guys who didn't have any cash. I'm more laid back about money though, so maybe my opinion will be in the minority.
I surf so I would ask her to pick a country with a nice surfing coast because she also wants to learn. Probably just a month exploring Bali, brazil, morocco, Australia... Something like that, staying in cheap hotels or camping
A surf trip for you...:) bali doesnt have too many beginner spots, brazil mostly crap windswell thats why they travel so much but sometimes fun prolly good beginner spots to teach the girl, morrocco?..yeah sweet lots of waves during the season but too many frenchies sorry frenchies nothing personal:) oz, sure epic surf all over, is that budget just for one or all? You couldpull off oz>bali that would be easy. Have fun!
You'll need a fair bit more than $6k to get two people to Aus once you factor flights, accommodation, travel and food. Seriously man our busses are like $4 each way for a 10km journey. Everything here is a LOT more expensive than most other places. Most meals if takeaway are minimum $10/person. If you want to stay in Motels, factor in at least $90/night, but camping/hostel would be a lot cheaper and probably more fun. Depends if she's high maintenance because camping here can get pretty dirty and uncomfortable in summer, and don't come here until November if you want to surf.

Personally I dumpster dive and travel around sleeping in a van when I travel Australia, then it can be done for fairly cheap but get used to putting $40/day into the fuel tank if you're going to different places, as we're a big country and everything is a lot further apart than you're probably used to.
I figure id get her to have spending money I can cover rooms and flights. I have travelled Australia before yes it is expensive
If she is broke though no fault of her own and I could afford it I would pay - If however she is broke as she simply wastes her money etc then I would not pay (or offer half as an incentive to get her to save in the few months you have).

One thing though, are you living together? Are you with each other 24hours a day ? Sometimes it could be a bit too much ?
^ Yeah, I agree. You guys might fight??.. then it could get horrible real fast. 1 month is a fuckin' long time.

On the other hand, I've heard fantastic 1-2 week stories of strangers vacationing (in hawaii though..)