Oxycodone withdrawal


Jul 22, 2018
Hello. Alittle background info on me. I am 33 years old, 6'2 215. I started using vicodin at age 27 until 30 at doses of up to 70 mg a day. At age 31 I started using oxycodone. First time with oxy i went on a 2 month run at 60 mg a day and quit cold turkey. I remained off for about 4 months and then regained use at doses of 120 mg a day for about 6 months-9months. I quit that cold turkey as well. The first time I quit oxy, i felt physical withdrawal symptoms for about 7 days. The second time I quit oxy, i felt physical symptoms for about a week as well, however anxiety and insomnia lasted about 3 weeks. This time I used only 30 mg a day for about 4 months. However, I feel like this is the worst I have ever felt physically. I am on day 10 and I still have: Chills, Tearing eyes, abdominal cramps, anxiety, night sweats, no appetite, body aches and pain. I would say the worst symptoms to be chills, tearing eyes, abdominal cramps, and insomnia. Is this normal to still have eyes tearing at day 10 as well as body aches, extreme chills, and extreme stomach cramping/pain?

Its just weird because it feels like the physical symptoms are lasting the longest on this cold turkey quit, even though my dosage was the lowest I ever taken. Any thoughts? Please help. Should i go to a doctor or is this normal ? Thank you. I was taking the blue M30s.
Sounds like it's still withdrawals but maybe see a doctor to see if you can get some relief and/or try kratom? I thought you should be out of the worst of the withdrawals by then, but I'm not the most knowledgeable on opiates.
I agree, sounds like opioid withdrawal. Not sure if a doctor will be able to do much for you at 10 days out that you can't do for yourself. Make sure you get hydrated and enough sodium/electrolytes. Pedialyte can really help with that if you have no appetite. I'm sure the last thing you feel like doing is any sort of exercise, but the more you are able to do, the faster you will likely recover. Anything that will help facilitate the body's natural detox process. 10 days is a long time to still be in acute withdrawal from oxy, not going to speculate as to why, but many people say the withdrawal gets worse with each relapse.

I wouldn't recommend kratom, personally, as it's a mild opioid agonist and will cause dependence/withdrawal if abused- unless you plan on using it for managing cravings and go into understanding that it can be problematic for opioid addicts. It takes a relatively large dose to really get the opioid buzz, and usually that high of a dose made me feel sick, so I guess it's kind of safe in that sense.

If symptoms don't start improving in the next few days, I think it might not be a bad idea to go see a doctor. It's really not a bad idea to go see a doctor right now, but IME they will take some test, likely see opioids still in your system and not do anything for you. At least that was my experience, but I also wasn't honest with them. They probably would have done something had the tests showed signs of another illness, but in my case I guess it was just withdrawals that were lingering and not wanting to go away.
Thanks for the responses. Mafioso, My chills and tearing eyes are improving as is sleep quality. Only thing left is agitation and anxiety idd say. Slight insomnia. As well as slight abdominal cramps. I am on day 12 now
Yeah the agitation and anxiety will probably persist for a few more weeks while slowly getting better each day/week. I've had mild cramps for up to 6 weeks or so after, guessing that the stomach is adjusting to the new level of opioids(you have opioid receptors in your stomach and intestines). I would assume this is in relation to your body adjusting to the lack of opioids, and in response is returning to normal. Chronic use can affect hormones like testosterone.

That's a good sign that things are getting better in the last 2 days, from the sound of it you should be past the acute withdrawal in another week or so at most, probably less than that.
I am approaching the two week mark and still physically symptomatic. Is there a chance the dealer would lace them with methadone instead of pure oxycodone to make me more hooked? I read online oxycodone withdrawal physically only should last about a week. Methadone physically lasts about 3-6 weeks?
I suppose anything is possible, but doesn't seem likely afaik, unless they already had a supply to methadone pills- which I guess is entirely possible. It's really impossible to say when it comes to street drugs- even a lot of pills that look like legit pharms are really knock off presses. It could also potentially be some RC opioid analog.

BUt yeah, based on the half-life of oxycodone, the physical/ acute withdrawal should only be about a week or so, 2 weeks max I would think and that would be reserved for higher doses. At 30mg/day I would think a week max, closer to 3-4 days before it started lifting. It's also possible that what you thought was 30mg of oxy was a lot more mg of something else... it just depends on how reliable your source is, and street drugs are pretty unreliable in general in terms of safety.
I suppose anything is possible, but doesn't seem likely afaik, unless they already had a supply to methadone pills- which I guess is entirely possible. It's really impossible to say when it comes to street drugs- even a lot of pills that look like legit pharms are really knock off presses. It could also potentially be some RC opioid analog.

BUt yeah, based on the half-life of oxycodone, the physical/ acute withdrawal should only be about a week or so, 2 weeks max I would think and that would be reserved for higher doses. At 30mg/day I would think a week max, closer to 3-4 days before it started lifting. It's also possible that what you thought was 30mg of oxy was a lot more mg of something else... it just depends on how reliable your source is, and street drugs are pretty unreliable in general in terms of safety.

Thanks Mafioso. I am on day 14 now and feeling a lot better! Just slight chills and anxiety. Each night sleep is easier and easier. Slept 7.5 hours last night! Appreciate the help. Feels like ill be out of the woods soon physically.
That's great to hear! Getting a full night of sleep is a great sign, things should be getting better a lot quicker more than likely. I hope so at least. Try to catch some sunlight if you can/aren't already. Just meditating with the sun on your face can be very refreshing.
That's great to hear! Getting a full night of sleep is a great sign, things should be getting better a lot quicker more than likely. I hope so at least. Try to catch some sunlight if you can/aren't already. Just meditating with the sun on your face can be very refreshing.

I am feeling better physically. However, last night my sleep quality went backwards. Also my anxiety has reached new levels off the scale. Its day 15 now. Is it normal for anxiety to get worse on the third week?
Anxiety and depression are commonly reported symptoms of post-acute withdrawal. There could be a number of things contributing to your anxiety, and the fact you are in PAW will just make you even more sensitive to all the "triggers". Some of these "triggers" could simple be your own thoughts- like thinking about a stressful job you have to go to, or thinking about dealing with a difficult person in your family could be enough to trigger anxiety that is hard to calm down. Things like isolation can increase irritability as well.

So to answer your question, generally, yes. Not always in the 3rd week per say, but definitely in early recovery from opioids. Some of it is just the fact you are going to be less sedated, and therefore more sensitive.
There is an effect known as "kindling" with many addictive drugs (opiates and GABAergics anyway), where every time you get re-addicted, the withdrawal become longer and worse. That's what's going on now. And also, PAWS begins to rear its head more. It will take some time for your body and mind to readjust, but just hang in there, you're past the worst of it.
^^^^^absolutely this

I've done so many detoxes and got re-addicted so many times I swear I can't use a strong opiate IV for even 24 hours without feeling very mild withdrawal after. More like a hangover/comedown for a day but I never used to get that.

My experience has been that at this stage of a detox calories are really important and the more I can get inside me the faster I get better. If you're fairly skinny/malnourished like many addicts then I would suggest this is definitely something to try, just force yourself to eat as much as possible. Don't worry about what form they come in just get calories moving through your system, your body needs fuel to recover.
There was a startling study that showed that cocaine users who were abstinent for a long period of time did regain close to baseline tolerance - but as soon as they took their "first" dose of cocaine... the tolerance leaps right back to where it was before.

From what I understand it's similar with opioids. Maybe youi can see it as giving you a little extra incentive to stay clean, after all, if you knew you'd be right back into a miserable pit, would you really smoke that rock or shoot that syringe?
PAWS. How long does this intense anxiety and depression last? Also I am on day 19 and still getting chills. One minute ill be fine, next minute its freezing. How long until temperature regulation goes back to normal? I sleep pretty well now. Thanks.