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Oxycodone - what's to be expected?

^^^^ not sure that they are that subjective as most people have very similar experiences on opiates. Opioids tho' do seem to effect people differently even if its slight - i think its mostly to do with the dose - not sure even an opiate/oid naive person would feel much from 5-10mg of oxy

I meant the dose not the experience.

5mgs was great for me at the start..

I haven't Curious no, more of an American ting.... its basically Zapain isn't it? Without looking I'd imagine the price difference is huge.

No hydrocodone is Vicodin. It's a painkiller in the US that contains paracetamol. Zapain is co-codamol (also known as kapake) 30/500 paracetamol.

Hydrocodone is meant to be stronger than codeine, not sure by how, not sure of its strength in comparison to DHC (dihydrocodeine) either.

HYdrocodone is pretty low down on the list of opiods that get you buzzed - but like any thing its the quantity if you take enough then youe'll feel something but most preps contain apap )paracetamol)
Oxy is what started my love affair with opiates.

I used to get a really nice warm feeling from 20mg when I was just starting out.

Had access to it in all of its forms - OxyNorm IR capsules, OxyContin tablets & OxyNorm IR liquid.

Tolerance rose very quickly and now I need upwards of 500mg to get off.

Always had access to it for free, don't think I would pay the absurd prices that it demands, especially In the states.

I still have a fairly decent habit, on top of my 40mg methadone. I have 100mg in the morning, 60/80mg in the afternoon and another 80/100mg at night time.
Having been prescribed pretty much every opiate available in the cout over the last 20 years.... Id say oxy was my favourite... I was prescribed 4 x 80mg oxycontin and 4 x 20mg oxynorm per day and I'll never forget on day when I'd run out of oxycontin and all I had was oxynorm and took my total daily dose all at once in oxynorm (20 x 20mg tabs) and the euphoria that produced was probably the most intense I'd ever experienced even though the pain relef was pretty average.

NB... That was with a silly tollarance. Please don't anyone try taking 400mg of oxynorm or you'll end up very dead unless your tollarance is at a similar fucked up level that only years of intense pain management can produce.

Glad I'm off all that shit now though TBH. It's an ok feeling but just not worth it.
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^^^i asssme you mean 4x 80mg not 800?. I have a mate who is scripted x6 oc80's a day plus oxynorm for pain - he prefers to switch to methadone everynow and again.
Haha, I knew you were bending the truth a little with all your "strictly as prescribed" talk. I definitely note a hint of romanticism when you talk about your experience with opioids.
Haha, I knew you were bending the truth a little with all your "strictly as prescribed" talk. I definitely note a hint of romanticism when you talk about your experience with opioids.

Haha, this hasn't escaped my notice either. We're slowly getting the truth out of him.. ;)
Haha, I knew you were bending the truth a little with all your "strictly as prescribed" talk. I definitely note a hint of romanticism when you talk about your experience with opioids.

I've never for one moment pretended that I took everything "strictly as prescribed " I've said many times that I've used them in different combinations and doses to what it says on the box (as i wouod imagine have 99% of other people who've been in pain management for that length of time..I've also never pretended not to like them.. What I have said repeatedly is that I dont take anything that isn't prescribed to me.....Perhaps you're easily confused.
Hi Englandgz, are you feeling any better today mate? Curious & I were only havin a laff earlier by the way (well I know i was anyway), nothing meant by it. :)
Those oxi 80s are apparently bastards to come off. I've talked to people who's lost their home, encurred lots of debts to their habit as apparently oxi 80s are incredibly expensive - even more than Heroin, but that in the States.

^^some states they are $1 a mg so an oxy 80 =$80 completly mental as they are just not worth it IMO. I get a strip every month or so for the novelty of it but i certainly dont pay silly money.
Lots of folk in the US have switched to gear as its so much cheaper plus they changed the formulae so you cant shoot them.
Oxycodone is overrated IMO. It's made out to be some mythical, ultra euphoric substance - sure, it's enjoyable if you get the dose right, but the stupid prices and minimal duration are sufficient to render it not worthwhile. Though I suppose a lot is tolerance dependent.
Just okay for an hour or 2.
It doesn't last for so long. You need to re dose it all day long..Until you find your dosage then go spend some more to maintain it..
I would rather have IV Dillies..

are those the ones with a bunch of little balls in em?? if soo i havnt seen those in like ten years...
^ Yeah. Still fairly widely prescribed in the UK (at least for the relatively few on oxy scripts they are). We also don't have those freaky reformulated OxyContins here either. Gotta <3 "socialised" healthcare, huh? ;)
those oxynorm have white powder in them not balls -they would MST
Coming from a stim background I was like "is this it wtf???"

Saying that, I said that after smoking smack.