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Opioids Oxycodone VS Heroin

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I'm UK based so we mainly get that stuff known as #3 & my main ROA is to smoke but I like a nice shot once or twice a week so my tolerance to opiates sure isn't that same as most folks.
My question is how would green (why they are green is beyond me) Oxycodone compare in terms of "hit" etc to UK street heroin?

Any info etc on this medicine would be great as through all the years I've used heroin & other decent opiates I've never come across this American medicine but I got an offer on them & I gotta weight up if the price is worth it as I know how much gear I could get for the price his asking on these pills but if they are gonna be shit for me I'd prefer to buy a half gram of gear & a packet of fags instead.

Thanks in advance
they are not alike, in my experience they feel very different. if they are the green ones they may be the 80mg ones I suppose, if a piece costs more than 4 pounds I wouldn't buy it, even 4 is a little high.

the high orally will last you a good 6 hours, the first time you could try 80 mg as you are not opiate naive with your habit, just crush it and try it out. I personally prefer heroin because after using oxy for a long time I don't even feel that much of a pleasure but most of the time I am just nodding out a lot.

The nice thing about them it's that they are pure and you know the dosage in comparation to heroin. But with your habbit i don't know if 80 is gonna be enough, if you got some extra money one day you could buy a piece and some bags of H and do the oxy first, if you don't like it you can smoke the H after, but if you do the smack first in opinion you would waste it
Thanks mate, you snort them or eat them?
Do Oxy feel more like medical grade morphine?

I only learned yesterday how close the Carpathian Mountains are to where your at btw, I'd have said that in EADD but I got the chance right now so I took it.
I find oxy more uplifting a buzz then heroin. I couldn't tell you what would be a similar dose though.
Ive had those green 80's and they have been fentanyl so be careful
Oral was the best roa for me with pills
chew them, or crush them to a powder and parachute them. you can snort them and they will kick in quicker but you will get a 2 hour experience instead of a 4-6 hour one.

in my opinion if they are in blister packs and are a brand that it's frequently encountered in europe they should be ok, I don't know why would someone press fent and sell it as oxy because someone with a small oxy habbit may die from it, I had a huge oxy and morphine tolerance before I tried out durogesic and even then I would od from time to time.

I've had medical grade morphine ( Sevredol and Vendal more precisely ) , the oxy doesnt have such a big histamine release, orally it's more potent and there are some subtle differences but you can bet that it will be a proper euphoria not something like dhc or other weaker opiates.

I am even more closer than you would think as I live in the north-west region of romania to the charpatian mountains
it depends on how much you take but they are pretty similar withdrawal wise because both have a short half-life, the symptoms are all the same pretty much. if you have a small oxy habit of 20-30 mg the withdrawal isnt going to be hell but this applies for heroin too. the wd lasts the same amount of time aprox also. there is no need to worry because it doesn't come with a long and shitty withdrawal as methadone because meth has a much longer half-life compared to that of 3-4 hours of oxy.

and lucy is right, in the beginning they really feel a little like a stimulant ( not like an amph ) but you have energy to do stuff and feel very well also a sort of enhanced emphaty ( tramadol has this effect sometimes too ) , but in my experience as time passes the energy goes away and all you get from them is the heavy nod
I'm pretty sure it's against the blue light user agreement to ID pills seeing as though they could be any number of pills. For instance green oxycodone could be the 80 MG extended release oxycodone or it could be 15 MG roxicodone. Your best bet would be to use a pill identification website that will allow you to search by imprint code and will have photos so you can match exactly what you have. Of course that doesn't rule out the pills being fake/pressed. Unless you obtained them from a pharmacy yourself, I would get it tested to make sure it is exactly what it's supposed to be. At the very least, buy some fentanyl test strips off the internet and make sure you aren't getting fentalyn laced pills. Just my suggestions in the interest of harm reduction.
I understand what BL may say & have to do because of their userpolicy BUT if I had broken any rules my post would have gone by now, trust me on this one.

I truly trust my source for these, it isn't some shady Chinese chemist cooking this shit up in his bathtub or some deepweb site, this person is like William S Burroughs & I have faith in his contacts but thanks for the concern etc.
oxycodone is not shit. it’s a good opiate. you take them orally. it’s very buzzy (as opposed to heavy) with lots of euphoria. it does not create the same level of contentment as morphine and heroin. they do not feel like morphine.

what mg are they? if you have a dope habit, it’s gonna take a lot of oxy to get high.

laughing at the “i don’t know why someone would press fent and sell it as oxy” comment.
Each to their own I say & my friends like tha kinda "speedy" high you can get off the gear where you cant sleep etc but for me the main purpose to using gear is to get your head down on your knees & enjoy a deep nod / gouge (insert whatever term you know it by here)

I'm starting to think I may skip on these, it sounds a bit like the time I got medical morphine & all I say is that stuff sure isn't UK street #3 I know that much.