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Oxycodone Safety


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Would 5mg Oxycodone HCL ever 6+ hours be a safe dose to take? I’ve been taking it fine these past few weeks with no issues. Just wondering
That's a low prescribing dose so you should be fine. Just be careful for how long because the addiction sneaks up on you
yeah why not, it depends on how many 5mg ones you take tho, if only one, you're good to go, but what's the reasoning behind this usage? is it recreational or medical? if you take only 5mg I suppose it is medical, but seeing that you mention "these past weeks", if those weeks continue on and on you will experience withdrawal, but on such a low dose it should be mild, it really depends on your metabolism/body, but if you use for 5-6 months you;ll definetly feel withdrawal even at such a low dose