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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Oxycodone - New Experience


May 20, 2010
Hello ya`ll just sharing with u guys something i like to do called the oxycontin cocktail its pretty tame compared to all ur guys other stuff on here but i though i ould share it cause it gave me the most wonderful buzz i have ever had.
First u grind up a 40 with ur grinder
Crush a whole percocet
mix it all up together
use a post it note (no sharing snorters and bills are gross=D)
make 2 lines with one line use one nostril
with another line use the other nostril
I find its best to use one nostril but some might argue that

I always use this method almost always the first time i did this i felt such a nice feeling , nodding off ect people who snort oxys and percs probably know whut i mean , went through a whole pack of smokes that evening (again im sure u know whut i mean :)) I think if u do percs or oxys in moderation and keep it to a minumum u can be alright i havnt had anyhting fer 15 days straight its pretty obvious im doing the cocktail tonight have a great day everyone hope u enjoy it if u try i know i did my first time
You shouldn't be snorting the percocet, first off. And secondly, this isn't a "cocktail" by any means. You're not combining drugs or other substances together. You're just mixing... oxycodone, with oxycodone. AMAZING!@

...But, as far as snorting the percocet goes. You should just stop now. As someone else mentioned, snort the oxycodone hcl, and pop the percocet. Sniffing all of that APAP is not good, or beneficial to your buzz. In fact, by snorting the percocet, you're blocking a lot of the oxycodone from entering your mucus membranes. Because the apap is just going to sit there, and not absorb into your membranes. Thus, it'll be blocking the oxycodone from entering your membranes as well.

Snort Oxycontin. Swallow percocet. Repeat as needed.
I call it a cocktail cause its a mixture , lol i did try popping percocet but it sucks when u pop em . i find snorting them is better . also i heard that its better to crush oxycontin then to grind it is there any truth to this
Grinding it down with what? A hoseclamp? If that's the case, then yes, grinding it down like that, is better than just crushing it.

But, good luck bro. Snorting all that APAP can't be good...
Yeah I'm not really sure what to say. Here goes:

Right, it's not a cocktail - unless you are talking about the mix of oxycodone and APAP (which should never be snorted, and is beaten to death in here).

Is it 'better' to crush oxycontin? That depends on what your definition of 'better' is. Oxycontin is most effective if swallowed and will last a long time. If you crush it, it will basically become instant release and will not last as long. So, that's that. In my opinion if you wanted IR why didn't you go for instant release oxycodone?
Sure, it's a cocktail. It's oxycodone and APAP. And fillers/binders. Mmmm. Someone cleverer than me should be able to come up with a name for it.

Tylenol shouldn't go in your nose. Ever. Just take 2 percs orally if you want to combine APAP with your oxycodone. Have you ever felt the grit in the paste of your CWE filter?