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Oxycodone HCL - development & historical/modern uses

Dextro .45

Apr 15, 2017
Oxycodone to me (and millions of others) is hands down the most Euphoric opioid analgesic on earth. I’ve had extensive experience with many other opioids due to a medical condition with long term chronic pain. Percocet / Endocet were first Oxy 5/325mg, then OxyContin 10mg added to Oxy-IR ….the pleasurable stimulating euphoric warmth & relaxation were 5x the intensity as the sedating Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) which is highly desirable & effective (too bad IV/IM/SC injection is the only way to get the TRUE effects from Dilaudid. Oral administration is weak & wasteful (70% of oral dose being destroyed by first pass metabolism / i.e. liver)

I have never tried Opana (Oxymorphone) but I’ve heard it’s SUPER CHARGED Oxycodone lol…. When I was just starting out with opioids OxyContin 20mg and a hot coffee in the winter would melt the pain away and induce feeling of exhilaration :) , a stimulating euphoria, sociable & outgoing, happy & talkative, not a care in the world, just pure pleasure / mood-lift / euphoric warmth. I started with…

Percocet / Endocet (TEC) 5/325mg
OxyContin 10mg x 2
Oxy-IR 5mg x 4-6

Dilaudid IR 2mg x 4-6
HydromorphContin XR 9mg capsules x 2

Oxymorphone (never tried)
Diacetylmorphine (Diamorphine) “Heroin” illicit unknown makeup/purity
Methadone 80mg (currently)

The drug became known as the "Miracle Drug of the 1930s" in Continental Europe and elsewhere and it was the Wehrmacht's choice for a battlefield analgesic for a time. The drug was expressly designed to provide what the patent application and package insert referred to as "very deep analgesia and profound and intense euphoria" as well as tranquillisation and anterograde amnesia useful for surgery and battlefield wounding cases. ***Oxycodone was allegedly chosen over morphine, hydromorphone, and hydrocodone for this product because oxycodone had subjective elements in its side effect profile similar to cocaine.[93]***

Oxycodone, like other opioid analgesics, tends to induce feelings of euphoria, relaxation and reduced anxiety in those who are occasional users.[98] These effects make it one of the most commonly abused pharmaceutical drugs in the United States.[99]Diverted oxycodone may be taken orally or ingested through insufflation; used intravenously. Oxycodone is the most widely recreationally used opioid in America

The NAZI used Eukadol (Oxycodone) with Pervitin (Methamphetamine) & Cocaine hcl in one of their special drug cocktails to mini sub crews

Oral Oxycodone is just Soooo amazing, don’t even have to bang it, has great oral bioavailability and just as euphoric. The only TRUE euphoria I’ve ever had in my entire life was Oxycodone & Methylphenidate (Ritalin) …I found Ritalin more pleasurable than d-amphetamine (Vyvanse)

What would I give to be completely virgin to all substances, baseline tolerance to everything

Ritalin 20mg IR
Oxycodone 10mg IR
Jin 3.oz cocktail
….in 45min/1 hour the Euphoric pleasure would be PURE BLISS

...then a Diazepam 10mg & Alprazolam 0.5mg for few hours after oral speedball wears off

Oxycodone is just a special JEM that gives every other opioid a run for it’s money, stimulating potent opioid analgesic


Dexamyl & Desbutal


I wish I could have a lifetime supply of all the above substances to use as I see fit, secured in my 500 lbs fireproof vault in my basement cold cellar. Man, I would be too happy 😊
There have been studies which compared IV diamorphine, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, hydromorphone, and meperidine/pethidine conducted uder doublle-blind to forner heroin addicts, all subjects preferred diamorphine and morphine over the others. In fact, for the most part, the subjects couldn't tell morphine sulfate from diamorphine hydrochloride (also 'morphine diacetate') but they were preferred over the other drugs. Hydromorphone, meperidine, oxycodone, and fentanyl were the next preferred opioids in that order.

I do think that oral oxycodone is better than oral morphine, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone. However, in my opinion and based on my extensive experiences with both oxycodone and hydrocodone, I must say that when doses are correctly converted (without accounting for cross-tolerance), I prefer hydrocodone. It provides more of the physical euphoria, as well as a stronger 'nodding' effect, which is more morphine-heroin-like than oxycodone (which has a noticeably shorter duration 2-4 hrs vs 3-5 for hydrocodone, in my experience).
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Well I love Oxycodone, it's a great drug and I'd never turn it down in a million years. But I love IV Morphine so much the Euphoria is amazing. Good pure Heroin is a close runner up but I love that pins and needles sensation from a huge shot of Morphine, it makes my stomach tighten as it hits and is semi-overwhelming. Occasionally when the shot was really big I even puke, afterwards I feel completely blissed and zen and grateful I'm a human being and could feel such things. I love opioids so much it's a hopeless affair thinking if ever walk away. Right now I'm on Methadone 105mgs daily but when the time comes I will deff abuse some pharmaceuticals and if the Heroin supply loses it's current fentanyl taint I'd go back on Dope...
Well I love Oxycodone, it's a great drug and I'd never turn it down in a million years. But I love IV Morphine so much the Euphoria is amazing. Good pure Heroin is a close runner up but I love that pins and needles sensation from a huge shot of Morphine, it makes my stomach tighten as it hits and is semi-overwhelming. Occasionally when the shot was really big I even puke, afterwards I feel completely blissed and zen and grateful I'm a human being and could feel such things. I love opioids so much it's a hopeless affair thinking if ever walk away. Right now I'm on Methadone 105mgs daily but when the time comes I will deff abuse some pharmaceuticals and if the Heroin supply loses it's current fentanyl taint I'd go back on Dope...

I’ve been thinking lately too if the heroin supply cleaned up I’d probably try to “occasionally” use again which I’m sure would end horribly for me but hey I’m only human. I think about it often these days.

Oxycodone was a great drug. Too great. The energy is lovely and it’s exactly what I use opiates for..

I’ve been thinking lately too if the heroin supply cleaned up I’d probably try to “occasionally” use again which I’m sure would end horribly for me but hey I’m only human. I think about it often these days.

Oxycodone was a great drug. Too great. The energy is lovely and it’s exactly what I use opiates for..

I kicked methadone 14 days ago.

Already planning how I'm just going to use opioids once a month and not get addicted again.

😱. Guess I havnt learned my lesson yet. Dammit more misery incoming.
My wet dream is to have all the above controlled substances I listed….just 100% PURE pharmaceutical HCL powder. No excipients/bulking/flow/binding agents ….just pure crystalline HCL powder for either oral or IV/IM/SC injection

Imagine a large blue polymer drum filled with the drug (100 kg) of Oxycodone/Diamorphine/Methadone/Desoxyn & Dexedrine/Methylphenidate & Phenmetrazine, Diazepam/Alprazolam, etc, etc, etc

I worked at a API chemical plant years ago….I saw this 100 kg large blue thick/strong plastic drum full of Pregabalin hcl on palllets I would move with Raymond reach truck / forklift

I am in pharmacies nearly daily due to work and immediately somehow spot all the jams on the shelves lol, Valium, Xanax, Dexedrine, Ritalin, etc ….in the back usually large brown glass bottle full of liquid Methadone 10mg/per ml

I saw black plastic containers labelled “Expired Narcotics” lmao….being picked up for destruction lol, F@ck me, just let me grab them and take ‘‘em home for myself ….f@ckers wasting perfectly good Dilaudid & OxyContin because it’s 3 months past the expiration date …..Jesus lol

My ADHD prone CNS is programmed and gradually conditioned to seek & desire highly pleasurable controlled substances. Thankfully I have valid scripts for several amazing substances, and easy access to other items I have a sweet tooth for.

I should have been a pharmacist….degree in organic chemistry & pharmacology ……order whatever I want to fill the shelves and…….well….lol
Ive been reading up on the Oxy HCL and re-reading your posts. I feel Im going mad. Docs keep saying that theyre the same with the regular IR (40mg daily)

Recently got upped to 60mg daily, but its HCL, and I do NOT feel they are anything in the same ballpark. HCL is more like a bad weed high. Im a zombie, with brain fog. Cant even play slither io, no guitar playing, nothing.

I even tried my surplus IRs after sleeping, and if its in my head, at least its consistent becuase the IR leaves me clear headed. Yeah, I get the warmth, the euphoria, and Im ready to go. I did a freaking PhD (in a hard science) on oxy. The HCL, I feel ended my life. I get my meds from the VA so its possible they are cheaping out (or stealing and swapping...who knows).

I dont know what to do to be honest. I cant even find a plug in my area. I wrote all the stuff in the welcome thread...Its 4am, tired after four days of going to every VA facility, just to get them to fill a script, all that done, but pharmacists are like the gestapo, little hitlers overriding what doctors prescribe. Im going to find a plug and try IV stuff. I dont care anymore. Im not taking my heart medication, and just want to live whatever I have left, clear minded.

But, back to HCL. It feels like Lortab. Im an odd duck because I am immune to hydromorphone. I took 20 7.5mg in front of my doctor after in one day I finished the month supply to prove to him. DONT DO THIS, this was just me, after being in agony a whole night, going first thing to the doc (a civilian, cool dude), and he made me stay there for an hour. I was still in pain, no dilated pupils, no reaction. I told him I cut them, crushed them everything. Since then, I dont bother.

But, is this a new formulation that eventually will trickle to ALL pharmacies? In the hospital for my stent, they gave me IR pills, and they were the old good stuff.

Just want to add, as a former scientist, I am impressed with this place, and all of your knowledge. Way more than the VA doctors at least. They have no right to treat anyone as low informed, not even a toddler...bunch of idiots with a govt pension (ok, that does NOT narrow it down lol)
Update (quick I know lol)

I looked up my last old pill, and IDed it as being also oxy HCL so I feel Im losing my marbles.
If they are the same, taking a 10mg, should not feel worse, unless being sleep deprived for 3 days, having to drive across 8 counties (yes, the VA made me do that. I drove 400 miles today back and forth between these facilities, just to be told go back, but on the phone, theyre all yes, come here)

Anyway. What do you guys know when it comes to oxycodone, the high, when severely sleep deprived? As in 72 hours.
I wonder if this is a defective batch (has happened before but I sucked it up).

I also want to add this to any narcs (or some soccer mom karen that found this site) or LE that are active (as being a former LE). Many people will ask, "does it get you high" quicker (or to sound cool whatever, not my place, dont care to judge), as shorthand for pain relief. If it does one, it sure as hell will do the other. Also, if I get a knock of the door, Im all in for going to county. They got better healthcare than the VA lol.
Honestly, I like it, but that's just it. But again, I have used Dilaudid and Opana so I don't see the magic in Oxycodone anymore, sorry.
Honestly, I like it, but that's just it. But again, I have used Dilaudid and Opana so I don't see the magic in Oxycodone anymore, sorry.
Thats the name of it. Opana. That did nothing for me. As in took a fistfull. Even did it in front of the doctor. Cool dude. His eyes went the size of basketballs. He made me wait an hour. Nothing. I guess im "lucky" to win that genetic lottery.