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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Oxycodone/15 mg) Experienced


Feb 5, 2011
This is my 4th experience with oxys, the first was snorting 10mg of oxycodone, second was cwe with hydrocodone, im not sure what the dosage was, (i didnt do my research before dong that). And the third was a step up snorting 15 mg of the same oxycodone. That experience was good until what i guess was my peak at which i overheated and began blacking out, i kept myself from puking but still not too fun. Im going to be snorting 15mg again. Im not a hard drug user, cannabis and drinking is the usual but right now i have to pass a upcoming drug test so im just having some fun until then and experimenting with some oxys. 5 '8, 170. male.
Just a quick question, what is the normal line size, suggestions (mgs).

10:43 pm. first lines. I like the tingle of the first ones, maybe a personal thing.
By the way i have a little of a stuffy nose, slows the process down a little but oh well.

10:50 feeling good, doing a few more. Listening to music, on facebook talking to people. Nose is clogged, damnit. Probably some concrete buggies.

Having to wait.
Well ill take this time to talk about my previous highs, i always get happy and i feel that its just a massive head high at the beginning that spreads down with time. Anyone else feel the same?

11:00. good now, some more, different nostril. what do others use to snort with, ive used a rolled up post-it note, i just used the tube of a pen but it seams to just be clogging my nose.
11:03, what im saying to myself is what the f. my nose is frustrating me right now.

Im feeling good right now, im noticing that music sounds good, all the lights on the computer are brighter than usual. Not "high though yet.
Can in-longing the snorting times in between lessen the intensity of the high?
ill probably be asking questions out of curiosity throughout also, sorry. The stuffy nose is a bitch, its 11:10. Feeling goood. Kinda dumbed down right now, very chill.

I love music from The woo tang clan to and indie music, is what i say when people ask,

11:15 I have to keep blowing my nose which i have to figure has to be taking the oxy out and keeping that shit from getting me a bit more higher. Unlike pot, oxys dont seem to open my mind as much to thinking abstractly about the worl and such.

11:20. Thinking about eating the rest, dont want to though. Im not going to, i love when high on this to just sit and like dance with my hands and head to music ha. I still have to get much higher though, im not too nervous obut overheating, im feeling good.

I want to try dxm, not sure how i feel about it though. More lines for me though.

Im looking up a definition for euphoria incase i am able to use it...... "oh"
I guess this is fine time to ask this, i dip, and the whole idea of snorting it to get the stuff into the blood stream directly, right? So what if you put the crushed oxy in the dip?- havent done it, not going to waste, maybe one of you has..

11:30. Nose strips work for anyone with my stuffy nose problem. I just got one, and yeah, its doin the job. Also i just trimmed my nose hairs, and that is a good idea also.

This is my first report so if your reading and saying, theres not much here, sorry. And rambling.

I am pretty high at this point, its fun to get up and move around, im not giggly but the music is fun and as of now its just a whole body high and may have been wrong about what i said earlier. I think ive done about half of the stuff, not really sure.

ALSO, when i snort, i have this weird head thing that is similar to when you yawn, its in the ears and its sort of like a vibrating, but just the sound, not really vibration. -anyone else have the same, its kind of hard to explain.

12:00. The nose is a major pain in the ass. Oh wait, ive had nose drops five feet away from me the whole time.

12:05. And oh my, i am rising very fast, first back drip.
Super comfy, not too much trouble typing this. I probably just did a 6 or 7mg line, the biggest ive done. oh my.

12:10. This is the most comfortable part of the high, very relaxed, vision going in and out a little, typing still easy but the sounds around me are very arousing, i would say, certain ones in some music im listening to. about to listen to some indie stuff.

Caribou is my choice, very good music.
Deciding to do the short fat line or the long fat line first, (only two left). i chose the short fat one.
I have very controlled movements and i guess thats just the mood im in right now, controlled thoughts also. I like that my eyes are low but my pupils are incredibly constricted.

12:15. All done, very high. the end is still setting in though. Its all set in, my dose may have needed to be higher, i am verry high, my throat is buring for the first time ever haha.

12:20. uh oh, itching. at this point i am stoned and i am just looking at details in the room im in. not overheating, non of that..

i just sat in my chair doine the worm with my finger for a couple of min.

12 25, i know im really high because the yawning thing is happening. i feel like my arms weigh 100 pounds ha, nn like i dont got nothing to say cause im just super high now, itss almost like an out of body experience with the movent of anything. well it is one. its very dark an i think its cacause of my constricted pupils.

But instead of feeling like i weigh a ton, the out of body is making me feel light as a feather.

This high would probably go good with some good dro right now for that extra bit of high to top this high off.

12:30, i am still very high and i love this high because its just so differnet. sorry if you didnt like this but if your still reading i appreciate it, remember this is my first one so i dont know all the rules n such.

thanks, im out. some feedback would be nice, any suggestions as well, bye!
with 50 something views and no responses, im wondering if anyone actually read through the whole thing.
and if so my response to reading it after is that i was a little off topic- any response to this?
sound like you enoyed yourself,no one ever writes about the after effects, shame, maybe more people would avoid
Probably should not be snorting percocets...

I used to snort 5 mg Oxycodone IR generic tabs, and I typically used 1 tab per line. 3-4 lines was a good dose IMO.

It led to some nasty nosebleeds though, and there wasn't even that much powder due to me using generic IR tabs. I would suggest that you explore a safer method of intake such as parachuting.

Also, while snorting leads to a faster and sometimes more intense comeup and peak, it also makes the drug last a much shorter amount of time. This can potentially lead to you upping your doses or taking multiple doses in one night rather quickly, which is never good. I know that's what happened to me once I progressed from popping to snorting. Honestly, I would suggest you just tough out not being able to smoke weed and avoid getting into opiates. The withdrawals are, in my opinion, incredibly unpleasant - I used to sporadically abuse oxycodone IR in 2 week intervals, and the withdrawals each time were pretty intense. The reason I quit them was actually due to my last withdrawal, which was really bad as they tend to get progressively worse each time you stop.

I would advise you to take a step back, and ask yourself, "Is this high really worth either a lifetime of addiction or a withdrawal that includes incredible sore and achy muscles, constant headaches, sensitivity to light, extreme lethargy and other assorted flu-like symptoms?"
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If you're gonna snort oxy, don't snort percocets. They have 325mg of tylenol in them as well as 5 or 10mg of oxy.
Little brother please stop fucking with opiates before they take control of you. Everyone starts out just having some fun, or just doing it while they can't smoke weed. I went from snorting 5's to 15's to smoking 40's & 80's to fucking tar, and all that shit caught up really quick. That all happened in less than a year. I have been a fucking fiend ever since, and although I haven't touched H in over a year I still think about it everyday.

Oh and if you are going to continue then please don't snort 5's unless they are the little tiny ones. Actually don't snort them at all cause you could just crush them and swallow them for the same effect and they would last longer.