Oxyandrolone via subcutaneous/intramuscular injections


Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2015
Your probably reading that title thinking, “What in the hell is this rambling bastard going on about now?” Especially since I mentioned oxyandrolone and injections within the same sentence. However, if one possessed a viable depot that was appropriately dosed per ml then you may be in for a surprise. This isn't a discussion about the synthesis or procedures taken to create an oxyandrolone injectable form for personal usage. That is an unfruitful conversation.
However many may not realize that the pharmacokinetics of oxandrolone. Its rate of absorption is solely dictated by the route of administration. This means that a subcutaneous/I.M injection would be superior than the unnecessary ingestion of a large quantity of tablets day in and day out. It would also allow a more stable blood plasma level and possibly alleviate associated side effects that are concurrent with spastic serum spikes.


1) Duration of action depends on the formulation and route
of ingestion.
Testosterone gel usually lasts 24 to 48
hours while the cypionate and enanthate esters have
durations for up to 4 weeks after an intramuscular
injection. Transdermal absorption is approximately 10%
of an applied dose. Testosterone is 98% protein bound
to both sex hormone-binding globulin and albumin. There
is hepatic metabolism of anabolic steroids, and the
half life of elimination can vary from 10 minutes to
weeks. Excretion is primarily through the urine (90%
with some minor fecal excretion as well.

Just food for thought, but a more stable blood plasma level would be more friendly for those who love oxyandrolone's mechanics, but cannot tolerate the obnoxious acceptance of behemoth amounts of pills needed to achieve desired results.
Now from my knowledge a subcutaneous injection would be the more favorable form of injection. This being that injection into adipose tissue renders the depot being held to a fixed absorption rate due to the feasible amount of cells it interacts with at a given period of time. You can increase the volume of the depot, but the return of increase to absorption rate is small and generally more pain than pleasure.
BUT!! you can increase the absorption rate by splitting the allocated dose between different injection sites which would allow a higher absorption rate and a higher blood plasma level peak that would then slowly taper down due to the nature of its interaction. No matter what though you will also far surpass the malabsorption tendency that plaques oral consumption.

Source- http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+3373
Eh my sources sells var in 10mg, 25mg and 50mg tablets. Though if one was using pharma tabs that are dosed at like 2.5mg I see the benefit
Eh my sources sells var in 10mg, 25mg and 50mg tablets. Though if one was using pharma tabs that are dosed at like 2.5mg I see the benefit

Hey I'm jealous because I've never come across anavar EVER. I think your missing what I was trying to convey though. The reason one eats so much anavar throughout the day and in such a volume is due to the bioavailability and rapid metabolism leading to a roller coaster effect on blood plasma concentrations. Take for instance this statement....

"...about 90% of the radioactivity appears in the urine, and 6%
in the faeces; there is some enterohepatic recirculation...."

Source- http://www.inchem.org/documents/pim...ionTitle:6.1 Absorption by route of exposure

Roughly 4% is capable of effective absorption and subsequent metabolism. Hence why the doses required for the desired anabolic effects are rather high. Obviously you can get away with that because of the mild hepatoxicity associated with oxandrolone.
This was just some food for thought.

F%^$&$^%K I totally just noticed I mispelled the title. Lol.... Moderators if you happen to read this could you correct my typo in the title? Please and thank you?

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Gotcha so you were leaning more towards cost:benefit ratio, using less gear to get the same or better results. I'm just unsure if the amount of solvent needed to dissolve the powder in oil woukd be safe ish for the concentrations needed.
Gotcha so you were leaning more towards cost:benefit ratio, using less gear to get the same or better results. I'm just unsure if the amount of solvent needed to dissolve the powder in oil woukd be safe ish for the concentrations needed.

Pretty much. After a little more research you pretty much nailed it on what I was thinking.. with the cost of supplies for sterilization and creation of depot, the oils, the difficulty of obtaining oxandrolone in a bulk powderized form it may prove to be slightly more cost effective and more efficient in terms of dosing in relation to benefits achieved. But its starting to seem like more work than what I originally conceived. I'm just always looking for a way to use a steroid compound that is generally for oral administration and make it viable for injection. I know you can't negate the metabolic activity the liver will undergo, but having it within a tapered absorption due to injections in adipose tissue. It would make a more stable blood plasma and your liver isn't getting blasted all at once with the dose.

Besides eating 60mg-80mg over a day period. You could just pin yourself once in the morning as if the oxandrolone was esterized with the acetate compound.
^^unfortunately the methyl group attached woukd prevent an ester being attached. Also if one were to make injectable var, the solvents woukd cause much discomfort if injected sub q. I've had my tren+mast blend leak from a shallow shot which contains ethyl oleate and I limped for a week (quad shot) so I can only imagine if it contained higher levels of BB/eo/guiacol to keep a stable solution what would happen. The reason, I believe, that pharma test is prescribed sub q sometimes is due to the fact that certain brands contain 0 BB, and if in a single use amp wouldn't necessarily even need BA either as it goes straight from amp to inside the body without much outside contact thus minimal need for bacteriostatic additives or additional solvents as trt test is at a much lower concentration as that's all that's needed.
Jeez I'm terrible at wording things. I was going more for it exhibits actions and activity similar to acetate, but I would assume it would be considered a suspension correct? I've never come into contact with testosterone suspension so I don't know how it feels to pin. If the hormone isn't esterized then it would be subject to the limitations of absorption dictated by volume of injection and interaction with however many cells. I know I've used some UGL test before on my first and second cycle before I understood the massive difference between some UGL's and Pharm grade and that was a god awful burn that felt like a charlie horse for 3-4 days. I'm assuming that is what your referencing when mentioning BB (bacteriostatic water?)

Your definitely educating me a little bit on this now lol.
Bb is benzyl benzoate which is used to increase solubility of our hormones in oil. Generally from what I've read from homebrewers is that, for test, anything over 100-150mg of test e/ml without additional solvents is a difficult task and is very unstable with temperature changes.
I see what you mean now about the injection resembling an ester now such as how Winstrol Depot exhibits a long er active life vs tablet form due to the time it takes for the body to break down the Depot.
Benzyl alcohol, ba, is what a used to make a solution/suspension bacteriostatic. Low amounts are fine but higher levels can cause crippling knots. Personally I won't use a suspension as its conceptually like injecting a solution that crashes in the muscle. The, albeit micronized, crystals would cause a lot of discomfort which is what's reported with water based suspensions such as test and Winstrol. I'd personally opt for oil as a solution when made properly should stay intact and be of minimal discomfort.
Now that I think about it, an old source i used had injectable anavar, but due to the price they offered it at and the lack of quality raw powder on the market, I question it's legitimacy. Probably Winstrol honestly which is what's found in a lot of fake tabs.
I like the idea though as I hate carrying a tin around of illegal drugs to keep plasma levels stable lol. Maybe a source will develop a product similar to the adderall xr with time release beads or like Concerta with its expanding sponge time release. The oxy neo time release was a retarded idea though lol.
Thank you for explaining those terms for me. That is the only reason I never touched orals was because the complexity that needed to be added to the hormones to prevent degredation during the first digestive pass also can be the reason for poor activity in terms of being efficiently metabolized. Obviously some are perfectly fine, but I feel those are the ones that come into your liver at full speed and destroy everything. Oxandrolone is relatively inactive mentioning that article's use with radiography to determine the potency and route of excretion.