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Owing Someone Drug Money

this thread is retarded...

the OP asked the peanut gallery for advice/what to do > the OP gets his advice, refuses to listen to it > this thread degenerates into people telling OP what a prick he is while he defends himself > this thread is worthless and retarded.

Paragon, you've made it clear that you're not going to give this guy any money... why bother coming back to this thread anymore? Nothing anyone says is going to change your mind. At this point, you're just looking for confirmation from others to reinforce your idea that you did nothing wrong.

The truth is you did. Plain and simple, no denying that.

Two things:
1) You took someone's money when you couldn't deliver.
2) You handed over money without getting anything in return.

you not only put yourself in a position to be bent over and fucked, but also your "friend".

Simple fact.

I'm not judging you, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just calling it like I see it: you're not here for advice, you're here hoping someone will tell you that you did nothing wrong. Well that's not going to happen, because you did.

What you do from here is up to you... please stop this stupid fucking conversation from coming full circle again, like it has a hundred times already.
Ok, so since most of you think I'm not being up front and leaving important things out, I'll go further and explain some things.

  • [1] I told my co-work I CAN GET him $300 worth of kpins- not have, or will have, but simply CAN, implying the possible not the definite

  • No, "I MIGHT BE ABLE TO" implies to 'possible not the definite'. "I CAN" implies the definite.

    [4] The guy KNEW that the money would be handed over to the connect BEFORE I had the pills in hand. This method had been done before successfully, and it still has been. That's how we do shit around here, and it's not related to this matter whether or not it was "stupid."

    Don't talk your way around the fact that it IS, in fact, stupid. I don't care how things are done around your area. If that's how things are done, I bet there are lots of people getting ripped off... more so than 'in an area where things are done' the right way, a simultaneous exchange.

    You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole. I didn't think you did anything all that bad at first, but all this defending yourself just makes you look like an asshole.

    You just plainly stated you told him you "CAN" get him pills. Not that you'll "TRY", not that you "MIGHT BE ABLE TO", but that you "CAN" which does in fact imply the definite.

    Quit defending yourself here in hopes that someone will stick up for you and make you feel better about yourself.

    NOW, what lesson did we learn here?
    don't play middle man for anyone, because you're putting yourself at risk by accepting responsibility for the other persons money or drugs.
Paragon, you should probably at least talk to the co-worker if you won't pay.
Paragon, your a mentally warped asshat living in your own retarded universe where you rationalize not paying someone money you owe by saying he lives with his parents.

Get a set of balls and pay him, or don't. Makes no difference to me or anyone else on here.

But don't fucking act like you don't owe him for dipshit reasons like "I lost money too :(" and "its not like he'll be homeless". Who the fuck gives a shit if you lost money too, or how much the 300 bucks effects your co-worker. Its all irrelevant, you owe money because you fucked up. Get over it.
They don't.. Thats what makes the OP an idiot who owes 300 bucks but probably wont ever pay it.
dude, bottom line you screwed him over so why wouldnt he screw you back? you need to pay him back or at least work out an honest payment plan. what would you do if someone did it to you? if it was a big guy you might roll over and take the punch.. but if it was someone "smaller" or less inferior then you.. you would be pretty pissed huh?

do what you want, but wouldnt you rather be done with it and give the money back somehow?
"man where are you from? im from chicago where niggaz will shoot you if you move the lawn chair they put on the road in front of their house to save their parking space. around here if you "

lol ur definitly from chicago.. lol at the lawn chair-parking spot holder.. esp in winter w snow..
Pay the dude back at least half then find the geeza who jacked you, torture him and get the full $500 then youve made $350 profit!
Wrong attitude dude, I've had this shit happen to me like 4 times where I would front people money to get me shit and they'd get caught with the shit and then get pissed they get caught and act like its my fault somehow. One time my friend had a half-ounce of weed for me at his house and he says someone broke in his house and robbed it along with his other family member's weed...sounds like bullshit, and he says he doesn't have to pay me back and I should forget about it. I've also gave one of my friends 20 dollars to get me weed and he gets caught with it, SNITCHES to his mom that it is for me and gets pissed he has to sit in a police station because his fucked up parents called the cops on him, doubt I'll see that money again...
I just told you what I would do; I'd be pissed off, but I would understand it wasn't his fault. I never intentionally fucked him over or did anything unwise with his cash.

Sorry, but intention DOES NOT matter here... I'd quote an old cliche about what good intentions are used for, but I think everyone already knows it.

IMO, you took on responsibility when you took the money, and responsibility is a two-way street.
Pay him. Avoiding him just makes it look like you ripped him off. If I was him I would have no let it go this long.
I now realize that I can't be 100% up front with you people without incriminating myself to an EXTREME amount :|. But regardless, feel free to call me an asshole and fucktard; I've decided to pay him 50$ a month for at least 3 months. Hell I might even pay him all the way back and then some depending how my job goes. So while I was being a scumbag in most of your eyes, I am making a true effort to rectify this situation, starting this week.

I now realize that I can't be 100% up front with you people without incriminating myself to an EXTREME amount :|. But regardless, feel free to call me an asshole and fucktard; I've decided to pay him 50$ a month for at least 3 months. Hell I might even pay him all the way back and then some depending how my job goes. So while I was being a scumbag in most of your eyes, I am making a true effort to rectify this situation, starting this week.


Glad you are going to pay him at least some back, but its faulty reasoning to say you might pay him back all the way depending on how your job goes. If you owe him, then you owe him, whether he deserves to be paid back or not is not dependent on how your job does.
I now realize that I can't be 100% up front with you people without incriminating myself to an EXTREME amount :|. But regardless, feel free to call me an asshole and fucktard; I've decided to pay him 50$ a month for at least 3 months. Hell I might even pay him all the way back and then some depending how my job goes. So while I was being a scumbag in most of your eyes, I am making a true effort to rectify this situation, starting this week.


$50 a month huh? seriously, i find more change(quarters,dimes,nickles)than that a month. and maybe if you would have started giving him that 6 months ago, then you would at least be paying him back the full amount you owe him. this thread is SOO fuckin stupid, like i care about your stupid life.im outro, karma is gone get you son.
I'm sorry that I work part-time and make less than 3k a year. After expenses, I have about 50$ (and by expenses I don't mean going out to eat or otherwise spending money on myself for fun).

Anyway, He's getting at least half, maybe the whole sum; I'm done here.
yeah dude always pay people back, you never know when you might need some help yourself. and that person might get some really good shit too.
I'm sorry that I work part-time and make less than 3k a year. After expenses, I have about 50$ (and by expenses I don't mean going out to eat or otherwise spending money on myself for fun).

Anyway, He's getting at least half, maybe the whole sum; I'm done here.

Well if you only make less than $3k/year, maybe you shouldn't be spending a few hundred dollars on drugs? Or making yourself responsible for someone else's money that equals over 10% of your gross annual income?

Just a thought.
Why don't you and your friend go find the guy that ripped you off and beat his ass, take his wallet, jewelry, dope, whatever you can get. That is too much money to not seek REVENGE.