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Overwhelming experience


Nov 4, 2014
I went to my first rave recently which was hardwell and I popped around .6 within an hour and a half before entering. As soon as I got there I got a bad vibe it was very overwhelming and I wasn't enjoying it so I left 15 minutes later, I'm 17 and I've popped 3 other times. Is this because i popped too much in a short amount of time ? A few hours later I felt better and I regret leaving because I missed the whole show
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.6 or 600 mg is extremely excessive. Don't go above 200 mg a night and keep your dose around 100 mg at your age. Take 3-4 week breaks in between as well
Did you test it? If yes then .6 is way too much and would floor the shit out of most rollers. You said you were 17 which is still young so I would do a little more research about substances before consuming in the future.
It's not tested but I get it from a good friend and when I usually do 150mg I have a great time. So if I do 100-200mg at a rave I won't feel over whelmed or have a bad trip most likely ?
It's not tested but I get it from a good friend and when I usually do 150mg I have a great time. So if I do 100-200mg at a rave I won't feel over whelmed or have a bad trip most likely ?

that you're getting it from a good friend means nothing. how would you know that your friend knows the composition of the stuff he's giving you? people all the time get adulterated "mdma" from good friends, not because their friends want to rip them off, but because they don't know themselves. some of those friends just trust their source, some have tried the stuff before and liked it, but even the second option means nothing. back when most adulterated stuff was contaminated with piperazines (on which most people have an awful time), there were some people who "rolled" fine on pipes and recommended their stuff to friends and some who never had taken any real mdma to compare to...
nowadays the rc's are much closer to mdma and therefore the opinion of friends is even less valuable.

about taking 100-200mg: yes.
i cannot even imagine doing 600mg of good mdma in one hour. that's just insane. mdma has a "sweet spot" with almost all of the positive effects and comparatively little side effects, and that is usually at around 1.5mg/kg body weight for the initial dose.
I tested it and it came up as Mdxx, I'm pretty sure it wasn't mdma or mde and MDA is the only one that makes sense because some people enjoy it and some hated it, is MDA bad for you because it's hard to find pure MDMA in my area
How did you test it just curious? I would never take someone's word on their drugs purity/legitimacy, even if its a friend. Most people just don't know shit about the drugs they think they're doing.
It could be Mda but if it's not tested with at least two reagents you have no idea .
I tested it with a mdma test kit the one where you pour liquid on it and within 5seconds with turned dark purple
That only tells you that your substance contain MDxx. Could be 80% MDxx, could be 5% MDxx. There can also be active cuts in it, like amphetamine, meth, ect.
How do I find out what's worth popping I know, I know mdmas not safe either but I'll rather have pure stuff than shit that's worse for me
Was it a marquis? If it tested good your good the full test kit is pretty reliable, 600 mg is just way too high of a dose.
Was it a marquis? If it tested good your good the full test kit is pretty reliable, 600 mg is just way too high of a dose.

It still just tells you that it contains MDxx, not how much (purity), or it doesn't tell you whether or not it contain anything else.
Yeah it was, that's why after 15 minutes of it hitting me I left and went back to the hotel because it was too much
How do I find out what's worth popping I know, I know mdmas not safe either but I'll rather have pure stuff than shit that's worse for me

depending on where you live, you might have a (free) lab testing service for that purpose. what i usually do is test with the marquis reagent before i buy and then bringing the stuff to the lab, so i'll know exactly what's inside and how much i need to take.

btw, there's also a regagent that can distinguish between primary and secondary amines. that means it can distinguish between mdma (/methamphetamine/pmma/mde/...) and mda (/amphetamine/pma/...).
It still just tells you that it contains MDxx, not how much (purity), or it doesn't tell you whether or not it contain anything else.
I know the purity thing but am not concerned on that. Really though you can tell of cuts such as cathitones and meth with a marquis they make it react totally different(Especially the full kit).
depending on where you live, you might have a (free) lab testing service for that purpose. what i usually do is test with the marquis reagent before i buy and then bringing the stuff to the lab, so i'll know exactly what's inside and how much i need to take.
This is a beautiful thing. I doubt I will ever see the day local test centers are a thing in the US. I bet there's a pretty legit scene where you live because of it too.
Oddly enough my dealers the one that was telling me not to buy at raves if u run out cause a lot of shits fucked he also showed me a documentary called "what's in my baggy" where they expose dealers that sell bath salts.
I'm pretty sure MDA is still better than other shit mixed it. It's tough to find pure mdma now that the edm has exploited in ontario (Canada)
There is also the possibility that ethylone, methylone, or some other RC that doesn't show up on marquis it could be 95% comprised of with 5% mdma to set off the test kit.

Edit: Funny you mention the documentary too that someone just posted here within the last month.