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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Overdosed meph (~6 g), did I damage my brain?

By the way 107° is the temp which brain cells can start to evaporate did you experience that?

I kind of think of Serotonin syndrome is that possible? MDMA + speed? When I hear your story It reminds me of my OD on Crystal last year where I nearly went into Cardiac arrest (though not as severe of course)

Oh man sounds like you have had your share of close call as well. I've only ever heard about high doses of meth causing pyschosis and paranoia but I was fortunate enough to have never experienced too much of the mental effects throughout my use. Seems as though your close call included both mental havoc and the physical symptoms of an overdose. I can't imagine how horrible that must have been.

I often wondered if Seretonin Syndrome had any part in my accident. What you said about brain cells evaporating at high heat, if that is what happened to me it would really explain why areas of my brain that are responsible for temperature control is damaged so badly. I am not sure what my body temperature reached during my overdose. This may sound odd but I never asked the doctors because I didn't want to know how close I got and the doctors seem to avoid telling me cause it was a pretty horrific event.
Altered Perception, dude, I am really sorry about what happened to you. You are obviously a very strong individual to be able to deal with such a life changing event and write about it. I hope this doesn't sound callous as that's not my intention at all, but if nothing else, I hope what you have experienced can benefit mankind in some way from the lessons learned and the study of your case because you should not have to suffer so much for nothing. I really feel for you.

Thank you so much for your kind words. When you end up disabled you go through a grieving period before you realize that being depressed over it just makes it all worse. You just try to live with what you can't change so I don't think I am any stronger than anyone here, in fact I feel even weaker. I see inspirational people on television who have lost limbs and body parts and still live life to its fullest and achieve great things. I on the other hand have let my bedroom become my jail cell and turned bitter about life so I need to work on that.

albany_force Hopefully I didn't hijack your topic too much, sorry if i have, I can delete my posts if you want me to.
Yes I have come close...to close foe comfort. Easily the most freighting thing I've ever experienced in my life. I still occasionally have nightmares about theday of my OD, I wake up screaming in cold sweat shivering etc reliving the wwhole fucking thing in my head. It really is traumatizing shit sucks.