Over two month binge....Snow


Dec 20, 2017
I'm new here but I have been using this sight for years for very informative information. Thank you all!

I've been on over a two month, daily, IV Cocaine binge. (Do I need to use Swim?) . And it's time to stop. I know it's going to be rough but I wanted to see if anyone had any tips. Anything is appreciated.
No swim man. Head on over to sober living man, great knowledgeable group that can help you out. Iv coke is a he'll of an animal, I was an iv addict for a year
Stopping using IV can be challenging as not only do you become addicted to the drug but also to the needle itself.

Finding support is advisable. Whether a friend, family or support group like Narcotics Anonymous.

It is helpful to change your using routine to something more productive. Get out for walks. Avoid using buddies and dealers. Keep your mind occupied so there is less room for obsessing about the drug.

Good luck with quitting. I hope you are successful!
Sorry for my late reply. And thank you for taking the time to respond. I was actually an IV heroin user for over 3 years. So I can admit that I do have that needle addiction. Which is just crazy, the average person cringes at the sight of a needle and I get excited. The mind of an addict sure is something. I've been clean off opiates since March 2017. Which I am extremely grateful for although honestly I get the VIVITROL Shot once a month to prevent me using any opiates. It works great. But in reality it's just a temporary fix. And now I have switched my addiction. Cocaine is nice because the withdrawal is nothing compared to opiates (in my opinion). But it's expensive, dangerous, and that rush has just taken my soul. Which I had felt like I just got back from the opiates. My mom's supportive. She knows everything and I can tell her anything. It's been 10 years now of constant drug use (various drugs). I feel I will never be able to stop. I tried a great rehab. I tried AA, NA, I had sponsors.

Does anyone here relate when I say you just stop caring whether you die or live? Not like your suicidal. But you just don't care.

I gotta lot going through my head and any one reading this I greatly appreciate your time.

- Dolby
Hello everyone,

So I am still using IV Cocaine everyday. Anywhere from 1-2 grams a day. I have noticed that sometimes when I do a large shot (my tolerance has got quite high), I get a very slight pain in my chest and shortness of breath. Now at first I thought this was obviously because my shots were to large. However after researching online I discovered that anxiety is a HUGE factor to symptoms like this when on stims. So I started experimenting and found that if I take 1-2MG of Xanax about 20-30 minutes before my shot, the undeseriable chest pain and shortness of breath are either completely gone or barely noticeable.

My question is, in your opinion do you think I am solving my anxiety problem with the Xanax or simply masking the harm the IV Cocaine is doing to me?

Thank You!

- Dolby
Hey Dolby! I would like to give you a belated welcome to our community from myself, the rest of the staff and everybody else in between! If you read through my posts for any period of time, you'll realize that there are a few drugs which I personally consider to be pretty dangerous, harmful and insidious. It's not that I have judgement for the people who use them whatsoever, but, and again, I say it's my personal opinion, I feel that these substances cause a disproportionate amount of suffering, misery and damage to health. Alcohol is a big one for me, but so is Cocaine.

Cocaine can be highly addictive no matter the route of administration, but it's pretty well-understood that Cocaine by the injection or vaporization route is especially intense and therefore, addictive. I've been an Opioid addict for over a decade and I've done a lot of stupid shit, but for some reason, after using Cocaine in this manner (injection/vaporizing) a few times, I just knew that I couldn't keep doing it or it would destroy me. I've only done it a handful of times really and just thinking about the rush from injecting Cocaine makes my mouth water and my heart start pounding. It's been years since I've used it and even then, it was only a few instances of use.

I just feel that Cocaine ropes people in and destroys them at an alarming rate. I'm biased sure, but I consider Crack Cocaine to be a significantly more detrimental substance than Heroin. Considering the fact that I fantasize about the drug and have limited experience with it, I really can't imagine the intensity of the cravings after having had a truly serious habit. You're probably right that it's a good time to stop man. We'll be here to help you with whatever you need, even if it's just emotional support.

We actually have a dedicated area of the forum specifically for members and visitors who desire to get sober, remain sober or even just reduce their usage to a manageable level, the latter almost always being the more realistic option. Do you have a Psychiatrist or a prescribing doctor who can prescribe for you? I'm not saying more drugs are the ultimate answer here, but your brain's gonna be a little bit depleted of its feel-good chemicals and having medications to deal with this backlash can help safe-guard against relapsing and restarting the process.

So, I'm going to move this over to The Dark Side, but if you have any questions that you feel are not being answered, feel free to send me a PM and I will get on it as soon as I can. Hang in there, we will all be here cheering you on and providing you with emotional and intellectual support throughout this tough process!
Dolby, I can relate to not caring whether you live or die. At least I felt that way until my 23 year old son tried and almost succeeded in committing suicide.

Now I feel responsible to be here for him no matter how I feel for myself.

I suffer several mental disorders and I get suicidal ideations monthly. It's just holding on until the feelings pass (which thank goodness they do). I hate myself to crazy depths and feel shame for decisions made due to my mental illness. But my decisions were made with others' best interests at heart. And I have to live with it. I did what I could at the time. Now I have the opportunity to be there in a way I was previously unable.

Using stimulants daily will leave you feeling like crap for a bit when you get clean. Like Keif said medications could help with your dopamine levels dropping.

You know what AA/NA is about so I won't go there.

You may need to get rid of the needle before the dope. Do lines until you get past the needle obsession then quit the blow too. I successfully got rid of my daily snorting addiction still crushing my prescribed opiates but sucking them orally instead. It actually worked. I wasn't sure it would as it sounded pretty lame! Lol

Good luck!
Thanks for all the replies guys. I am still using but I at least have a plan in place now!