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(Out In The Open) Which Bluelighter Would You Like To FUCK! (V.1)

I can't believe no-one has said this one yet!...


well I guess maybe she'd go better in the "bluelighters i have fucked" thread :\
Funki, but yeah im taken too, so only in thy world of fantasy. :)
Hmm lucky im sober as a judge right now, or id really let loose, havent posted in so long that i doubt anyone i once knew even posts anymore, but i knew a fair few sexy ass BL's in my time...lordy lordy lordy...
Hardicus: Waaatcch iiit

sdb: there are always exceptions to the rule ;)
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
oh no. I forgot PsychoKitten too! bad, bad, SLM.

honey you know I'm yours ;)
Ohhhhhh for that you can spank me! (well technically I should spank you but I much prefer to be spanked ;))

wow i go away for 3 days and this turns into "place for innane chatter aka singles thread new version"

If you're going to post, at least post who you'd fuck

as for me... I'd fuck Hardicus cause I wanna know what it's like to fuck god ;) (only about 4 people will get that referance but I need to post it anyhow)

There was a time when I would have featured most heavily in this thread... instead I see miss apple has taken over my reign of resident Bluelight cybertart 8=D

Can not. Will not. RefUSE to be having sex near apples. EW!

Glad to see I still rate a mention though... and for my reply (i'm not shy cos I'm hardly ever around, maybe tis time to unleash the jugs one more time... ;) )

Who I'd like to (or would have liked to at some stage) lay one on..

Skydancer (of course)
Johnboy (i'll fuck you AND yer your wife!!!!)
Pyro (why not?)
Nickstar (had a teeny crush)
Thoth (likewise)
The Twin Towers (ie BT and Raider) would make alright for a bit of kinky action and god knows you'd never be short of intoxicants to make it fun ;)

I'd say Mr Horsey if he didn't feel like my little bro in fact its gross even going there.. but he's a cutie too.


mona you will always be bluelights original cybertart =D

miss apple is doing a sensational job, although she could be doing more... ;)

PsychoKitten you know damn well you are on my 'to do' list after that lovely picture you sent me 8o =D

*points finger* BAD KITTY!

Gentlemen, I go awol for three years and I'm still fuckable! Bless! Unfortunately though, I've been boyless for some months now, and should the opportunity arise, you'd probably discover that I'd forgotten how.

Good to see my baby's still humming along. You guys do a good job.


The Cat

PS Peakatronic - do I know you? Or are you just remembering that somewhat come hither photo of me that was on here many moons ago?
Pillcat : I was just a newbie(same name,kandy ass version of it) with a crush when you were still posting ;) . My sis dil8dpupil was friends with pinger many many moons ago and my poota was blessed with some recovery photos of you and the crew.


It's possible we met at a party few years back ,did you go to ny2k? My sister is pretty sure we met there :\ I don't think so as I spent a significant portion of the evening in the "st johns tent for the chemically impaired" comforting a friend with a lost soul.;)

I am very very sure i'd remember meeting your fine self,so most likely no...

anyway fuckable to say the least.

If you have forgotten how,for $15 an hour I can help you remember ;)

Peakatronic said:
^^^^ top choice JB =D

Pillcat ,apples and mona *yum*

sign me up! ;)

=D old skool bluelight =D i've had those three at the top of my list for over 3 years (and I've just noticed mona and pillcat have both come out of hibernation)

gonna be interesting next time I bump into m.apple at sweetchilli :eek:

umm, fellas... you're living in dream worlds if you think that because you simply name these girls in this thread, they are suddenly going to be throwing themselves at you next time out?!

Hello...reality check??!?!

(except perhaps PsychoKitten, she sounds like she's ready to pop)... ;)
I'm just adding candyflip to my list =D oh! and haste. %)

I love this thread it's all a great game. When it comes right down to brass tacks i wonder who would actually put out (and can we videotape it for when Bluelight finally get's its own porn site?).;)

Perhaps it should be BLer you'd like to get nasty with. I wouldn't mind a great snogging session with most BLers but when it comes down to getting my panties off there's only one I know for sure I'd drop them for (and I'll leave you all guessing as to who it is, I've already named them).

Shagging a BLer can be more trouble than it's worth tho, this place is like a high school with all the same nasty bitches and gossips.:\
me thinks a bit of a romp with ashke sounds SEX-AY, and maybe throw in a bit of loupy action to boot ;)

otherwise i'd fuck nocturnal_chick coz i heard she's got metal in her underpants now too (yes bunny - you can film it=D )

but for now i'm VERY happy to be fucking maxi in that all-over-the-house-wake-the-neighbours kinda way

Ashke - how I miss her posts :):)

and Candyflip and Nezo need a good spanking ;)
candyflip said:
umm, fellas... you're living in dream worlds if you think that because you simply name these girls in this thread, they are suddenly going to be throwing themselves at you next time out?!

8) damn, and i thought all i had to do was type and post a few smilies :) :) :) ;) no wonder i'm single...

on topic, poezante and PixieGirl from Socal are cute, and Spencer just needs a damn good reaming!

PsychoKitten said:
I love this thread it's all a great game. When it comes right down to brass tacks i wonder who would actually put out (and can we videotape it for when Bluelight finally get's its own porn site?).;)

Perhaps it should be BLer you'd like to get nasty with. I wouldn't mind a great snogging session with most BLers...
same! I agree it's all just a bit of a laugh. Actually getting down and doing the dirty takes a lot more than just naming someone in a thread. Snogging on the other hand is innocent fun... ;) =D

and LOL at mona and pillcat popping their heads up just for the 'who would you like to fuck' thread!! now all we need is sticky to make an appearance.

in fact, add mr sticky to my list =D
just a mild appeal for calm is all...don't want any of you bedroom geek-godzillas raging about on pills one night, finding a BL and actually using this thread to justify an embarrassing come-on! :D
Damn! I was going to use this thread as an excuse for a big orgy...

All my dreams and hopes have been dashed.:(
HEY! no posting without naming a new name.


johnboy & his lovely lady

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