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our first apartment roll: what to do, what to do


Sep 3, 2013
My boyfriend and I have decided to have our first apartment roll together in October. I have taken e twice before, the first time was four months ago while seeing knife party (absolutely AMAZING) and the second time was last weekend seeing sts9/umphrey. This will be my first apartment roll, and this will be the first time my boyfriend has ever tried e. He is nervous about taking it, and I am nervous I won't be able to "take care of him" if needed. I wanted some help in our preparation for it.
1. I wasn't entirely sure what amount my boyfriend should start with/take that night. My first experience I had a cap full (not sure of actual measurements) and I felt pretty good for a while, maybe a couple hours. I think it was only a mild roll though, because last weekend was a much different experience. That time I started with a small cap (maybe 1/3 full), waited about 45 min, and took a medium cap (1/2 full) and was at my perfect amount, I felt great. Unfortunately I did have that roll killed by an upsetting conversation, so I proceeded to take another cap full about 2 hours later. Felt a little more anxious, but still felt great. I am much smaller than my boyfriend though, where I'm 4'10 weighing 110 and he's 6' weighing 215. I figure it's important for him to start with a small amount and go from there, but I guess I wanted just a ballpark idea.
2. I wanted enough things to keep us stimulated while we roll. Last weekend after the show, I did come home still rolling and found myself extremely antsy because there was nothing to keep me occupied. But that's only because I wasn't expecting to come home while rolling so I wasn't prepared. I want to make this the most memorable experience for him, so I wanted to have things that stimulate all of his senses. I'm going to get plenty of glowsticks, flashing things, anything with pretty lights, and my gloves to give him a light show. Is there anything specific you would recommend to watch/see? Youtube, movies, shows, anything, or even if you would recommend to not watch anything at all. When it comes to music, we are very far apart. I enjoy listening to techno/dubstep/trance/edm music while rolling, but mostly everyday music when I'm not (rap, hip-hop, rock, classic, alternative, country, etc.) He's not really into the whole electronic music, but he does find some catchy (like knife party or skrillex). Any ideas of music would be great because we are both trying to feel for what we like. For smells, I was planning on buying some vicks, although he says he doesn't want to try that (I have and very much enjoy the feeling it gives me). Is there anything else scent-wise that we could use? Also, I was told it's not good to eat while rolling, is that true? If so I'll skip the taste sensation. And lastly touch, the most important sensation in my opinion. I wanted to get some fuzzy blankets, fuzzy socks, fuzzy anything really. I was also going to get a mini-massager because vibrations are incredible. Any other ideas? After reading this big ol paragraph, are there any other activities/things to do that you would recommend? No need to answer with sex, we already have that covered (;

Before writing this I know I had alot more to ask than this, but I'm now drawing a blank. So if you have any other tips or suggestions, pleaseee don't hesitate to let us know. The more information we can gather by october the better. Thanks!
100mg-120mg seems to be the normal starting dose recommend for a beginner on this site, seeing how he is a pretty big guy I'd say definitely 100mg and if he feels up to it 120mg.

Have you tested the MDMA you have to make sure that it is in fact MDMA? If you're in the states test kits are super easy to come by, $20 and you can have a test kit from Dancesafe within a week. I would really suggest that you buy one if you haven't already.

I'd say just make a large playlist with both your favorite songs along with his. It's kind of hard to hate music when rolling, the only genre I still don't like while rolling is trap haha. Definitely get fuzzy things! Also fans are pretty awesome while rolling, it will help keep you cool if you start feeling too warm plus the wind feels awesome! Maybe light some candles for scent? Maybe grab some massage oil?
hi tara and welcome to bluelight. this here should help you out.
laugh- I'm not finding it in the directory! Is there a mega-merge thread on it that I'm missing? If not, there should definitely be one as this rolling-at-home subject is popping up a lot lately on the forums!
Be a good girlfriend and buy a test kit and a milligram scale and show your boyfriend the responsible way to do this.

Other than that, a big fleece blanket to lie on and I'm sure you two will figure out the rest.
Showers! So great to do while peaking! Good post sex act too.

Also get a colorful movie like Finding Nemo and put it on mute with the lights off. Massage oil too.

Also bong hits help too.
I second the test kit and milligram scale. If you don't have those two things yet, then they are the most important things you need to get.
Whenever I have my friends over for a homerave I turn my livingroom into a disco with all kinds of lasers & strobes & some nice electronic tunes really enhances the roll. You got some good advise already. If you're into vicks vapor, buy a dust mask and put a lot of vicksgel inside. Breathing feels awesome! I think you'll have a good time whatever you gonna do. Especially since it's with your boyfriend. (English is not my fist language) haha. And yeah like mentioned above - scale + testkit (Y)
I second the test kit and milligram scale. If you don't have those two things yet, then they are the most important things you need to get.

cheapest insurance for most amount of money saved for two easyyyy pre cautions that increase your chances of having a great time :) instead of :\
My friends already have me covered with the test kit and milligram scale. They've helped me before when it came to the shows so I'm sure they will help me out with our apartment roll. I love all of these ideas! Making me more and more excited for october :D how does smoking weed affect your roll? I have yet to try that because I just feel like it might be "too much", like I'll get dizzy or something. but everytime i've asked rollers who were smoking at the time, i never really got a definite answer hahaha :p
Smoking the reefer is a pretty neat activity when you're rolling. I prefer it on the comedown because it almost brings back the body high from the mdma, in my experience at least. If you're looking for music I can direct you to some mixes. It'll be like you're at a show, just without the massive crowd and tinnitus inducing decibel levels haha.
My boyfriend and I have gotten some edible body paints and put an old blanket on the living room floor. So much fun while rolling!
My friends already have me covered with the test kit and milligram scale. They've helped me before when it came to the shows so I'm sure they will help me out with our apartment roll. I love all of these ideas! Making me more and more excited for october :D how does smoking weed affect your roll? I have yet to try that because I just feel like it might be "too much", like I'll get dizzy or something. but everytime i've asked rollers who were smoking at the time, i never really got a definite answer hahaha :p

Its like getting a bonus roll. Plus it makes the comedown smoother.
Take a shower together in the dark, me and my girlfriend roll like that all the time. Vix, strong candy, and loud music is also pretty damn nice.
Smoking the reefer is a pretty neat activity when you're rolling. I prefer it on the comedown because it almost brings back the body high from the mdma, in my experience at least. If you're looking for music I can direct you to some mixes. It'll be like you're at a show, just without the massive crowd and tinnitus inducing decibel levels haha.

I'd looove to know some specific mixes, especially if they are like a show. I have yet to listen to music while rolling without it being a show, so I want to make the most of it and make my own little show at home :D
source a small dose of VIAGRA/CIALIS! nothing is more of a buzzkill than having wood problems while getting down & dirty on the comedown. it happens to the best of us :'(, so if your boyfriend laughs in your face when you bring it up in your to-do-list of goodies, just buy some anyway w/o telling him and he'll thank you later when its necessary, lol.
I'd looove to know some specific mixes, especially if they are like a show. I have yet to listen to music while rolling without it being a show, so I want to make the most of it and make my own little show at home :D

Here's a page for mixes that I've done. You might want to disregard the first one if you're not too into deep house. It's good jazzy mellow music though, great for coming down.

Some mixes from Kill The Noise and Jack Beats

I remember you mentioned knife party so here's a mix they did at Ultra Music Festival

With these at your disposal you will be well equipped for your rolling times in your apartment. :)

[EDIT] Also, here's a freebie. Giving you my latest original production, still unreleased :) http://www.mediafire.com/download/304ydu6f70rf9f5/Cracked+Coke+Cane.mp3 You can download or you can just stream it, but if you like knife party, skrillex-y style music, you might enjoy this. Cheeky little title too %)
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Search back over the last few pages, there are a couple of posts about rolling at home/camping that you can get some kickass ideas from :) I only roll at home now, you're going to have so much fun!