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oregonians and "sunshine" AGAIN


Aug 19, 2010
I only caught half the story on kgw but what I got out of it is sunshine Is a crystal powder that is being snorted.... And seems to be causing quite the stir in local schools... Has anyone figured out what this stuff is? Because no one locally seems to know. I know there was speculation in the last thread I seen but no one knew for sure. Supposedly prolonged use causes brain damage. Bluelighters thought it was an RC but the name escapes me Atm. Just thought I would post because the last thread I seen people were saying it was a news joke because the story was aired on April 1st. Let the discussion begin!

Edit: the story aired on todays news
i have not. sounds like your typical brain frying, stimulant/empathogen/psychedelic/poision RC to me.

A friend of mine told me about this new stuff sunshine in portland. After looking into it, I'm pretty sure its the research chemical mephedrone aka meow meow, etc. He said the experience is similar to MDMA but shorter, and the stuff was being sold as a plant fertilizer..
that's what I was thinking of... Mephedrone.... But no one knows for sure yet? That's weird since it made thenews again and this time a larger station covered the story. CNN is the next step. If It is meph it will soon be scheduled.....
From the discussions I've seen various places online it looks like it's become sort of a generic name term for any of the RC party powders and that what drug you'd actually be getting would depend on your location.
Sunshine is Mephedrone or 4-methylmethhcathinone (MCAT). It combines the best parts of cocaine and ecstasy--and is sold 100%pure.....sounds like a bad one to me.
^ Things being sold one hundred percent pure is actually a good thing. A drug that is x percent of what it says and x percent random shit tends to be WAY more accountable for overdoses simply because people even further don't know what they are taking.

"The best parts of cocaine and ecstasy" sounds a little sensationalist, mephedrone has plenty of dirty side effects. There is never going to be some magical elixir like the media puts it, ingesting random molecules does tend to have plenty of random side effects.