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Opioids Opioid Withdrawal - When to get medical help?


Apr 29, 2018
I've gone around 46 hours without any opioids now (I get my script in ~16 hour) apart from 24mg Loperamide which I have literally just taken (2 minutes ago) I have had very copious "trap-door" diarrhea (enough that a clogged a fucking toilet with VERY little toilet paper...like a pooped so much in one sitting my toilet noped out), with the associated painful cramps. Small amounts of bright red blood in that. I've had nausea too and vomited four times despite the fact that I haven't eaten for ~20 hours. I'm pretty weak and get dizzy when I get up (orthostatic hypotension?).

Should I just put up with it for 16 hours (maybe more) or get medical help?

I've been taking Gabapentin and Seroquel (and just took a 100mg Thorazine) to try and manage symptoms.
What opioids/dosage are you WDing from? Blood in stool is never good...

Dihydrocodeine (if you're from the US and don't have it there, it's 1/4 to 1/5 the strength of morphine) and I usually take about 600mg/day.

I took the fact that it's bright red (rather than "coffee grounds") to be a sign that it's probably from a small tear or fissure due to the pressure/cramps?
Oh no, no pushing lol. It comes out WITH FORCE.
Damn... then I would personally be worried about blood. You have the NHS there, so doctor visits are free right? Only reason I never see my doc is it costs an arm and a leg. But... I'd also never want a doc to know I use opioids.
Bright blood means it's from near the end, and is much less worrying than dark/old blood, from further up. Not saying you shouldn't check up on it, especially if it's more than a few drops, but you likely just tore up your butthole pooping so hard. Every opiate addict has been there.

Darker blood means it's further up (brown/black or clotted blood, or anything that looks like old coffee grounds) which is a lot more serious. If you ever see that, get checked ASAP
Are you still only prescribed 300mg/day @ChemicallyEnhanced? At least this tolerance break will mean you can take a bit less than 600mg per day, at least at first.
The loperamide should kick in after an hour or 2 and you'll be ok.
Bright blood means it's from near the end, and is much less worrying than dark/old blood, from further up. Not saying you shouldn't check up on it, especially if it's more than a few drops, but you likely just tore up your butthole pooping so hard. Every opiate addict has been there.
Bright blood means it's from near the end, and is much less worrying than dark/old blood, from further up. Not saying you shouldn't check up on it, especially if it's more than a few drops, but you likely just tore up your butthole pooping so hard. Every opiate addict has been there.

Darker blood means it's further up (brown/black or clotted blood, or anything that looks like old coffee grounds) which is a lot more serious. If you ever see that, get checked ASAP

Thanks, that's what I was thinking.
Are you still only prescribed 300mg/day @ChemicallyEnhanced? At least this tolerance break will mean you can take a bit less than 600mg per day, at least at first.
The loperamide should kick in after an hour or 2 and you'll be ok.

Yes and the lope helped A LOT. With that and the Gaba/Quetiapine/Thorazine I actually managed to sleep for 17 hours and got my script within the next couple hours.
Thanks for the concern and replies, everyone! ❤️
The loperamide helped and I have my meds now with the added bonus of a somewhat reduced tolerance :).
Yes and the lope helped A LOT. With that and the Gaba/Quetiapine/Thorazine I actually managed to sleep for 17 hours and got my script within the next couple hours.
Ubknow with thst combo I always quit my mini dependences these days gaba,+lope+clonsz for sleep.
Never fails it just gets a lil rough on day 3-5, after dsy 5 I'm shittinh solid agsin haha
I've gone around 46 hours without any opioids now (I get my script in ~16 hour) apart from 24mg Loperamide which I have literally just taken (2 minutes ago) I have had very copious "trap-door" diarrhea (enough that a clogged a fucking toilet with VERY little toilet paper...like a pooped so much in one sitting my toilet noped out), with the associated painful cramps. Small amounts of bright red blood in that. I've had nausea too and vomited four times despite the fact that I haven't eaten for ~20 hours. I'm pretty weak and get dizzy when I get up (orthostatic hypotension?).

Should I just put up with it for 16 hours (maybe more) or get medical help?

I've been taking Gabapentin and Seroquel (and just took a 100mg Thorazine) to try and manage symptoms.
Man, your habit is quite heavy since ure still bsrfing and having explosivr diarrhea even with comfort meds. I've heard lyrica +gaba works even better than either of em alone. Imma try next time I rattle.
While diarreea and nausea are normal in wds take some lope drink sports drinks and congrats for getting to this point just read you taken lope
Man, your habit is quite heavy since ure still bsrfing and having explosivr diarrhea even with comfort meds. I've heard lyrica +gaba works even better than either of em alone. Imma try next time I rattle.

It's the duration as well as the dose, I think. I've been on opioids for 11 years. Different ones at different times (everything from codeine to fentanyl).