• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Opioid-induced narcolepsy?


Jun 17, 2010
Is it possible for opioids to induce narcolepsy?

Obviously I'm not referring to nodding out here. Over the last few weeks I've been noticing that I have a habit of falling asleep completely randomly. I'm often in the middle of work, but this morning it happened while standing up at the fridge (I awoke falling backward, crashing over pots and pans) and last night as well.

I am using my regular dosage of opioids, and suspected that it had something to do with them. However the last two episodes have occurred without any opioids in my system. I have attempted using amphetamines to combat this strange situation with no success. I've used more than a quarter-gram of amphetamine (which is a lot for me, usually a 0.1 will last me a day or two) in an effort to stay awake for work and still find myself passing out at random intervals.

This is a lot different than nodding out from opioids. When I'm nodding out I can feel myself fading away. This is different. I'll just spontaneously "appear" several hours in the future in some strange, uncomfortable, impossible-looking position. My last memories are usually working; my work is still open where I recall finishing.

Anyone have any idea what's going on? I really do believe it's linked to the opioids but the episode this morning sort of freaked me out.
I've experienced drug-induced narcolepsy from other medications although not from opioids.

Are you on any other medications?

If you are really passing out for several hours like that I would get checked out.

My symptoms occurred while I was at work, I would be standing up feeling awake then have an overwhelming sense of tiredness come on, I would literally fall asleep standing up and would fall down sometimes. It wasn't a "normal" tired feeling, it came on very quickly and was impossible to resist. I actually ended up getting fired from a job due to this. Luckily it went away when I stopped the meds. I was on 4-5 at the time.

However, narcolepsy from ONLY opioids doesn't sound right.

What dose are you on?
Is it possible for opioids to induce narcolepsy?

Obviously I'm not referring to nodding out here. Over the last few weeks I've been noticing that I have a habit of falling asleep completely randomly. I'm often in the middle of work, but this morning it happened while standing up at the fridge (I awoke falling backward, crashing over pots and pans) and last night as well.

I am using my regular dosage of opioids, and suspected that it had something to do with them. However the last two episodes have occurred without any opioids in my system. I have attempted using amphetamines to combat this strange situation with no success. I've used more than a quarter-gram of amphetamine (which is a lot for me, usually a 0.1 will last me a day or two) in an effort to stay awake for work and still find myself passing out at random intervals.

This is a lot different than nodding out from opioids. When I'm nodding out I can feel myself fading away. This is different. I'll just spontaneously "appear" several hours in the future in some strange, uncomfortable, impossible-looking position. My last memories are usually working; my work is still open where I recall finishing.

Anyone have any idea what's going on? I really do believe it's linked to the opioids but the episode this morning sort of freaked me out.
I think you need to go straight to you Dr. This is a worrying sign. It appears you are losing consciousness and for hours at a time?

Please get checked out by a Dr.

I’ve not heard of opiate/opioid induced narcolepsy. I wouldn’t even dare to call what you are experiencing narcolepsy without examination/testing.
^ Yeah that's pretty weird, you should definitely get checked out.

The fall you described in your first paragraph, plus the fact that you're fainting or passing out for long periods of time makes it sound more like a cardiovascular issue rather than narcolepsy.
what sort of ope dosage? but yeah, seek medical assistance.
I've experienced drug-induced narcolepsy from other medications although not from opioids.

Are you on any other medications?

If you are really passing out for several hours like that I would get checked out.

My symptoms occurred while I was at work, I would be standing up feeling awake then have an overwhelming sense of tiredness come on, I would literally fall asleep standing up and would fall down sometimes. It wasn't a "normal" tired feeling, it came on very quickly and was impossible to resist. I actually ended up getting fired from a job due to this. Luckily it went away when I stopped the meds. I was on 4-5 at the time.

However, narcolepsy from ONLY opioids doesn't sound right.

What dose are you on?
Interesting. What meds were you on? I've heard conversations in certain circles about some of the shit that people are cutting their dope with. Unforunaately there's some confusion among the newer generation of opioid users here who have never experienced a true nod and seem to associate falling asleep wit nodding route. So there are some seriously strong sedatives being mixed into these drugs. I traded someone a bottle of gabapentns for a couple nags last night because he thinks it makes a great cutting agent. Lol.

Other agents I've felt used are etizolam and zopiclone, and some lesser-known drugs. But yeah, the dope that does it to me is like that. I'll smoke i, feel next to noting for about 15 minutes, then I'll get this "ohfuck, here it comes" feeling. If I don't make it to bed within 30 seconds of that feeling I'll fall asleep wherever the hell I am, whether or not I'm standing up. Had my first fall from it a couple days ago. Making a point to strictly regulate who I source my drugs from now.
Is it possible for opioids to induce narcolepsy?

Obviously I'm not referring to nodding out here. Over the last few weeks I've been noticing that I have a habit of falling asleep completely randomly. I'm often in the middle of work, but this morning it happened while standing up at the fridge (I awoke falling backward, crashing over pots and pans) and last night as well.

I am using my regular dosage of opioids, and suspected that it had something to do with them. However the last two episodes have occurred without any opioids in my system. I have attempted using amphetamines to combat this strange situation with no success. I've used more than a quarter-gram of amphetamine (which is a lot for me, usually a 0.1 will last me a day or two) in an effort to stay awake for work and still find myself passing out at random intervals.

This is a lot different than nodding out from opioids. When I'm nodding out I can feel myself fading away. This is different. I'll just spontaneously "appear" several hours in the future in some strange, uncomfortable, impossible-looking position. My last memories are usually working; my work is still open where I recall finishing.

Anyone have any idea what's going on? I really do believe it's linked to the opioids but the episode this morning sort of freaked me out.
The question is , is How much sleep do get per night on average. Once you answer that question you will receive an accurate answer
Interesting. What meds were you on? I've heard conversations in certain circles about some of the shit that people are cutting their dope with.
When I was experiencing the narcoleptic symptoms I was on olanzapine, lithium, Adderall, propranolol, librium, an SSRI and oxcarbazepine I believe.

I really don't know what caused it. Even with 20mg amphetamines in my system I would still fall asleep.

I was also in psychosis during that time. Bit of a blur.

It stopped when I cut back on how many meds I was taking, I assume it was some sort of interaction.
You made another thread that you cannot experience happiness on opiates(can you experience it off opiates?)

There's a possibility this is linked to your sleep issue. I have some experience /w people who have Parkinson's Disease, which means they have very low dopamine levels, and many fall asleep at random times because of that.

I have seen this in a multitude of addicts I work with, but usually in the Cocaine/Amphetamine region. However, since it's not just the sleep issue, but also the pleasure from opiates, my money would be on a dopamine issue.

Please go to a doctor asap. This is fucking dangerous.
When I was experiencing the narcoleptic symptoms I was on olanzapine, lithium, Adderall, propranolol, librium, an SSRI and oxcarbazepine I believe.

I really don't know what caused it. Even with 20mg amphetamines in my system I would still fall asleep.

I was also in psychosis during that time. Bit of a blur.

It stopped when I cut back on how many meds I was taking, I assume it was some sort of interaction.
Just curious, your Narcoleptic? #1 so do you just randomly pass out
#2 How much sleep do you get at night?

Thank you
When I was experiencing the narcoleptic symptoms I was on olanzapine, lithium, Adderall, propranolol, librium, an SSRI and oxcarbazepine I believe.

I really don't know what caused it. Even with 20mg amphetamines in my system I would still fall asleep.

I was also in psychosis during that time. Bit of a blur.

It stopped when I cut back on how many meds I was taking, I assume it was some sort of interaction.
do you drink coffee? #1 Lithium will destroy your kidneys, and cause massive weight gain!, #2 Olanzapine is an antipsychotic, i cant comment on that because I'm not your doctor. # 3 Adderall is a synthetic Amphetamine similar to a Cocaine rush" long tern effects can cause hallucinations and heart damage" propranolol is for high blood pressure.( you apparently are over weight because of lithium. #4 Librium 1950s early benzo, like Valium, Xanax ( its a dinosaur, its good for getting offf of alcohol or opioids). Its better to snort. # 5 oxcarbazepine is a anti seizure med/ bipolar. I don't know why your Doctor has you on this weird mix of meds. If i was a doctor( but I'm not) You should be on valium, Propranolol, and only Adderall if you need it, the rest is bull shit., then you need to drop Adderall and smoke medical marijuana. ( just my opinion!
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Just curious, your Narcoleptic? #1 so do you just randomly pass out
#2 How much sleep do you get at night?

Thank you
no I'm not narcoleptic, but this did occur during a psychosis, i just experienced some narcoleptic like symptoms for a period of time (and it ended up me getting fired from my job)

1. yes and no, I would have an overcoming sense of tiredness come over me, I wouldn't be able to resist it, and I would sort fall "half asleep" and start hallucinating. Often, I would be standing up and would nearly fall down but was usually able to stop my self. Other times I would sit down in a chair and completely fall asleep without any warning, this is why I was fired.

2. Prior to this I had a long period of chronic sleep deprivatrion. Not severe, but, when you're alcoholic and have alcohol in your system every night and you only give yourself 5-6 hours..... over several years this adds up to major slee deprivation

I had a major psychosis and about a year afterwards I was on a bunch of different meds and then started having narcoleptic like symptoms. Brief period of my life, few months.
no I'm not narcoleptic, but this did occur during a psychosis, i just experienced some narcoleptic like symptoms for a period of time (and it ended up me getting fired from my job)

1. yes and no, I would have an overcoming sense of tiredness come over me, I wouldn't be able to resist it, and I would sort fall "half asleep" and start hallucinating. Often, I would be standing up and would nearly fall down but was usually able to stop my self. Other times I would sit down in a chair and completely fall asleep without any warning, this is why I was fired.

2. Prior to this I had a long period of chronic sleep deprivatrion. Not severe, but, when you're alcoholic and have alcohol in your system every night and you only give yourself 5-6 hours..... over several years this adds up to major slee deprivation

I had a major psychosis and about a year afterwards I was on a bunch of different meds and then started having narcoleptic like symptoms. Brief period of my life, few months.
yes, I do, but not very much, no more than 1 cup unless I take theanine
I'm just a beer drinker, the way i fall asleep now ( because i broke my elbow my dr prescribed me Gabba pentin) and i went to the emergency room trying to quit drinking " i felt like i was have a heart attack, so they gave me Librium( until i got my normal valium script from my normal DR), I don't recommend what I am about to tell you. now to sleep I get one 100mg Capsule of Gabapentin and one 25mg Librium. I get a hard paper plate i divide each capsule separately into two seperate piles of powder. i get a pen to mark each pile. now i also get Zanaflex( tizanidine) a muscle relaxer. I slide a little bumb from Librium together with a little bumb from gabba pentin. I get a straw and snort it, after 10 to 15 mins i feel good. usually it knocks me out whithin 45 mins. if i need an extra kick, i throw in some Zanaflex, just a little. ( it's easy to get, just ask your DR, its not a controlled substances) then you sleep like a baby for at least 5 hours, which is a blessing for me. with no alcohol i stay up for days.
What does theanine do for you, in day-to-day terms?
pretty much nothing other than it's amazing effects at counteracting caffeine's side effects

I rarely take any caffeine without an equivalent amount of L-theanine

other than counteracting caffeine anxiety it does nothing for me, but caffeine anxiety - it's GREAT at reducing that

they have a direct inreaction, if you didn't know