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opioid comedown


Apr 18, 2015
I have tried to post a similar thread in homeless threads but I don't think it posted, though I apolagise if it has posted, for any confusion caused. Do opioids, particularly strong ones like heroin, morphine and codine, have a comedown in people not addicted to them. I understand that in regular users, tolerance and possible dependence may develop, resulting in unpleasant symptoms when opioids where of, but how about in first time or very occational users.
Not to my knowledge. In my experience if one is not dependent/tolerant, then it will just gradually wear off and leave a pleasant afterglow, which in turn will fade away slowly.
Nothing bad,just a nice warm "afterglow" as above poster said,and just wanting to do some more when the effects completely wear off(might take even a day or two for a first timer)

Thats why damn opies(esp H from my experience) are so "attractive".cause there is no bad side effects after(except if you take much and vomit and obviously addiction).
Nothing bad,just a nice warm "afterglow" as above poster said,and just wanting to do some more when the effects completely wear off(might take even a day or two for a first timer)

Thats why damn opies(esp H from my experience) are so "attractive".cause there is no bad side effects after(except if you take much and vomit and obviously addiction).

Yeah, this is exactly how it was for me with H. It was a very euphoric comedown and many times I smoked pot to make me feel even better. It does make you want to do more though because it's a great feeling IMO. The first time I took way too much and got sick though, but just because you get sick doesn't necessarily mean you've taken too much. I've gotten sick off of 20mgs with a decent tolerance. To help out with this I take a Zofran 30 minutes before doing opiates. Of course, I've quit H and I stick to hydrocodone & oxycodone these days.
FromThe first time I took oxycodone IR about an hour after taking my prescribed dose I would get very cranky and angry and kind of just feel like crap even in small doses. I now take higher doses but it still does the same thing to me and I can't figure out why. I have never done heroin so I can't comment on that. I know this has been discussed before in another thread but the first couple months of taking Oxycodone it always made me feel horrible but for some reason I continue to use it. Now When I take I find it very enjoyable and relaxing but then after the hour I start to feel like shit get cranky and angry anybody have an idea why this happens?.
the "comedown" is more of a "fuck im not high anymore" not really uncomfortable in my experience just the dread of being sober as i never redose and have been keeping my usage under control thanks to withdrawals. oxy definitely does this for me. other things like hydro/morphine/fent i just gradually get sober which sucks.
Low dose of opiate... my come down is almost non existent
Higher dose of opiate... i'll feel it gradually coming down which isn't bad. But what sucks is waking up the next morning.. feeling kinda groggy and tired. Don't want to really do shit.. but just wait till i pop my next dose.
Im not addicted and the only come down is the next morning/day i feel a little nauseous
First time I cooked up a quarter gram of black tar and snorted the jungle smelling liquid, it was amazing. I had just lost my gf and I was very upset but the tar made me think everything was better than cool,lol. I puked a couple times that night and when I woke up the next day I was still high. The second day after I came down, and I knew I loved heroin. No comedown, no paranoia like meth. Nowadays after going through WDs dozens of times, there is a big comedown, enough so that when I think of heroin I don't imagine the high anymore, I imagine the horrible crash.