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Opiates for breakup depression

Everyone is giving good advice in the name of harm reduction. But in reality if you only dose a few times throughout the week you will be fine. Use them as a crutch and nothing more. Is there any chance you guys get back together in the future?
Everyone is giving good advice in the name of harm reduction. But in reality if you only dose a few times throughout the week you will be fine. Use them as a crutch and nothing more. Is there any chance you guys get back together in the future?
Thank you. I thought about getting back together alot and i really want to... But i know its not a good idea and if we do I will probably go through this again soon.
Btw are opiates nearly as addictive as benzos? I started using benzos on and off about 4 months ago and so far I am not addicted at all. I can limit myself to once a week or once every 2 weeks in small doses. And I usually only use them in expreme cases of anxiety or stress
^ I found opiates to be more habit forming than benzos. If I had them in my possession, I would find a reason to use them. Every person is different though. I wouldn't try to get back together with your girlfriend at this point. Have you considered going to counseling?
IMO I agree with most of what ha already been said and would add this, as someone who used opiates to overcome anxiety disorders and clinic depression;

When you are sad and find a substance to make you feel better, it is almost impossible to go back to normal again.

If you are sad and feel like shit and you know there's a pill or powder That can make u feel better... Anyone would go and use the substance. Why feel like shit of you don't have to?

That is how my addiction started. Since then I have found out that drugs temporarily put my mental issues on hold but immediately after they wear off the problems are still there.

Ime drugs are only useful to put yourself in the state of mind to work on yourself n address your problems. See a therapist, find something or someon that makes you happy, do something to address the underlying symptoms or you will continue to use drugs until your addiction really takes hold and begins to negatively impact your life.

My boyfriend of three years and best friend of five years died of a heroin overdose last Sunday. In not trying to invalidate your feelings but to put it in perspective... I am so fucked up about this. He was my soul mate. I talked to him about everything and he was the only person in the world I could true my be myself around. I don't have many friends but I always said as long as I had him everything would be alright.

N now that he is gone I'm trying hard as fuck to STOP using opiates. Heroin specifically. I'm still using a little because withdrawal is so hard on top of grieving and coming to terms with him being gone..

But I've come to realise that using drugs to feel normal is no way to live.
^ I found opiates to be more habit forming than benzos. If I had them in my possession, I would find a reason to use them. Every person is different though. I wouldn't try to get back together with your girlfriend at this point. Have you considered going to counseling?

I would go to counseling but i don't have insurance at the moment... and not friends to talk to really... just people online who don't really care about me
I have to chime in here and talk some sense into you...forget about the opiates for now. How old are you? When my first serious girlfriend dumped me (after two years) I was utterly devastated. Like how you are right now. What you need to do is stay away from her, stop texting her, stop looking at her Facebook and instagram and keep yourself busy..,I promise you will get better with time, not only will you start to feel better, you will be become smarter and more prepared to be a man when it comes to future girlfriends...

As far as the pills go, like others have said your desire to use them to dull emotional pain is a YUGE red flag. I was just like you totally headstrong and thinking I could control any drug...I've been struggling with pill addiction for about 10 years now (and probably about $100K) and I wish I'd never touched the damm things.

Lastly, I heard in a movie once the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody...go get yourself some ass buddy, it's a much healthier pursuit than some life destroying pills.
opiate withdrawl is bad benzo withdrawl many times worse

how about get out and do some excercise. no drugs just get out of the house and do some excercise go for a 3 mile walk. then see if you feel less shit

come on- how do you think you will solve other issues in your life in future? adults look for better coping mechanisms.

meet with your friends and see if that helps.

if you could describe what your relationship was like we could figure out more easily how to deal with its end. did you have a life outside it or were you in each others pockets 24/7?

everyone feels mega shit after breakups but most people just try to bury their head in their job, go out partying with friends or get a hobby.

you need to get healthy distractions in your life. it will get better, drug taking will make this part worse.

drug taking only really works when used to enhance a good life rather than as an alternative to a bad one.

go do some excercise and eat some healthy food. complex carbs, get some chicken or bananas. fish with omega 3 like trout or salmon.

eat and excercise yourself into a reduced state of anxiety
If your depression is severely affecting your ability to get through the day and is on going you might be better off seeing a gp and getting antidepressants to level out your serotonin . They dont make you instantly high and happy and take a while to start working but it helps to have them to lift your thoughts out of the black hole.

When you dont feel as low its easier to return to a normal way of living life.

I had a terrible break up which altered my life and I was already prescribed effexor. I was prescribed a short script of diazepam which did help get through the initial rough period and not feel so shattered. Its only short term help . The immediate few weeks post event are the worst and after that time passes things get better.

When I was put on effexor years ago they did give me valium as well to help until the antidepressants started working.

Effexor isnt new on the market anymore and I dont know much about newer drugs.

Opiates might seem like they would give you temporary relief from this and naybe they would give you a break but they arent really around for that. Its like any other recreational drug tgat you could well use to get fucked up but its not the greatest idea to advise anyone to do that.

The best thing you can do is keep busy and your mind on other things as much as possible.

All the best mate.

Break ups are the worst.
The vast majority of people on bluelight who report using opiates for self-medication and psychological therapy regret it. You can read about it in the dark side. Some of those out of control opiate use stories probably started after break ups. There are exceptions to that trend who will always be able to control their use, but they are rare. Even if you don't get hooked, if you do it wrong, you can make the break up misery worse. Although not nearly as much as psychedelics, the opiate experience also depends somewhat on "set and setting," and if you are going through the psychological crisis of a break-up, those issues could come up in an intense and nightmarish manner while on opiates.

One can go through many breakups throughout life. It's better to learn to cope now and without a crutch. Don't think about it for now. Just focus on getting rid of the attack of depression.
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Hey guys. Here's an update. I tried taking tramadol the last 2 days. First time I took 150 mg over the course of 3 hours with some xanax (to avoid any possibility of a seizure). I Felt basically nothing except some calmness and relaxation. Yes, it did get my mind off of things, but I didn't necessarily feel happy. I just felt kinda emotionless and relaxed. Today I tried 200mg tramadol over the course of 2 hours with 0.5mg xanax. Again, right now I'm just feeling OKAY. No depression, but no happiness or euphoria.
Is there something wrong with my stomach and metabolism? I read many stories on here of people getting high off 100mg. How come I'm not getting any euphoria from it? I also talked to my friend who took opiates after surgery and he told me that the feeling wasn't subtle and it felt extremely good for him even in low doses
basically what i felt from 200 tramadol was very similar to a benzo... weird :/
Using drugs and alcohol to hide from emotions and life is a slipperly slope mate.

Now I am the type of guy who if they get bad news like a friend passing fuckoff and take a shot or two of liquor just to calm down and not let it ever really sink in.

As far as relationships, I wouldn't advise a bender, I get you gonna do something to take away the pain but look it probably wasn't meant to be, hence the breakup.

I forget how many people there are on the planet but you probably gonna find one you fancy more and get along with better. Think of the breakup as a new chance to find someone special.
Unrelated Question: I have to use adderall to keep up with my work and assignments right now. Will it make my depression worse? I am not taking high doses (20-30mg). I really need it to focus and do work right now but I'm afraid of the comedown that will make me depressed and I'll end up thinking of her and being more sad
I think benzos can reduce the euphoria of tramadol. You might also be developing some tolerance.

Some people just don't get much out of tramadol though. Its highly variable between different people. I personally think tramadol is more addicting and euphoric than oxy, but most wouldn't agree.

I'm a bit concerned that you're completely ignoring everyone's advice on here though. Youre going to get yourself into a mess of trouble if you continue down that path of poly drug abuse to deal with a very temporary emotional state. Are you interested in dealing with your problems, or are you just wanting us to help you get as high as possible?

I'm not trying to be dick. I'm just very concerned about how you're dealing with you're situation. I actually started taking tramadol every day after a really rough break up... I was prescribed it for pain which helped me rationalize my use, but I wasn't just using it to help with the physical pain. It didn't take long for me to get hooked

Perhaps more importantly, you're missing out on an opportunity to really grow as a person. To get through these kinds of trying emotional times can really broaden your perspective and naturally increase self-confidence. It's extremely difficult, but if you can get through this period without resorting to artificial ways of repressing your emotions, youll really become a better, more mature individual.
Unrelated Question: I have to use adderall to keep up with my work and assignments right now. Will it make my depression worse? I am not taking high doses (20-30mg). I really need it to focus and do work right now but I'm afraid of the comedown that will make me depressed and I'll end up thinking of her and being more sad

It's extremely dangerous to mix Adderall and tramadol. You'll probably feel worse after it wears off, and you could get yourself into trouble if you take any tramadol to dull the comedown.
Tramadol lowers your seizure threashold so it would put you at risk for the worst kind of OD, the one you don't want to die from cuz its horrific and harder to treat.

Anyways no amphetamines (adderal in your case) are going to make you feel even worse. The come down is a bitch but if you are already in a gloomy mood you gonna be pissed and probably wind up piss drunk when you come down.

Look I don't think tramadol is the worse drug in the world and yeah its addictive. I had an rx for years and honestly I don't think I ever noticed if I ran out. I had another opiate rx for vicodin and yeah that was way more addictive for me but at that point in my life I didn't have a problem with drugs, just a bit of pain and I wanted to still skateboard so my doctor hooked me up so I could keep at it.

I honestly never had a serious drug problem until I got hurt but I did use drugs for things I shouldn't have. Kinda where you are is a crossroads. If you do this over a relationship to yourself there is going to be days you just don't want to go to work sober but it won't be everyday at first, it creeps on you.

After a while it gets to you just want a few pills a day and from there it gets worse to where it doesn't really matter what drug or you get a bit addicted or partial to one and then you start having financial trouble even if you can spend a weekend sleeping it off you are not happy clean. Thats where it starts.

Sooner or later life will throw you a real kick to the teeth, an abortion of your seed, a divorce, a death of a close friend or a lot, death of family, death of that dog you didn't realize how much you loved till it passed cuz it peed on the floor sometimes, loss of job, loss of your home, the list goes on but life happens and it isn't always as how we planned it.

I took some time and thought into this post just kind of to tell you how addiction and habiutation grows from casual use and its not everybody but most people that need to take 2 or 3 drugs to get over a breakup are going to be drug addicted down the road. Is that really something you want?

All I am saying is take it easy, just do as little as you have to if you must but do you really need it or do you think you need it? I am not judging you but just asking you not to lie to yourself.

I been down that road, missing someone who don't want me and honestly there are some people that might have a small piece of your heart for years even though its over. Try to remember the good times and let the breakup just not be a big deal, did you not see it coming? The first few breakups in life are hard, especially serious relationships, trust me, I know, I was married twice.

But if you think I shed a tear in the last ten years over a woman you are sorely mistaken. I knew what it was before it even started.
OP all you wanna do is talk about what drugs to take.

either look at other options or i'm closing the thread

yes if you take lots of speed while in a bad place mentally dont be surprised that you feel extra shit after it wears off.

if you are that depressed and want no emotions go to the doctor . ssri's kill your emotions not that they actually solve depression
Ok guys i only TRIED tramadol and I'm not planning to take it long term. After thinking about it for a while you guys are right, i either need to man up and take it and grow as a person, or try to get back with her... i know there's a chance to do that but she wants me to change and see a lot of effort from me. And she said she already lost some feelings :/ so im not sure if i should do that or just try to move on
Move on and stop using drugs to cope is my advice.

I agree with podfacehoe here 100%, we are not here to help you get high or tell you which drugs are gonna make you feel ok.

Guess what drugs make you feel like shit too cuz they take a toll and fuck up your life, its a trade off and not always a good one.

In your case you just are refusing to handle something simple as a breakup like an adult.
Ok guys i only TRIED tramadol and I'm not planning to take it long term. After thinking about it for a while you guys are right, i either need to man up and take it and grow as a person, or try to get back with her... i know there's a chance to do that but she wants me to change and see a lot of effort from me. And she said she already lost some feelings :/ so im not sure if i should do that or just try to move on

Either way, good luck :)