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opiates and kratom tomorrow?


Jan 18, 2009
tomorrow i plan on getting 15mg of hydrocodone and 300mg of tramadol. To potentiate the tramadol
i have learned to titrate the doses. I will do this 100 mgs at a time until i have taken all of them then about 30 minutes after my last dose i will take the hydros. when the hydros peak this should be enough to just get me a buzz going.
I have heard that kratom can really potentiate opiates. So i will have 4 kratom capsules. What i need to know is when should i dose with these?
I guess it all depends on when you want to feel the effects of the kratom. My best guess is to take them when you take the hydros, as they are both pills and might take approximately the same time to kick in, and therfore there effects might peak near the same time, providing you with a more enjoyable experience. Allthough, you could probably take the kratom at any time around the time your taking all of these meds and you would still probably have a very good time.
u could take the kratom after uve taken the tram and hydro, so that u can control ur potentiating.
i wouldnt say that kratom is an opiate potentiator.....its just another drug that attaches to the opiate receptors....so it is more like another opiate, simply adding its effects to the mix, rather than a potentiator...which actually increases the effectiveness of a given opiate(drug).