Opiate Withdrawal.

Hey guys
Can anyone help plz ... I'm trying to come off 30-60 dhc pill a day habit and been told that loperamide will help but been told has to be the tablets not capsules ... I could only find capsules ... Will they do ??
Thankyou for your reply ..

No problem. I actually think that to be safe is not to use lyrica over 1 month, because benzos also causes physical dependency in 1 month and both work in GABA. If you still suffer from WD's after 1 month you could use gabapentin, benzos or phenibput for other month, Its very important to stop using them after the WDS are gone. I think even if you use lyricas for 2 months the WDs are still much easier then after many year use of opiates. I myself quit my 3 years of opiate use with many different medicines, some I might not recommend (like GHB or speed) because you have to know yourself very good how easily you get addicted to other drugs. Many people might just change their addiction to other.
No problem. I actually think that to be safe is not to use lyrica over 1 month, because benzos also causes physical dependency in 1 month and both work in GABA. If you still suffer from WD's after 1 month you could use gabapentin, benzos or phenibput for other month, Its very important to stop using them after the WDS are gone. I think even if you use lyricas for 2 months the WDs are still much easier then after many year use of opiates. I myself quit my 3 years of opiate use with many different medicines, some I might not recommend (like GHB or speed) because you have to know yourself very good how easily you get addicted to other drugs. Many people might just change their addiction to other.

NEO great info! im jumpin soon
Is it normal to feel suicidal during hardcore oxycodone withdrawal.

or is it just me. I think it's just me because it never goes away at least after a few weeks of this miserable hell. I'm ready to die didn't make it 30 times round the sun fuck. Traumatic experiences and lack of self esteem fucked with me real bad throughout life and I can't handle it. I also get too sexualy frustrated in withdrawal, because I haven't had a sex drive in years. It fucks with me so bad. I also have excruciating chronic pain, but it's the rest of my life too. The mental anguish is probably worse than the physical torture in my spine. I hate all of it and I want it to fucking end and I know exactly how to euthanize my young-adult wasted mind. I can honestly say at almost 30 that my entire life has been wasted. There was nothing. And then I get high.
So, SWIM has the following situation he's dealing with;

Daily tramadol additiction - 2013-2014
kratom addiction 2013-May2016
dihydrocodeine addiction 2015-last week
codeine addiction May 2016-last week

use wasn't that high since May when Kratom was removed from SWIMs diet, each 21 days between scripts, SWIM would take 300mg Dhc for 10 days and then 300mg codeine for the other 11 days

went cold turkey last week (Tuesday first day) which was 16 days into the standard 21 day cycle. SWIM will never use Dhc or Codeine again as that is what SWIM think he was addicted to but SWIM still intends of doing 200-300mg of tramadol with a friend 2-3 times a month (as he has been doing for the last 4-5 years). My question is, will this prolong withdrawal. By day 5, pretty much all physical wds had gone and SWIM had 200mg tramadol in the evening and felt amazing on Sunday but today his RLS is back. Will this happen every time SWIMuse tramadol? Does he need to be 100% abstinent from everything for a period of time to allow his body to reset?

any advice people have would be excellent and I realise the above reads like SWIM is kidding himself and delaying another addiction but He knows he will never use daily again (and definitely not Dhc or Codeine), just want to know if SWIM can use recreationally and not feel the negative wds (both acute and PAWS) that could come on. If 100% abstinence is the only way, that's what will be done
No SWIM here.... Everyone knows it's you and it makes your post difficult to read.
Shroomi: yeah suicidal thoughts are normal during wd's mostly because opiate wd takes a long time and you feel hopeless. If you're not already in therapy you could probably benefit from finding someone to talk to.
I have been suicidal almost daily for 25 years. Most of that time I had been misdiagnosed as depressed or bi-polar. I am actually Autistic.
Suicide will stop your withdrawls, but it would stop all of the good stuff too. I can honestly say I'm glad I never did it, even though I still have to make that decision sometimes daily. And it's way worse when I'm wd'ing.
I have had quite a bit of experience with Lyrica, was taking 750-900mg a day for a couple of years before I started in in the Oxycodone and I can tell you I had zero problems stopping the Lyrica. If it helps with Op w/D I would say go for it. They are not in the same league imo.
In serious WD. Been using 80-100mg oxy for about a year now. Quite cold turkey about 5 days ago and haven't used a single benzo to help with the symptoms. The worst of the RLS is over I hope. Haven't slept for the past two nights and can't sleep tonight either. Bones feel like they are crushing and going crazy from sleep deprivation. Only thing that helps is hot showers every hour or two. Any words of encouragement would help tremendously !
Yo hang in there man! Cold turkey is shit, and I use around the same amount of oxy. It is fucking hell to come off, I found it worse than heroin personally. But man it's comes on hard and it's over fast. The worst days I find are 5 to 15 or so (seriously though, because your body starts getting sick and tired of feeling sick). Just hang in there man you probably have some way to go. It is really good that you only used for a year, I have been for 3 now and it's just exponentially worse. It gets worse and worse for everyone if you go back to it, you'll get temporary relief, but if you are already in this spot you're going to have to quit at some point. So just get it over with, never look back - especially if you dont have back pain or any sort of disability.

Fuck man if you are in good health then there isn't even a question about it. You are doing awesome and keep the fuck off that shit. The oxy has literally ruined my life. It stole every last damn little thing from me and it's not even close to rock bottom. You might keep going, look back at this detox and wish you had stopped when it was easier. Maybe a heating pad will help? Fuck like I'll be shivering in a warm basement with a jacket on under the covers though. It's just horrible, somebody described it as being burned alive to me and I don't even really think that is being too dramatic.

At least take some vitamins or somethin eh if no benzo? Vitamins and water, I found it very difficult to eat healthy and take care of myself at all.
Thanks for the words brother. Yes this shit is fucking awful. I am quitting for good this time. Ruining my life and my relationship. Not to mention it makes me such a liar and deceiver! So gross. I don't have a disability so I have absolutely no reason to keep going other than chasing the high. The worst of it is the restless for me. I have been walking around my house for 72 hours because I can't sit down for more than a minute before the RLS TAKES OVER MY ENTIRE FUCKING BODY. Sickening.

I have been eating vitamins and drinking water for several days. Eating has been literally impossible for a few days but finally choked down some food today.

Good god I hope this ends soon...
Only really came off meth and that seems to be nothing really compared to all of your pain can't imagine cuz I don't do it enough seems like a a con of ops
Hang in there Zman! I quit cold turkey last year from oxy . Day four was the turning point. Every day for the next 10 days or so felt like I was getting over the flu a little more each day. If you made it to day 5 then you're on the way home man. You made it already ,you just don't know it yet.
You are an inspiration. We are all proud of you!
Also, find a way to sleep. At least one night of real sleep. The insomnia is enough to break most people. Benzos, Lyrica, weed, Tylenol PM. If you're desperate at day 5...... Alcohol, but no beer. Only good stuff and no soda pop. The caffeine and high fructose corn syrup will do more harm than good. Good Tequila straight with lime will work wonders. Drink lots of water and SLEEP.
Also, find a way to sleep. At least one night of real sleep. The insomnia is enough to break most people. Benzos, Lyrica, weed, Tylenol PM. If you're desperate at day 5...... Alcohol, but no beer. Only good stuff and no soda pop. The caffeine and high fructose corn syrup will do more harm than good. Good Tequila straight with lime will work wonders. Drink lots of water and SLEEP.

I appreciate the words of wisdom! I have read a lot of your story on here and you have been a huge inspiration to me getting through this!

I haven't slept in days. Tonight the restlessness has mostly subsided but the insomnia is still very much present. I will figure something out. Thanks for your help brother
Also I can get some lunesta. Do you think that would be safe to take since I am this far into the WD?
I'm no Dr, but I'm pretty sure you're OK taking Lunesta. Just give it time to work before taking extra. Also avoid taking it on a full stomach if you can. It will make it feel like it didn't work because hasn't digested yet.
Zman7- I hope you are doing well. If you're reading, throw us a posting and let everyone know how it went.
Myself, i'm struggling at 60mg / day oxy still. Trying to get off this shit.