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Opiate ratings

So here's my list...

fentanyl (oral, smoked, transdermal, and IV)
heroin (IV)
hydromorphone (IV)
morphine (IV)
methadone (oral)
hydromorphone (SC)
oxycodone (oral, insuf)
morphine (oral)
heroin (insuf)
hydrocodone (oral)
meperdine (oral)
tramadol (oral)
propoxyphene (oral)
codeine (oral)
Smyth said:
Im surprised some of u didnt mention compounds you'd like to try even if u havent had the opportunity to, e.g. Ketobemidone.

And I am very surprised that nobody mentioned Dipipanone...

Are we all too young to have experienced it?
I am kind of a scag-snob these days... I rarely use anything other than powder Heroin.

My favorite opioids/opiates are:

1- Heroin (my absolute favorite and the opioid I have used the most often. I will only IV it. I use it quite often...)

2- Oxycodone (probably my best-liked opioid following Heroin. It has to be IV to keep this position.)

*I would estimate that Heroin & Oxycodone combined account for about 90% of my opioid intake, the former accounting for more than 3/4 of that...)

3- Hydromorphone (eh...it is kinda short lived, but offers a nice hit, which I can appreciate. I'd like to play with more someday.)

4- Buprenorphine (I used to go to a Bupe-Rehab and I still have a lot of the Bupe left. Bupe kills WD's in minutes and keeps 'em at bay longer than anything I have taken. I really like how easily I can get it, and how efficiently it works.)

5- Morphine Sulfate (I really like to insufflate MS Contins. I haven't had much experience with IV Morphine, so I cannot pass a better judgement on it than this.)
1. Methadone- simply put 12-16 hours of heavy nods. Cheap here
2. IV Heroin - whoosh
3. Smoked Fentanyl - almost instant + efficient
4. High dose oral morphine
5. Subutex, not suboxone
6. Hydrocodone
7. Extracted Codeine - a large enough dose to get you off... man simply put, codeine is petty euphoric when you get off on it
8. Oxycodone(unless IV'd)
9. Propoxyphene
10. Tramadol

Havent actually had the pleasure of hydromorphone yet
1. Fentanyl ( vaporized
2. Hydromorphone ( snort)
3. heroin (snort)
4. Oxycodone ( oral / snort)
5. hydrocodone ( oral)

no, I'm probably too young though... not a young one but still. I'm mostly morphine man, bit of fentanyl and of course dope. Now I'm on methadone... it is completely better than its reputation.


you have used shitload of fentanyl.. must have had pretty nice supply. That has been the pronblem in arctic circles ;)
based on oral / nasal administration only

1. Heroin
2. Hydrocodone
3. Oxycodone
4. Poppy tea (multiple opiates .. morphine, thebaine, codeine .. blah blah)

People might think its weird that i like hydro over oxy, but i feel as though hydro is more of a down high and oxy is an up high

And on the hydromorphone tip .. never really got that high on dilaudid. Next time i get it i will plug it instead of blowin it.
t3knology said:
based on oral / nasal administration only

1. Heroin
2. Hydrocodone
3. Oxycodone
4. Poppy tea (multiple opiates .. morphine, thebaine, codeine .. blah blah)

People might think its weird that i like hydro over oxy, but i feel as though hydro is more of a down high and oxy is an up high

And on the hydromorphone tip .. never really got that high on dilaudid. Next time i get it i will plug it instead of blowin it.


1. Oxycodone (oxycontin, insuffilated, 40's or 80's the 20's have too much filler)
2. Morphine Capsules (insuffilated)
3. Codeine (cold water extraction on tylenol 3's or simular)
4. Demerol (if this list was longer this would still be at the bottom, most worthless opiate ive ever come across in my opinion)

Cant rly think of any other opiates that ive tried, i like to stay away from H due to its bad stigma, but in reality oxycodone is not very different yet it has a very different stigma then heroin... like if i railed H instead of oxy every day i prolly wouldent have alot of the friends i do lol...

with that said, addiction to any of those sucks ass.. obviously :p
Heroin (Tolerance builds up way to fuckin fast tho)
Morphine (Sucks balls)

Haven't done.. Dilaudid, Hydromorphone, Dihydrocodeine, Tramadol, Demerol
I thought that Codeine was on the bottom of the scale, with only Propoxyphene and Tramadol below it...
I'm very surprised to see that many people put Codeine above Oxycodone, Morphine or Demerol...
(I think it's it's because these people are not intravenous users, but I'm still surprised...)
Like everyone else, this is composed of only those opiates I have empirical experience of:

Best to worst:

1. Hydromorphone
2. Black Tar Heroin
3. Hydrocodone
4. Oxycodone
5. Morphine

Tar is the only smack I've encountered; dirty high but a good nod.
Morphine just makes me itchy. :|
YMMV, as in all things.
In scale I would put codeine over pethidine, but of course below morphine (as it is morphine pre-druggie). I believe that I have rather good metabolism from codeine to morphine...

But was it so the CYP 2D6 was bad for methadone...? Or was it CYP3A4 something? (If I remember it right cat's claw, grape fruit and chamomille all CYP3A4).
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I'm a chronic pain'er, and have tried just about every legit (prescribed/legally admin'ed) opiate/opioid out there except for methadone, and probably a few other things i've never heard of.

I'd rate
1). transdermal Fentanyl (75ucg/hr patch)... best pain medication experience I ever had, though it got pretty strong at times. Totally pain free for 3, almost upwards of 4 days and was buzzed as shit at times... especially when I woke up. I've had the pops too... I wouldn't even rate the pops at all. Had 2 of the 800mcg pops at once and although i was on my regular meds (oxycodone) i felt no difference at all!
2). IM Demerol... this is what I'd get at the hospital... best for intense acute pain. My tolerance to opiates is pretty high, but a nurse administered shot of IM Demerol would have me fallin' out within 10 minutes.
3). IM Morph... this is what I get whenever I go in for evasive tests. Discograms or Myelograms. Sadly, my only experiences with this have been in coordination with some sort of benzodiazipine. Some people like the benzo and analgesic mixture but all it does is make me go to sleep =P. Next time I go in I'm gonna refuse the valium and the anti-histimine so I can see what IM morph is really like
3). Oxycodone... this my old stand-by. I'm currently prescribed percocet, tapering down every month. This works the best for my pain and my situation. Fentanyl actually worked the best, but i couldn't and wouldn't want to fuck with being on the patches at a young age. My doctor offered my OxyContin 20mg but because of the abuse potential I said no. Also, i'd rather be just on the percocet instead of the sustained release AND something else (like percocet) to supplement it for pain-spikes.
4). MSContin (sustained release oral morph)... had the 30 mgs. Wasn't enough.
5). Hydrocodone... was prescribed the 7.5/500 for ~1 year. After being on Oxycodone for 6 months now, hydrocodone doesn't do anything. The "vicoprofren" hydrocodone/ibuprofren is genius though. I have some old hydro laying around for the hell of it... in case i run out of my script early, incase i get bored, etc..
6). Hydromorphone.... useless for anything more than a bee-sting in my opinion. Unless you're in a hospital and they give it to you IV or whatever... i know people who'll only do it recreationally through IV... whatever, not really my bag.
7). Ultracet... I don't even know what this shit is. APAP COATED in an opiate or something? I was scripted it... don't think i ever got it filled... as goes with DARVOCET.

there it is.... my opiate ratings in regards to pain relief and ME. I'm sure what I listed for pain can go hand in hand with what some people listed for recreation. Any other chronic painers who take opiates should post theirs up too... i know for some ailments certain opiates won't do much, while others will... and in some cases (my friend who needed a double hip replacement for example! at age 21 none the less!) stronger opiates did NOTHING for pain. Oxy, hydro, MSContin... wouldn't touch it. TRAMADOL did, however!