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  • AADD Moderators: swilow | Vagabond696

Open house dealer has moved in next door.

Space junk this is my view straight up, taking into the considerations and circumstances you have said.
Firstly, No matter what. YOU have the upper hand. The minute your personal space has been breached is a big line crossed and changes it all. A house operation in that way in one of a no brainer who's shutdown Is imminent from day one. It will never improve, just get worse as the word spreads amnounst the local street uses. Personly (given ur situation being of prime relevance, as said before theres two ways I would handle the problem but isn't worth saying taking ur sit. These are:

.Call Police and say a woman was in your back yard asking for drugs) and you don't wish to report it officially as trespassing as you are to busy and u don't mind that much but felt it necessary to let you know that someone had been on your property asking for drugs.
They will no doubt take down a description of the person and ask if you saw where they went. Tell them straight up which house. - end any more info here. They will probably ask you more questions then about cars and or people coming and going from there and just say a response that isn't a yes or not such as " I really arnt sure to be honest. I'm either out or inside and not something I would naturally notice. But If I do or it happens again ill let you know.
You havnt in anyway shape or form snitched. You mentioned nothing about the neighbors dealing. All you have done is informed them off a trespasser on your property. And stated the facts regarding the issue that has directly involved yours. I know this isn't the best thing to say but I will anyway. I love motorbikes and have been a member of a club for almost two years. Theres a well known saying within the scene which I often here some "Snitches are a dying breed" and I'm telling your now that is not snitching. If the incident effecting you did not happen then by technical terms you could be only just, labbled into that category.

The other suggestions are great however short term solutions. In which another incident may occure and may or may not be worse. This set up is from the lowest sort who always are caught. That's there choosing.

My advice. Stay the fuck away from that house. If its being watched (and sooner or later it will be) you DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN THERE OR DROPPING ANYTHING IN THEIR MAIL BOX. That can bring heat to you. Living near them should cause no bother because you are not involved in anything like that. Take no action is my advice. Maybe get a Cops are Tops sticker and put it on your door ( thats a joke btw )

Stay out of it and you will be cool. Just visiting could bring you unwanted attention. Not worth the risk.