Opana WDs... Its coming like a train

Would Neurontin (gabapentin) mitigate withdrawal in a similar manner to Lyrica (pregablin)?

It's Monday 2:31AM and I can not sleep due to tramadol withdrawal. I have a few tramadol left and I am saving them for this afternoon. I took 20mg of hydrocodone yesterday instead. It sucked. The first couple of hours were blissful. Then I was left feeling depressed, lethargic, and mini-tram withdrawal due to short half-life of hydrocodone.

Today will be my last good tramadol dose until Thursday and if gabapentin is great for withdrawal like pregabalin, I will take gaba instead of hydrocodone on Tuesday and Wednesday. Only bad thing is I only have six or seven gabapentin capsules and they are 100mg.

My experience with Lyrica in the treatment of w/ds.

I also used gabapentin when I ran out of my pregabalin.

I've been off all opiates for almost two months now. I've had an open script with 6-refills left for tramadol 100s that I haven't used, along with a bottle of laudenum, and have no desire to. I have had very little to no cravings for opiates. I've quit smoking as well. Even before I started taking buproprion, my desire to smoke during w/ds went down dramatically, and the welbutrin killed it off. I think it may also have helped on the PAWS end of things, or it could be the whole pregabalin/gabapentin/buproprion & vitamin/protein regimen together that's zapped my own personal struggle with opiates.

Lyrica IS addictive though, both physically & mentally, so be aware of that. I've just decided that it's the lesser evil which handles my pain.
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Opana wds are by far the most intense opioid wds I ever had. By far. Lost thirty five pounds in seventeen days. There's a report here somewhere about it.

I also posted about the Lyrica quite a few times when I discovered how truly effective it is at ameliorating withdrawals. It actually wiped out the entire wd from a fairly good size oxy habit - and I do mean completely wiped out all the bad shit. I haven't gone back to oxy since for more than one day a week, and I now do considerably less than that.

Lyrica rules for opioid wds.
amazing stuff, ain't it?

not only that, but it's helped out my fucked up back & knees far more than any opiate ever did.
thanks everyone for the quick advice<3

the problem is i cant find ANYONE with anything to hold me over... it looks like this is going to be a cold turkey deal. If i can find something, i will get it lol.

On a side note... i am also prescribed lyrica for fibro, and i just took about 1000mg with 40mg of valium... if you havent tried lyrica in high doses it feels like sorta like a low dose of MDMA, and last time i took a bunch like this my body/addict clock got... reset? I have no idea why but the next morning i didnt need the opana. I even went a few days (amazing for me) without any opana.
So im hoping that i might get that fluke again! Anyone know why this may have happend before?
Thanks guys... im terrified!!!

Because Lyrica helps for opiate WD (eliminates it in my case). Sadly, the opposite is not true, or opiates will only partly alleviate Lyrica WD. No one would think Lyrica was more "powerful" than opiates but it is in that sense.
I picked up my tramadol refill finally about an hour or so ago. My god you would not believe how good and how much better I feel.

Tramadol beats the living hell out of hydrocodone, etc.
ur not alone....I had a months script for 60 30 mg opana er's + 60 10 mg opana ir's.....now here I am at day 16 and have about 10 left of each so no way they last me until I see the doc again. I need suggestions....I have access to 2 mg ativans, soma and meloxicam as well as the typical wd otc meds. Can anyone suggest a decent taper. I am pretty disciplined and have detoxed from higher dosages of oxy's and 3 bundles of H per day by myself. Opana is a different animal though as last month I had the same script and missed by 1 day and used the skins to help me until I had another script but I could still feel the onslaught of wd's (runny nose, heaves and my stomach was going crazy). How would a regular detox facility taper you off?...like i said I'm pretty disciplined and motivated to avoid the discomfort and agony from full blown wd's.
i am the original poster, this was a while ago!
but sadly, now both my parents and I are out of opanas and ive got about 12 days this time... might as well withdrawal and get through it. Im scared out of my mind. Ive gone through a few little withdrawals but i know this will be the worst of the worst. Im trying to get some subs... ive got a little xanax but just enough to keep me sane normally much less like this.
I'm right there with you bud.

If you were taking that much lyrica chances are it didn't reset anything. The lyrica alone can sometimes kill 80-90% of wds for certain people. It happens a lot if you read stories about people kicking large opiate habits with lyrica, where they claim it removed nearly all of their wds symptoms.

So if you HAVE LYRICA. TAKE IT lol.
You can get through the wds alone with lyrica, which is precisely why I ordered a whole bunch to kick my habit. Its a much more valuable med for IT!!! Check my video blog for some withdrawal aids and tips
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