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One of my first poems...


May 12, 2000
At first to me you were just a friend,
Always having a helping hand to lend.
As time went by I looked at you in a different light,
I started thinking about you every night.
I never asked for this to be,
But in my quest for love it's you I see.
This distance between us is more than I can bare,
At night I lay and wonder why life is so unfair.
In YOUR arms is where I want to be,
I would be content for an eternity, can't you see?
I wouldn't think twice to give you my all,
But the reality is, between us is a wall.
There's a barrier that I can't get through,
And that giant barrier is the heart of you.
I wish I could be there beside you, holding you tight,
And I yearn for the day when our bodies would unite.
But these are my desires, not my reality.
If you were my destiny you would love me like I love you,
But that isn't the case so what am I to do?...
Maybe I'll just let you go because it's too painful to stay,
That's all I can do because I can't have it my way.
"Look down on me, you will see a fool. Look up at me, you will see your lord. Look straight at me, you will see yourself." ~Charles Manson~
Charmin--very nice. I had a friend move away I had feelings for and never told her. She mentioned she thought I was falling for her but I never answered. Isnt life fulll of challenges!! HUGZ to you!
"Our life is towards happiness"
good poem!
"there's a barrier that i can't get through,
and that giant barrier is the heart of you"
this line is sooooo gooood!!!!!
Thank you two for taking time to read it. I really appreciate it.

"Look down on me, you will see a fool. Look up at me, you will see your lord. Look straight at me, you will see yourself." ~Charles Manson~
you just explained my situation to a tee

thankyou for writing what i cant say. i know i'm a coward and i should tell him but i'm afraid all my "i love youz" would chase him away. thanks once again, keep up the awesome writing, you seem to capture everything that i'm feeling.


mmmmmmmmmmusic iz de answer! :)
thats a really good poem, you should make a book of poems...i would like to read more if you want to post some
keep up the awesome work. you have a true talent