One Nation 2 july 3rd NYC full line up

speekah i havent seen you since so fresh and so clean at asylum... and how long ago was that shiet?!?!?!? word. see you here.
Originally posted by AngelicK:
grrr......... to go or not to go or not to go.

do it bitch ;) we are gonna wreak havoc. i gotta talk to paul and see what we wanna do about the day after events :X
Originally posted by frostyangel:
Speekah Phreekah
I know I met you at SS, but I hope I get a chance to hang out with you alittle more, at One Nation. Your very chill!!

No doubt gurrl!! You're mad chill too. Sorry I didn't talk to you much at Starscape. The state of mind I was in when I saw you had me thinking about pina coladas for some odd reason..... Hmmmm... must've been something you were wearing. LOL Can't wait to see ya again.
Originally posted by Droppie5
speekah i havent seen you since so fresh and so clean at asylum... and how long ago was that shiet?!?!?!? word. see you here.
I know dood.... I think I'm allergic to that whole asshighslum scene....
Most def' though, it'll be kewl seeing ya at this.
[ 19 June 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
ok, i know i already said i was going....but did i mention how EXCITED i am to go??? it's starting to set in that July 3rd is not so far away, and i'm beginning to get my pre-party jitters(teddy KNOWS what im talking about). thought i would become jaded after starscape, but it didn't happen! and kevin, maybe we should get those tshirts before One Nation, they could come in handy. and i get to see a bunch of you that i met at starscape. yup, i am really really really excited. i'll see you all there, and im easy to spot, ill be the one right up front during RITM's performance with a big dumb goofy smile on my face :)
Originally posted by DanaSoe:
there are no video cameras allowed ... sorry about that
Fuck that then!!!.. im not going!
hehe JK!
but let me see ONE person with a cam.. and imma fuck shit up! > :(
I will hump you agian teddy!.. but only if you promise to spank me again! ;)
Hey Speekah, Jamal, AngelicK... If ya'll are going to this party, The offer is still on the table to chill at my me cribbo after...
I said so at the last AP... peace
Maui, you know the deal
[ 19 June 2002: Message edited by: PartEkidRepsAcosta ]
Well, apparantly the 4th of July get together on Cape Cod is cancelled. :( :( So maybe, just maybe i'll come down the night before for One Nation. I love the lineup, just wish it was possible to party in NYC on the 3rd and MA on the 4th. Ah well it'll all work itself out in the end, and after hearing the Starscape stories I want to meet alot of you!! :)
Peace ~Katie
[ 19 June 2002: Message edited by: bdreligrrl ]
okay, i think that i have just made the decision to go. i was kind of torn between a few different things, but alas...i did choose this. now get me excited bitches and hoes!!!
Who wants to bring me?????????? :D
Let the line form to my left... interviews will commence immediately.
Peace ~Katie
I missed a lot of people at SS. I'm making a point of meeting more BLers here...yall better come!!!!
i see no one like me enough to get me to my last party
sob sob sob sniffle
hehehe just j/k but i really would lve to make this my last party for the army any able to hook me up with a ride
i'm in scranton PA
one nation under a goove... la.. la.. la. the funky tune
sorry i for got how the song goes
katie...we will talk about this. must talk about it. yes, we will talk about this.