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One more word about getting high with loperamide (Immodium)

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May it be in tiny amounts, but something apparently crosses the BBB!!

Believe me, I was one of THE biggest skeptics of this shit, especially after I was going through intense fentanyl (and some hydrocodone) withdrawals, and the stuff did absolutely nothing -- but the most I had ever taken was like 7 of those large 'easy-chew' minty tablets.

Anyway, currently going through heroin withdrawal, and about 6 hours after I took ~40mg, my w/d symptoms pretty much left me over the course of an hour. Amazing.

Taking even more pills had the same effect (I took a big handful after another of the usual waking up in the middle of the benzo-riddled night, sweating, grabbing some more xanax, and eventually realizing 8-9 hours later that I'm not waking up all sweaty and withdrawaly!) but seemed to last longer.

Anyway, all i can say is SHAMWOW! (anybody else see those late-night commercials with that mutant cyclops selling deutsche-towels? i get a lot of SHAMWOW during this withdrawal, let me tell you).
Ive tried like 42mg with a shitload of GFJ,
But then again I take like 1-2 cups of ground up poppies. Thats like 10 JUMBO poppy pods. And I dont shit for like 2-4 days from Poppy tea! Fuck taking that much Loperamide.
I cant even feel codeine at almost lethal dosages. My hands swell up and thats it. I dont have the enzyme that converts codeine to morphine I guess. 10% of the white population lacks the gene.
Poppy pods are the best way to go.
Loperamide does help like a motherfucker when you are withdrawling.
^ Grapefruit juice isn't going to help loperamide cross the BBB. As it's been said before, you need to inhibit p-Glycoproteins.

Ham: I have a stash of sertraline; any idea how much sertraline and how much loperamide I should take to see if this actually works?
I love all this Immodium drama...hehe.

I read all these comments and it has definatly brightened my morning.

Personally, I think anyone is an idiot to take 100 otc Immodium pills.
But hey,
If it floats your boat more power to ya.

Mr Blonde said:
^ Grapefruit juice isn't going to help loperamide cross the BBB. As it's been said before, you need to inhibit p-Glycoproteins.

Ham: I have a stash of sertraline; any idea how much sertraline and how much loperamide I should take to see if this actually works?

As everybody except those experiencing placebo effects has been saying, the whole loperamide thing is a SHAMwow.
^Glad you share my taste in film. And thanks to whomever deleted that picture of the shamwow cyclops guy, sometimes I get carried away.

Anyway, I forgot to mention -- it seems like lope is only useful for w/d-- throughout all this, even when my w/d's were completely gone without a trace for whatever amount of time, i got 0 recreational effects. Yes 0 recreational effects, so before you go blowing your money on loperamide (get the store-brand version btw, e.g., CVS, it's like 60% cheaper) and not shitting for min 3 days (yeah), ask yourself, 'Am I withdrawing?'
IF Imodium did cross the BBB i wonder what it would feel like in comparison to other Opiates, or is it an Opioid? I wonder how strong it would be, Hydrocodone Strong, Oxycodone Strong, or Dilaudid/fentanyl strong. I guess we won't know till someone uses their know with all and chemicals to get it to pass the BBB.

I've yet to try it for withdrawal, but next time i have to endure w/d I'll pick some up. Hopefully that won't be any time soon.

^ Its easy to remember whats an opiate and whats an opioid -
Opiates: morphine, codeine
Opioids: everything else

and the "dilaudid/fentanyl strong" statement is way off. Of those on your list, dilaudid is most comparable to oxycodone. Fentanyl is much more potent. A molecule based on loperamide would be very potent. Yes, "fentanyl potent." But loperamide itself will not get you high. Sorry.
^ Yeah, I havent ever experienced a 'high' from loperamide, but I have noticed that it seems to take the edge off of my relatively mild hydrocodone withdrawals, so I am functional.
I'll admit it could possibly be placebo effect, but its a damn helpful one if it is.
I rarely feel much from real drugs, much less a sugar pill though.
My shamwow tells me that I should trust my instincts.
As everybody except those experiencing placebo effects has been saying, the whole loperamide thing is a SHAMwow

As in, there is no way to inhibit the P-glycoproteins enough to allow the drug to cross the BBB, or that it just won't work anyway?
p-GPs serve an important body function; I know that I wouldn't want to mess with them. If you could do it sufficiently, I don't know how dangerous it would be when you "take down" the BBB, and I still don't know if it even would allow loperamide to cross if anyway. I do know that if it did work, these people that are taking 100mg of loperamide would be overdosing all over the place.

In theory, the p-glycoprotein method may work (on paper), but its never been proven (AFAIK), it sounds dangerous to inhibit, and there are way easier/cheaper ways to get high then eating 50 anti-diarrheal pills.
If Percocet didnt cross the BBB it could be marketed as an anti-diarrheal as well. Just because the FDA tells you its for stopping you up doesnt mean thats all it can and ever will do.

Vicoprohen: Loperamide hasnt stopped me up any more than any other opiate Ive ever took, which isnt much. I think the key is plenty of fluid, and a high fiber diet, which I eat anyway as a vegetarian, so I've never experienced anything more than a day of relatively slow bowel movements.
johanneschimpo said:
p-GPs serve an important body function; I know that I wouldn't want to mess with them. If you could do it sufficiently, I don't know how dangerous it would be when you "take down" the BBB, and I still don't know if it even would allow loperamide to cross if anyway. I do know that if it did work, these people that are taking 100mg of loperamide would be overdosing all over the place.

In theory, the p-glycoprotein method may work (on paper), but its never been proven (AFAIK), it sounds dangerous to inhibit, and there are way easier/cheaper ways to get high then eating 50 anti-diarrheal pills.

That (the bold) is the key thing here.

If I remember correctly, if loperamide could cross the BBB, a recreational dose would be similar to that of fentanyl: in the micro/ultragrams. 100mg would kill you. No question about it. It wouldnt be a mild or moderate or even severe OD. There is 100% chance you will die.

Messing with vital body functions to get high off a drug like loperamide is ridiculous anyways. Do you people (advocates of this practice) realize what you are doing? You are wasting all this time trying to inhibit this and induce that and coat this in that to get high off a drug that the effects of arent even that great to begin with. People who have somehow gotten high off of it claim that it sucks compared to other opioids. Why waste your time on something like this when you can go get something off the street so much more easily?

It just doesnt make sense to me.

And dont say "because its cheaper/easier to get"

Its not cheaper. Youre going to pay over 10 dollars for 100 pills. That right there is at least one bag of heroin which is probably the easiest drug in the world to find on the streets. Then you have to by the chemicals/drugs to make it cross the BBB. Who knows how much more money that will be. You could probably buy 3 or 4 bags of heroin with all that money put together, or 5 or 6 hydrocodone pills, or an OC 80. All of which would be better than loperamide.
sixpartseven said:
Why waste your time on something like this when you can go get something off the street so much more easily?

Because I cant. :D Simple!
Its used to ease withdrawals when one cant find anything. And it doesnt involve anything more than taking an acid reducer (which I take daily anyway because I need it) and then taking some loperamide.
Ok, what you just said doesnt make sense.

If you cant find anything, then why do you have withdrawals?

Then you go on to say, it eases withdrawals when I cant find anything. So you can find something.

Youre ass backwards and dont even realize it.

And yes, it involves much more than taken an antacid. If you think thats all it needs, then you think wrong. Placebo is very strong.
I wouldnt have any withdrawals to ease if I could NEVER find anything, and I also would never have withdrawals if I could ALWAYS find something (unless I was broke of coarse).
But around here, there's only so much to go around until the next Rx is filled, so I often find myself without ANYTHING.
Those are the times I've found Loperamide helpful. Whether the relief I really do experience is placebo or not...leave it up to a lab.

Beyond that you can talk all the shyte you want but you cant prove it either.

No, it's not placebo. In fact, it shouldn't be fucked around with for too long. I made the mistake of gulping down 50+ pills a day during these w/d's and so far I've been w/ding for over 2 weeks (I stopped taking the vikes I was tapering with a while ago). On days I didn't take the loperamide before bed, I would wake up feeling much worse than on days that I did. I find that if you don't chew the little suckers, they can take up to 8 hours to provide relief. But yes, you DO need to taper down the imodium if you use it for w/d's, unfortunately, and it really prolongs the whole painful process. Use with caution... (yeah, I never thought I'd be saying that about otc imodium either, but believe it)

Edit-btw, just took a bunch for the first time chewing them up diligently and it seems to make a *big* difference. I feel relief and a distinct 'warmness'. So if you must take lope, chew it up well.
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