one drug you should NEVER EVER EVER do...

I think that E is a drug that everyone should try because it's fabulous and it's certainly not a drug that no one should try. It's not as bad as people think and maybe your teacher shouldn't bash it unless he's tried it. Or maybe you shouldn't believe him unless you have tried it because obviously you wouldn't be saying that unless you have tried it.
Triple 7
Maybe he was thinking of the psychological implications...once you try it, you always want to "try it" again. Or you become convinced that E is one of the best activities in the world and you love it so much, you want to marry it.
But meowmix that is the same with most drugs if not all to varying degrees. In fact E is probaly the least addictive (see below).
I had E twice at the age of about 22 and didn't ever have it again until 29 when I came upon it by chance (long story). In between times I never craved it although the first two experiences were terrific!!
Even heroin (which is Physically addictive unlike E meaning that the body needs it to avoid withdrawl systems) must be taken routinely for up to two weeks prior to a physical addiction occuring.
Cocaine is reported as being FAR more psychologically addictive than E as is heroin (which is why people take it for the two weeks prior to physical addiction). In fact I'd bet E is one of the least addictive drugs I know of or have ever taken.
A friend of mine has done E once a month for about six months but claims she is giving it a BIG break (may never take it again) as she is embarresed at what she says while on it. However she routinly drinks bourbon three nights of the week to cover depression. Apparently the E is easier to give up than the bourban (oh and chocolate). Yah - she is more addicted to food than E!!! Ask the professor to explain his opinion given that.
Also, if you wantto talk about your experiences with E but are afraid to let people know you take it try .....
telling them you were offered it once and took it (peer pressure and all!). But.. you now know better (alude to this don't actually lie like.....'I was sillier then' - you probably were but not because you took the drug!!).
Tell them many of the people who offered it to you still take it (true) and then talk about them. By now they won't suspect you too indulge...people are very easy to fool - we all know that!!!
I totally AGREE with Helski. A friend of mine was really on it when he was 23-24 then he stopped for many reasons. And for others reasons, he has started taking E again in last May. he is 29. So 5 years separate these 2 consommations.
your professor is right. X is the only drug that causes permanent damage to the brain. The use of all other drugs( with abstenence) will harm the brain only temporarily. After you quit using them, your brain will start to re-generate and repair itself. After you've taken mdma one time, your brain will never fully recover from the damage.
in response to rollerderby's post.
if i am not mistaken acid is very destructive to brain, 10 fold that of mdma. i've seen cat scans of frequest cid users that look like swiss cheese (literally large holes).
well anyway, about the 'damage' mdma causes. of the studies done, damage was only found on subjects who had taken the drug more than 200 times. also, the damage (mainly lowered seratonin levels and reduced sensitivity of the dendrite receptors), has NOT been deemed either positive or negative.
just my 2 cents

[email protected]
Okay with that in mind about the brain never being the same again... for some folks I'd consider that a GOOD THING, i.e. people who go postal.
I used to think up a lot more crazy shit before I started rolling than after.
I agree with Brock - some people NEED their brain wires altered.
To the person claiming E does permanent brain damage and is the only drug to do so (rollerderby) I would advise checking a post up about a week ago. I think it was about 'E does permanenet brain damage' or 'tests reveal' or something. Anyway I will find it and reply so you know where to look. It talks of experiments.
However in brief - you are wrong rollerderby. AND - there have been many experiments to show that even PLAYING VIDEO GAMES changes brain structure - so there!!!!
I am really getting sick of people not doing their research!!! I mean I am an opinionated person (overly opinionated some tell me). But at least I research things before I come to any (always temporary) conclusions.
I thought nine months ago that one shot of heroin would make you a heroin addict - no if buts or maybes. I was wrong. At least I didn't go telling people my absurd notion until I did some research.
And anyway Brock is correct!!! The professor sounds like he could do with some re-wiring and a couple of good hugs anyway.
Who says a perfect brain is the key to happiness (or anything else)? I've been told I am reasonably bright but have find my intelligence often a F curse!!!! Don't they say 'ignorance is bliss'. There are reasons for this.
If you ask me I would take a huggie, nice, caring, sensitive, smiling, open minded E user over a boring old stuck in the mud intellectual any day. And who would you rather run a country - or make love to - ah rollerderby!!!? Someone who had done E a few times or someone who enjoys going out drinking every weekend. No need to suggest the different likely profiles - I think we all know.
Well rollerderby - who would YOU prefer to make love to????? The one with permanent brain damage?????? Or the ??? What would you call them??? BORE!
I agree - again - with Helski.
Why should we bother with all the "kind" of experimentation they always make. At the end of each experience, the result is " it MAY cause damage"..LOL..I don't understand the necessity to say stuffs which are not sure. It's like in some months or year, an experience would be made and the results whould say that " Coca Cola MAY be dangerous for the brain". And so ?! People will carry on drinking Coca because they like it and nobody is sure of the damage it could do.
Everybody talks about brain's damage of E or some ( quite few ) of the death due to E. OK but alcohol is not better I think and the image of alcohol is much "better" that "E's image". Anyway, everybody has to die once in his/her life..with a "beautiful and healthy" brain or not.
Yeah I agree with Valayrie. I think life is too short to live 'carefully'.
Also when I read the post by soulfly earlier where he talks about feeling down lately it made me think even more that it is important to enjoy the ride!!! Hell why keep my brain in tact and supposedly perfect (even if that is the case) while living a life without the joy and fun of dancing ( I say dancing rather than E here because for me it is the dancing and music which really make E great). I love dancing!!! It always makes me feel 150% when the music is fantastic (actually I think I'll do a post about this I am getting exited just thinking about it).
go postal: slang term for someone going on a public shooting spree killing innocent people, "postal" comes from disgruntled postal workers fed up with it all then decides to take out their frustrations with an assault rifle
That sounds awful!!!! Boy I have never heard of any workers, postal or otherwise, getting THAT pissed off.
Bloody hell!!! That would take Industrial Relations to new heights!!!!
God - if there are any Aussies out there. Imagine if Aussies could get guns easily!! You would get 'going wharfie'. Perhaps we could use 'going wharfie' to mean you have a bunch of distressed over paid xxxx hanging outside your premises. I apologise to all my left wing readers (if any). I am only joking I mean - wether you think the wharfies are right or wrong - or whatever your political leanings - you gotta accept the wharfies get a pretty good deal with respect to other workers and tend to carry on in a silly fashion (NB I support the union movement). GoD!!! I shouldn't get political I will be yelled down and sent to bluelight hell!!!
Please do not get angry - I may lean right or left - won't say - but I just think the wharfies are a bit (mm understatement) over the top!!!
Lucky me. hehe. My psychology professor was very pro-ecstasy - and very vocal about it. Y'know, the medical/spiritual uses, stuff like that. He had used it years ago in therapy, etc. and saw firsthand what it could do. By the way he raved about it (hehe) I swear he still did E. I forget the name of the organization now, but he was part of some group of Psych doctors that lobby for "medical and theraputic" uses of E.
When I was in his class, I hadn't even really tried E yet (probably about three years ago). It was actually kind of cool though...when I finally did try it, I didn't have all those newbie misinformation problems - I already KNEW that E didn't have H in it, etc.
My first E experience occurred more than 10 years ago thanks to a friend whose psychiatrist was using it for therapy with his patients. Although I wasn't a patient, (yeah, i know...maybe i should have been
the psychiatrist knew I was going to use it and approved, telling me with a wink and a nod beforehand that it would inalterably change my relationship with myself, others and the world in general.
I have been eternally grateful for that gift; it showed me the power and beauty of love and compassion. Maybe that is what your professor is worried about - it tampers with the "way things are" or are perceived...and it makes us question ridiculous statements by authority figures, such as the good professor...
Ask him to justify his comments; they should not go unchallenged...Cocaine and heroin rob the soul; E opens and nurtures it.
PLUR to all

Sometimes you can see THE LIGHT
In the strangest of PLACES
If you look at it RIGHT
Interesting--I first learned about ecstasy from that book. In fact, it was that book that made me want to look up more about it.