on the streets


Nov 25, 2009
Okay well i got kicked out of my sober living 2 days ago for testing positive for opiates. brief history about me. I have been addicted to opiates for 5 years now im 24. ive been in 4 rehabs and two sober livings.

now im on the streets my parents wont help me anymore, and its fucking cold and rainy and wet and im starving and going through withdrawls. FML.
You should look into another sober living center or a shelter perhaps? I'm sorry life is so shitty for you right now, but things will get better, that I promise. There is light at the other end!
You are not alone. Earlier this year I was on the streets in the same way you are...in fact I'm sure a lot of people on TDS have been.

You might not agree now, but it's probably a good thing your parents have cut you off. My dad enabled me until I was 27. I don't appreciate it.. at all.

Where have you been the last few nights? If I were you I'd do like PP mentioned - stay in another shelter and let them help you save $ (often they'll hold on to it for you) for rent and a deposit. It sounds like a million miles away - I know - but unless there is someone else you can stay with you truly have no other option. I was kicked out in March, and was in and out of shelters through April, May, and then lived in a tent through June. If I had just stayed off the drugs, not spent my money carelessly, that time would have been a lot shorter.

pain + acceptance = pain
pain + resistance = suffering

Drinks With Evil, I'm really sorry to hear you're in this situation man, it really sucks. But please know that you WILL be okay. This too will pass <3

I think your highest priority right now is to find another place to stay. Are there other places around that you can go?

Let us know how you're doing okay? Take care of yourself <3
just don't sleep in dumpsters.... no matter how miserable you get. find a different shelter, even if it means another few hours before you can sleep safely.