Exhausted On day 3 H detox at home help!


Dec 6, 2020
Craving are getting crazy, I have no energy at all. I have some comfort meds, clonidine, klonopin and methidcarbomal. I think the clonidine is making me have less energy but the part I hate the worst is the hot cold sweats.

It takes ten min to gather the energy to get up and go to the bathroom. Im taking multiple vitamins, fish oil, vitamin d, and B complex.

Slept like shit the last 2 nights...since this is technically the first half of day 3, do you think Ill feel any better tomorrow? Sleep any better tonight?

Im so bored laying in my bed and have so much to do but cant muster the energy.

Today and tonight should be the worse of it .. I always caved around day 3 because of no sleep and restless legs , they drive me crazy !
Try some Kratom and Cbd gummies
Hang in there! You are really going through it and that means you're making progress and it'll be over soon enough. Get through today and you should start feeling better soon. Much love!
My husband woke me up out of a dead sleep multiple times Sunday night, took hours to get back to sleep. Then his alarm went off to get up and go to work which I told him to shut off in the middle of the night bc I knew he wasnt going to go to work having woken up so many times. Of course he didnt go to work and the. He fell right back to sleep snoring in my ear. I could not get back to back to sleep at all. I was so miserable, my back was killing me and completely exhausted. I mentioned that I was having serious craving just needing to vocalize it and of course rhe rationalizing junkie mind convinced us to just get a little something for relief.

All in all we each did about .5g. Is this going to set us back to dsy 1 of withdrawals? FML. I feel like such an asshole for making it so far and then copping on day 4. Damn it. So we are back to sticking it out just wondering though, does this take us back to day 1?

Pretty sure I already know the answer....
My husband woke me up out of a dead sleep multiple times Sunday night, took hours to get back to sleep. Then his alarm went off to get up and go to work which I told him to shut off in the middle of the night bc I knew he wasnt going to go to work having woken up so many times. Of course he didnt go to work and the. He fell right back to sleep snoring in my ear. I could not get back to back to sleep at all. I was so miserable, my back was killing me and completely exhausted. I mentioned that I was having serious craving just needing to vocalize it and of course rhe rationalizing junkie mind convinced us to just get a little something for relief.

All in all we each did about .5g. Is this going to set us back to dsy 1 of withdrawals? FML. I feel like such an asshole for making it so far and then copping on day 4. Damn it. So we are back to sticking it out just wondering though, does this take us back to day 1?

Pretty sure I already know the answer....
Idk but possibly. Whatever you do you just gotta resist those urges, I know it's not easy. Have you considered doing a medical detox? I mean doing it legit usually always works better. That way you can't cave to the pressure. Buprenorphine is a life saver.
I think if you made it through 3 days of withdrawal and then used for one day on the 4th it won’t set you back to day one. I think you’ll just have some minor withdrawals if you stop now. Usually day 3 is the peak of withdrawals, atleast in my experience. I’ve used after withdrawing for a couple days and then once the dope wears off I usually just had a runny nose, body aches and some depression but not full symptoms
Idk but possibly. Whatever you do you just gotta resist those urges, I know it's not easy. Have you considered doing a medical detox? I mean doing it legit usually always works better. That way you can't cave to the pressure. Buprenorphine is a life saver.
Planning to talk to my husband about going to the sub dr. Just a little weary of eventually detoxing off those but at least we can rebuild our lives and changes habits long term, then go thru it after tapering down.
Planning to talk to my husband about going to the sub dr. Just a little weary of eventually detoxing off those but at least we can rebuild our lives and changes habits long term, then go thru it after tapering down.
I wouldn't worry too much about the subs. Just use them for a short amount of time to make your H detox bearable if you are worried about it.
I don't know what you're trying to come off, but if it's short acting, the first several days are going to be a struggle. Take it minute by minute - accept that this is part of getting free. Every minute you make it forward is one less that you'll have to endure. Always tell yourself that it's going to get better - because if you stick to it, it will get better. You have trouble sleeping - just accept that it's gonna happen and stay up watching TV or some other hobby you like. Taking showers several times a day will help you feel better. Think a lot about mid-Feb/March 2021 - you won't feel sick, no more withdrawals if you stick to it now. Believe in yourself - it will be tough, but you can beat this. Your life will be so much better without speeding between highs and withdrawals. I repeat.... tell yourself over and over "it will get better if I stick to this." Every time you start feeling down or sick, repeat that mantra. I kicked a many years long methadone use almost three years ago - cold turkey at home. It was tough, but I'm free of it - no withdrawals - no feeling sick when I don't take it - just feeling good without a drug helping.

Here is my story if you'd like to read more.
I've seen Buprenorphine and Methadone mentioned in this thread. They could be something you consider if you think there is a chance you will relapse. But only you can answer that. It would be ideal if you make it through the rest of the acute withdrawls without maintainence and are able to deal with the chronic/psychologial aspects without relapse.
I think if you made it through 3 days of withdrawal and then used for one day on the 4th it won’t set you back to day one. I think you’ll just have some minor withdrawals if you stop now. Usually day 3 is the peak of withdrawals, atleast in my experience. I’ve used after withdrawing for a couple days and then once the dope wears off I usually just had a runny nose, body aches and some depression but not full symptoms
This is good info, and info I was looking for earlier. Opiate withdrawls suck. I was in day three and just had to take something to sleep. My fear was that it would send me right back to day one.
Craving are getting crazy, I have no energy at all. I have some comfort meds, clonidine, klonopin and methidcarbomal. I think the clonidine is making me have less energy but the part I hate the worst is the hot cold sweats.

It takes ten min to gather the energy to get up and go to the bathroom. Im taking multiple vitamins, fish oil, vitamin d, and B complex.

Slept like shit the last 2 nights...since this is technically the first half of day 3, do you think Ill feel any better tomorrow? Sleep any better tonight?

Im so bored laying in my bed and have so much to do but cant muster the energy.

I'll tell you the same thing I told a beggar who begs me for change every time I see him even though I told him he's probably less skint than me go to a place called turning point get put on methadone straight away(I did) and wola you have free heroin everyday nothing wrong with it no shame in it were all only human
A buprenorphine doctor can easily help with opioid replacement therapies, so can a methadone clinic. Those are opinions along with detox and a 30 day program (where they will highly recommend sober living to retrain you addictive behaviors). The bad part is a lot of those sober living homes do not allow people on opioid replacement treatment into their programs. You would have to do your homework on that in your area.

I’ve been clean from opioids like heroin/fentanyl for over 8 years now. The only thing that really got me through that addiction was an attitude of pure hatred toward opioids and what they had done to my brain and body. Gabapentin and other gabapentiniods really saved my ass and allowed me to sleep. Gabapentiniods are also addictive, but they are one of those drugs you can successfully ween off of, unlike opioids, in that no matter what people say; you cannot realistically ween off of opioids (once your receptors are dependent on that drug function properly) you will have to suffer significantly. There is always withdrawals and PAWS from opioid addiction/dependence no matter how long you taper, and you will need comfort meds to get past the acute withdrawals.

What nobody says is “you have fucked up your opioid receptors so much, that it will take well over a year (sometimes more) to get those receptors back to baseline”, but that exactly what happens with heroin/opioid addiction. I guess they don’t want to scare people into thinking it is nearly impossible for people with addiction/dependency to opioids to get clean (which is the truth). That fact is that opioid addicts have a less than 3% rate of success stopping opioid addiction on their own. The odds don’t get a lot better with medical intervention and opioid replacement therapy (having a success rate of less than 8% even in the most realistic studies).

Success rate of relapse for people that have been medically weaned from suboxone/buprenorphine therapy is about ~8.7 % compared to abstinence from opioids while on buprenorphine replacement therapy of ~47 % success rate, regardless of cognitive therapy included in the opioid replacement treatment.

*source* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22065255/

I’ve been there and have done that, and so can you! Fuck that trap those drugs have over your soul! You should hate opioids to be able to stop them completely! That’s what I did and I was in that small percentage of those that quit opioids.


*edit* posted wrong study link earlier. The correct source had been cited now.
I did it once and was clean for 3 years, untreated/undiagnoised ppd led me to relapse but Im gonna beat this shit again no matter what it takes. And yes, its at least a year before you start really sleeping well and really really feeling good. Ugh. Lots of healthy eating and exercise helped with that tho.