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Heroin Old head using for 7 days straight


Oct 31, 2005

So i got shot 6 days ago and my cousin who is anti drugs agreed to get me some heroin to help with the pain because he refused to take me to the hospital and a friends wife who is a nurse fixed me up (.22 went str8 through) but i couldnt get any pain meds obviously so long story short ive got a gram on the way and its healing up nicely and this is the last G since its been a week and i just need some of my brothers on BL to assure me i wont be going through WD”s after 7 days using about 700mg a day for pain relief. Ive done it before for a week without noticeable WD’s and now i just want to hear your re-assuring responses that tomorow after 7 days ill stop using and no WD, its also worth mentioning that one day out of the last 6 i went about 20hrs without because we couldnt score.

Thanks in advance!
You will likely experience mild withdrawal. as an ex addict I figure 4 days is about when I start to figure w/d back into the picture. Depending on a myriad of variables.