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[old] CD social V we've almost done it mates. #LegalizeIt

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I don't know what you mean by that but I am glad there are no venomous snakes living up north it's one thing that is a nice compromise for the frigid winters. I like them it eventually just gets way too cold for far too long though hibernate with the bong.

I'm high as fuck and took way too much etizolam weighing it yesterday and spilling some as my hands were shaking with anxiety, blacked out for the rest of the day. I'm probably still blacked out. Sucks. Slept for a long time, not sure how long. Lost track of time repeatedly still waiting to come down. Not going anywhere, or doing anything but cooking healthy snacks and smoking more berry.
finally went and bought a cheap torch lighter, i can't believe ive been doing dabs with bic lighters for that long. on another note i have a seedling going about 3 weeks old maybe, this one looks like it could make it
these batteries are going to drive me crazy, i figured out my wax pen battery went dead but for some reason my battery for my vape pen isnt strong enough or something for the wax cartridge, i know the battery is good because i used it after failing with the wax.
these batteries are going to drive me crazy, i figured out my wax pen battery went dead but for some reason my battery for my vape pen isnt strong enough or something for the wax cartridge, i know the battery is good because i used it after failing with the wax.
Dude I was having the same issue today. My cart was flashing like it was dead (straight off the charger) so I figured something was wrong and put it away. 1 hour later it's hitting like a champ. Idk if it was the connection or just something weird, but I hope yours works out. I was tripping because I'm going on a trip tomorrow and was going to be pissed if I didn't have something to smoke, but luckily I have a back up battery.
the battery I have now works fine for vape cartridges but for some reason when i put wax caridge from my other pen it wasnt strong enough, my friend had a diff battery but it must of been at least 3 times the size of my brassknuckles battery, thou
do they they do replacement batterys for the yocans,
Which one do you have? I see a few online just searching Yocan Battery replacement, but there's a few different models

Also a vape cart doesn't require as large a battery as a wax/herb vaporizer.
its the yocan evolve ,the wax cartridge worked fine with a diff battery but when i switched back to my own meant for vape it didnt work to well
hopefully the smokeshop will give me deal since the batter they sold me kinda sucked
YOU GUYSSSSSSS, feel free to ignore this but it's got me feelin' some type of way and I felt like posting:

Okayyyy, so this may be a 1-step-forward-2-steps-back situation, but I'm proud as shit of myself for this and just wanted to brag, I guess? idk, can't explain it really... but y'all probably already know I'm a "borderline" alcoholic, yeah? Like 6-9 beers a day, every day and without fail for the past several years. I'm talking picking up a case of beer twice a week kind of drinking, and I'm only 5'4" and 140lbs on my fat days.

Well, mid-last week I stumbled across 10 Xanax bars despite my better judgement. I've been taking anywhere from 1mg-2mg a day (spaced out throughout the day, .5mg doses), and I haven't had a single drop of alcohol since Wednesday... and I didn't even realize until this morning! I went to the fridge to grab a drink and saw my untouched case of beer sittin' there lookin' all lonely, and the revelation hit me a few minutes ago.

It seems slight, tbh, but y'all have no idea how much of a struggle it is for me to keep that particular habit in check. Also, this PAX3 is a godsend. I'm starting to get why people who have figured out how to effectively vape advocate the hell out of it.

So what y'all fools up to on this rainy ass, colder'n-a-witch's-nipple Saturday?
So what y'all fools up to on this rainy ass, colder'n-a-witch's-nipple Saturday?

Watching curling (what else, other than CFL), doing a boring dialysis and having my first cup of coffee wondering how sober I should be when going grocery shopping.

Naahhh, I think I'll smoke and watch curling all day.

Naahhh, I think I'll smoke and watch curling all day.


I think that's the most Canadian response I've ever gotten to that question, and I approve. :p

I just... curling, man, I don't get how it's fun to watch more than like once every 4 years. Do you, though, I'm just sticking to stayin' a little fucked up and playing gta online most of the day.

You got Netflix? If so, look into this show called "Knightfall." Pretty good so far, from what I can tell it's based around one of the Crusades and involves the Knights Templar. Prettttty good...
YOU GUYSSSSSSS, feel free to ignore this but it's got me feelin' some type of way and I felt like posting:

Okayyyy, so this may be a 1-step-forward-2-steps-back situation, but I'm proud as shit of myself for this and just wanted to brag, I guess? idk, can't explain it really... but y'all probably already know I'm a "borderline" alcoholic, yeah? Like 6-9 beers a day, every day and without fail for the past several years. I'm talking picking up a case of beer twice a week kind of drinking, and I'm only 5'4" and 140lbs on my fat days.

Well, mid-last week I stumbled across 10 Xanax bars despite my better judgement. I've been taking anywhere from 1mg-2mg a day (spaced out throughout the day, .5mg doses), and I haven't had a single drop of alcohol since Wednesday... and I didn't even realize until this morning! I went to the fridge to grab a drink and saw my untouched case of beer sittin' there lookin' all lonely, and the revelation hit me a few minutes ago.

It seems slight, tbh, but y'all have no idea how much of a struggle it is for me to keep that particular habit in check. Also, this PAX3 is a godsend. I'm starting to get why people who have figured out how to effectively vape advocate the hell out of it.

So what y'all fools up to on this rainy ass, colder'n-a-witch's-nipple Saturday?

Just a word of warning... benzos have been strongly linked to massively increased dementia risk. Along with many anticholinergics including shit everyone uses like benadryl. I'm not going to tell you if it's better to die of liver failure or develop dementia and die from that (indirectly, of course), that's up to you. My suggestion would be that weed should replace them both if you really need something =D
Just a word of warning... benzos have been strongly linked to massively increased dementia risk. Along with many anticholinergics including shit everyone uses like benadryl. I'm not going to tell you if it's better to die of liver failure or develop dementia and die from that (indirectly, of course), that's up to you. My suggestion would be that weed should replace them both if you really need something =D

oh my god shut the fuck up. If that sounds out of line then fuck it, and if you want an explanation then you're gonna need to work through my post history over the years to understand the transition I've made, because I'm sure as shit not getting into this again with another young buck who found erowid when he was 7 and considered himself an expert ever since.

I can respect your word of warning to any unsuspecting readers like you may've been when you were younger but I don't personally need advice from you on how to moderate my own habit, thanks.

Also, instead of appreciating the fact that an alcoholic's managing to go cold turkey with little to no side effects by consciously and responsibly substituting an altogether safer substance in lieu of the problematic one, you manage to focus on the negative. Brother, I appreciate your contributions to the forum but sometimes you really do need to know when it's time to bite your tongue.
Lol I love it when people lash out for no reason. Also the fact that you think trading one hard drug for another is praiseworthy.

"hi mom, yeah I finally quit heroin, only thing is now I do cocaine 24/7 and never come down from it"
Lol I love it when people lash out for no reason. Also the fact that you think trading one hard drug for another is praiseworthy.

"hi mom, yeah I finally quit heroin, only thing is now I do cocaine 24/7 and never come down from it"

uh huh, uh huh, let's hear more of your unwarranted opinions. Make sure to throw in technical terms and statistics that nobody gives a fuck about, because you gotta make yourself look... fuck, I don't even know what it is you're trying to come across as, but I can tell you for sure it's somewhere in between pompous ass and tryhard with a little bit of a pseudointellectual kind of feel to it.

You're fun to talk to sometimes, but more often than not it's difficult to even tolerate some of the shit you say and tout as undeniable fact when you're wrong, you're just wrong more often than you're right. Nobody's really been abrupt with you because that's not what this forum's about, but you went ahead and hit a nerve of mine and I really couldn't care less if I get banned for saying what a lot have been trying to get you to understand for months now. You're young and we get it, but Christ, dude, just shut the fuck up when it comes to the whole "Yeah, that's good but--" bullshit.

It's funny, too, because the very thing you're trying to lecture me about is the same thing that's keeping me from being able to just let you be the clown that I like to let you be. I think that's another one for benzo's pros section, though, because it's definitely about time somebody hit you with a direct response to your bullshit instead of beating around the bush and hoping beyond all hope you can read between some fucking lines for once in your life.

(P.S. I love this. Keep responding. I miss these old dumb ass arguments from back in the day. You might just turn out to be the new BJ and I'm just sittin' over here praying for it. <3)
Hey, I'm happy you found some relief from your habit Jib. Alcohol can be a hell of a drug. My brother in law is just coming out of a twelve pack a day habit he got in the Marines.

If taking some Xanax once in a while helps you forego over-boozing, great. I use different substances to mitigate my habits too. Rather be a mildly poly-substance abuser than a heavily single substance abuser.
That's what I'm saying, bro! Thank you!

It's just weird that I put it down without a plan or anything, just kinda happened once I got the bars a few days ago. I remember reading a while back that both drugs work on the same receptors in the body or brain (or something like that, don't quote me), so maybe that's why I'm not having cravings or anything.

Worst I'm going through is a weird cross between a stomachache and a strange heartburn in the solar plexus, and my tremors've gotten a little bit worse in my hands. Like, an entire finger'll do a random twitch out the blue and I look down all confused for a minute, lol.... but I'm pretty sure that comes with the Xanax, because it occasionally would do it to my eyelids when I used to binge on them heavy back in the day.

But yeah, man, thanks for the positive vibes. I work my ass off day in and day out, figure I deserve a break every once in a while without a lecture from someone coming from a complete place of ignorance because they think WebMD- and rxList-browsing mean they've got a degree in pharmacology or some bullshit....
If this 15% CBD 1% THC flower is truly that ratio, this is some good shit considering. Makes me feel great. Not quite high but kinda almost, without the complete mental fog.
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