Official Compendium of E-tard moments and quotes

"i have to tell you something... when you go to use the bathroom, can you shut the door? there's a man in there."

me... strong mdma/mda
My boyfriend, at the Electric Daisy Carnival...
"I feel so happy! Like... all in my stomach!"

o_O how adorable. ;p
A friend after taking his first good pill

"Holy fuck man what the hell did you give me!"
While sitting around afterhours at my apartment with my boyfriend and 3 of my friends, I had been finishing sentences all night long that made no sense (they made no sense because, as I figured out the next day, these sentences were the end of sentences I had started and said in my MIND... and finished out loud... which of course confused the shit out of everyone, but I said them as if everyone knew that's what I had been thinking/talking about for the past couple minutes!)

For example (this one was less than 48 hours ago):

"..and then? She died. My freaking fish died."

..And that was it. I got so many confused looks. That's when I figured out I had been thinking of a fish I had as a pet in college and that I had come home from class one day to find it dead. I was THINKING about it, not TALKING... but apparently I thought I had been telling everyone a story about it and decided to finish it up with that sentence.... is this weird? Do you think it was somsething other than MDA? I felt on these pills that I acted how I act when I do Special K. 8(
darakane said:
While sitting around afterhours at my apartment with my boyfriend and 3 of my friends, I had been finishing sentences all night long that made no sense (they made no sense because, as I figured out the next day, these sentences were the end of sentences I had started and said in my MIND... and finished out loud... which of course confused the shit out of everyone, but I said them as if everyone knew that's what I had been thinking/talking about for the past couple minutes!)

For example (this one was less than 48 hours ago):

"..and then? She died. My freaking fish died."

..And that was it. I got so many confused looks. That's when I figured out I had been thinking of a fish I had as a pet in college and that I had come home from class one day to find it dead. I was THINKING about it, not TALKING... but apparently I thought I had been telling everyone a story about it and decided to finish it up with that sentence.... is this weird? Do you think it was somsething other than MDA? I felt on these pills that I acted how I act when I do Special K. 8(

Sounds very similar to my experience with CEVs. I would be in a very dream like state and then suddenly open my eyes and speak to someone that wasnt even there but had been in my CEV.
on a ketamine and e combo i recently said the following to someone

"ive had enough ket to tranquilize a bulldozer" 8(
I almost always trip on something else in addition to MDMA when I roll so I'm one of the people that comes bouncing out of the dance floor just mumbling utter nonsense with a lot of "wow"s thrown in:
" christ on a crutch i am sooooo laced, face, face......rrrroooollllllliiiiinnnnggg face!....holy shit I don't know if I can feel my legs am laser-jesus! did the walls light up?...etc..."
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"How the fuck do I swallow? Who the fuck forgets how to swallow? Ahahahahaha"

A mate trying to eat some cake.
well this is from a close friend of mine who is indian and says "macha" very often. (macha in hindi/tamil or something, means like close brother, kind of like 'mate' in the U.K)

so he's tripping to the bass kicking hardstyle playing, and i'm sittin there with my fags and see him doing a walk up and down the room with his head proper in the music, i ask him if he's alright and he's just (in his indian accent) "I'm fucking tripping balls machaaaaaa"
haha I have a bad one I rolled my ass off and was etarted the next day I hadn't done any in like 4 months at the time and I did 2 green incredibles that were loaded with mdma and the next day I was going to meet someone with my grandma. So she meets him and he puts his hand out and goes nice to meet you and then I start to put my hand out and go, "nice to..." and then realized how retarted I must have been to be about to say nice to meet you to my grandma hahaha
any1 seen fear and loathing in las vegas? well if u have my m8 was saying "get down man its the viet kong" "the viet kong n gangas kahn r hiding in the trees get down man"

then in the same type of voice "make me a rollie" "no i want tht 1 u make another 1"

b4 i was walking across a hill when i turned n looked at the lights n my eyes started rollin bad i snapped out of it and spun round saying "so do u drink that in the house then"

ive had full on conversations with my self like "wat shud i do now" "omg im talking to myself" "oh no i need to stop this "fs stop it" "fs man stop talking to urself" lol!!!

regards /gow

p.s anyone on ere frm the northeast of england?
lol man, I remember my second time dropping I went up to the shops and I started talking like Thompson in fear and loathing, I couldn't stop it, it felt great.
i DID NOT STEAL THIS ONE FROM ANYONE,STRAIT UP,THIS CAME FROM MY OWN BRAIN RIGHT NOW................m.d.m.a=Making.Delusional.Mannerism's.Acceptable!!!!!!!
I was on some incredible mitsubishi's back in the day and my girl just got done blowing me up good with some vics and a light show. Well my eyes rolled back and I blanked out for a few seconds and when I came too I looked over at my homie and said "cut the ice cream in half and put it in the frezer". I had no clue why I said it but we still laugh about it to this day.
The most e-tarded I ever said was prior to my first taste of MDMA: "OK, I'll give it a try, but just this once - I'll never do it again after that!" Boyo was I wrong :)

The next thing I said was - "Wow and this is illegal?"

Other assorted pearls of wisdom:
"look everybody - my leggses are dancing my body away"
"Wow, this is the best cigarette I have ever had - and it will not burn down" (cos I forgot to light it)
"Wow this is the best shower I ever had" When asked why I had been sitting on the toilet for about half an hour ...