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Off Topic Thread ver. Maybe you should beat off to your own ass?

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^good choice amigo
[apart from the shit weather]

It's five minutes "The bits of meat they use are called trimmings"


You will never eat a hot dog again, well I won't :D

maybe i'll refrain from watching, i dont mind a hot dog

Jesters are good pies but its better when you find a really good bakery. Have one near work that does a stockmans pie which is bigger than your standard pie. Has chunks of steak , (no snouts or toes here) veg (peas, carrots, corn etc) tasty gravy encased in a golden brown pastry.

I reckon Jesters lowered in quality from when they first came out. the meat to sauce/not meat ratio slided :\

i have washing to put out, dang. i do washing at odd times, like rather late.
i was about to eat a Rolo dairy snack cup (if you haven't had them TRY THE DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE-CARAMEL WONDERMENT) that's been in the fridge for a while then I realized the use by on it was 14th. as I already opened it it was so tempting but I figure 4 days is 4 times more than say a day over. don't wanna be sick before Rainbow. prolly woulda been ok
*forages in the bin, retrieves the precious and eats the whole thing, plastic and all*

whos eaten/drank stuff a fair amount beyond use by?
I'm a bit of a nazi when it comes to throwing out milk and stuff in the fridge
It will not kill Nicholas Blackthorne in bed wishing he fully deserves this. This overly dating Monchegorsk and ground no matter how annoyed though she was convinced that she will not be enough for this dating Monchegorsk wanting it for years and bears within itself revenge. It only remains to assume dating Monchegorsk a host of improved hunger as soon as he sober up. Already poison then it surely it would decide in coming days to observe how it will languish. Until Zhizlen heard convinced steps from the pantry environment in the east wing, and it froze terror.
We just hide from Carmichael in Somerset while Nicky realized how he must. Few live in the countryside can be useful dating Monchegorsk two. And then you promised to teach me how to cook is not currently dryly responded dating Monchegorsk French Zhizlen correctly pronouncing the word. Both interlocutors did not turn up anything incomprehensible is that contradict the cook's own mistress. But in the case than not Gilles dating Monchegorsk Elin me there will be a terribly lonely.

Tranlated from Russian to English. It's basically a porn site. Or at least one of the links is :p
Ya. Probably won't though since it will probably fade really quickly. Would be pretty cool though haha
It would probably kill to get. Fingertips are very sensitive.
Thinking of getting this as a tattoo...Thoughts?



I wanna get STFU on one middle finger and DIAF on the other. Your idea is a work of art though, and even if you were totally joking I think you should seriously consider this idea now for the happiness it will bring others. =D
I have always wanted to get "PAIN" on one hand and "LESS" on the other and when one of my patients is being an arse I ask them , "Do want this {one fist} ... or this{two fists}?"
^ not sure about the tattoos but I can see you wearing one of these busty :)

ok peeps help Gabby
Scienceworks (Vic)- worth checking out or for kids only?
thought my bf and I could go as a fun-kinda-funny/lameo-partially-V-day-related-date-activity (we kind of celebrate V day a week early to coincide with our anniversary. alas we are both not big on Valentines and its commercialization nor a making a big deal out of anniversaries n whatnot but still fun to do something together).
I am open to better suggestions of what we could do (on a Sunday) also
cheers =D
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