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Harm Reduction OD Social v5. - Paper or Plastic?

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I'm double posting, since no one has posted since this morning.

Fuck people who can't be upfront with you. [me] Seriously. Fuck you.

That is all.
haha some mod is going to try and merge our posts thinking they are double posts
I know this little gag is going to quickly piss someone off haha
I'm going hard like my erection, don't even need no viagra, I swear this shit is the ultimate aphrodisiac, when I think about this drug, it's a total sex drug. Going to a party right now, out in the fuckin boonies!!!!

So yeah, OD I'll probably be out for a while, I barely ever let myself indulge with this, so I'm going to take advantage of it.


tweaking? desoxyn or crystal?
kinda wish I could close thread or move them around again, though in OD rather than PD. I've been using other drugs a lot more than I have psychs for the past year.
haha some mod is going to try and merge our posts thinking they are double posts

WTF, you and cloud* both have the same avatar!!! Hahaha, you guys are silly.

Cloudy if you notice things in OD that need be taken care of you should report them or send me an instant message.

My browser refreshes the reported posts and OD every 30 seconds.

BTW: Man, I've had the craziest past 72 hours.

Me and my buddies had to pull shotguns on some tweakers who were starting insane fights at that party I went to.
Then, the next day, my best friend and his GF got into a bad car accident and I spend my remaining time awake in the ER.
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Aye, I try to use the report function and/or lead people in the right direction with the rules or appropriate places to post about particular questions.

I hate going to parties where there are hostility in the air. I'll usually just get the fuck out the scene if shit goes down. I'm not one for violence drunk of sober. I refuse to be associated or around people who start shit. It just ruins my buzz
After we got them off my friends private property, I gathered the people who drove with me and took off.
I had a G of ron this mornin but "got rid of" .9 so ill I have left is a little .1 rock.

snorted half the .1 and loaded the other half in my rig. This will be the fattest shot ive ever done.

After this shot im taking AT LEAST a two month break. Ill still be on the site everyday though so dont worry :).
lol I'm watching Whale Wars right now. I'm totally rooting for these people of Faroe Islands, I mean its not a huge population and they aren't hunting endangered animals. They have been doing so for hundreds upon hundreds of years with out being detrimental to the population of pilot whales. I really want Paul Watson and his crew to be arrested
I had a G of ron this mornin but "got rid of" .9 so ill I have left is a little .1 rock.

snorted half the .1 and loaded the other half in my rig. This will be the fattest shot ive ever done.

After this shot im taking AT LEAST a two month break. Ill still be on the site everyday though so dont worry :).

Attention private, report back here after administration to confirm you're alive. That is all, private dismissed.

What's up OD, just took a pretty epic shower. About half way through, the water pressure was cut by about 50% and I still managed to enjoy myself, so that should speak volumes about how I'm feelin.
I feel like painting the wall red. Fuck.

Fuck it. I'm getting spun tonight.
I might have to enjoy a nice shower. Wish I had A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones in book form rather than on my computer so I can read while taking a bath.

I've always wondered why bubble baths seem to be for women and children. I love bubble baths and I totally have a cock with both balls dropped
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