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Harm Reduction OD Social v5. - Paper or Plastic?

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Thought I'd come along and say hi, don't really post in OD, but want to get my head in all of the socials on the site :D

Had some etizolam and have some sausages cooking now, so looking forward to eating them with a bowl of instant mash(don't judge me for the instant mash, it is actually rather tasty and cheap :) )
Oxymorph and a dab of crys.

I don't think kings feel this good : )


My metal laptop is saying it's 174 degrees F on the inside.

It's at least 90 degrees outside again. and I'm in direct sun.
was cooler here today since we had a breeze from the ocean.. but it still hit the 70's
it is now 68
My metal laptop is saying it's 174 degrees F on the inside.

It's at least 90 degrees outside again. and I'm in direct sun.

Time to put that thing in the fridge.

It got a lovely 84F today, its down in 60s and thunderstorming now. I'm smoking a bowl of Bubba Kush and drinking one of these:


Good stuff.
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Freezer more like!

I like 2 play, in LA. (just kidding I really dont like the los angeles area, but I like this song haha)

For some reason it is IMPOSSIBLE to find on youtube, thank god it was in my iTunes somehow. I have no idea where my iTunes gets its music, I am convinced I at some point had a virus that downloaded music for me
Tornado Rider - I'm A Falcon go listen to that song anybody who reads this post. That is all.
*Lights another bowl*
*sprays you with a fire extinguisher*

PLEASE I highly recommend you all watch this music video, it's pretty funny.
Dirt Nasty- Drugs on my Mind

WARNING: the video is HIGHLY triggering, if you're in recovery do not click

They tease you with like literally every drug. I'm going to list the drugs I see:

Weed, Heroin, norcos, methamp, cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy. I give up, It's very triggering seeing them chase the foil. I have no idea how they were allowed to make this video hahahah.
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