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Occupy Australia - International Day of Protest - October 15th 2011 - Melb, Syd, Bris

I was going to ditch them but they did a very good job of sorting out our on call allowance in the last EBA so I've kept paying the fees. At least I can claim it on my tax.

Apologies for going off topic :D
Anyone want to comment on how far this movement has degraded in the last few weeks?

Occupy Sydneys most recent event was to hang out in a Coles supermarket and harass the
Minimum wage shelf packers packers for 20 minutes.

US movements also have very real concerns with respect to hygiene and sanitary conditions in the camps plus criminal activity in others.

Just so I can shut down any flaming before it happens - I haven't disclosed my feeling for this cause in either way; my questions are serious and based on information that I have come across in not just mainstream media but independent sources also
The whole movement doesn't seem to have much credibility unfortunately. That's the impression that I'm getting anyway.
It is hard for Australia to replicate the same context as the US. Given we have new regulations such as the 2 strike ruling with respect to executive remuneration. It will take another year before that becomes more effective, thats assuming it will - just have a look at James Packer's recent rant at the last Crown AGM.

Not saying we don't have inequality, just look at land prices in capital cities. The levels will not be able to sustain themselves but it will take an entire generation shift before the effects come to the surface.
it's about solidarity, guys. problems are worse in the states for sure, but they spew worldwide as a result.

The whole movement doesn't seem to have much credibility unfortunately. That's the impression that I'm getting anyway.

and you're getting your information from.... commercial media perhaps?
No, the fact that almost all of Australia's occupyers are lefty students or the unemployed. If their message struck a nerve with the majority ( you know, the true 99% ) you would see mums and dads joining in and a ground swell of support. The fact it isn't shows a lack of leadership and direction. It is fitting that as the weeks go on you are left with only the marginalized 1 percent sitting in a public part.

Some of the problems such as poorly planned tent cities being torn down could have been prevented if they had a true vision or mission statement. Allowing people to amass and come and go back to jobs would be better than setting up camp and frowning. The fact these people don't have to worry about going to work or looking after their kids highlights how out of touch they are with the true 99% who struggle economically every day. The single mother of 3 or the poor dad working two jobs barely seeing his kids each week cannot simply throw in their jobs and sit in a field for days at a time in protest. Engage the real strugglers and they migt have half a chance. Grubby students having a whinge is nothing new.
lol busty thinks he knows what's what from news sources.

mate, go to a march, see mums & dads and all sorts of demographics. be informed BEFORE being opinionated. stop failing, bro.
I don't need Newscorp to tell me they are full of fail, I only have to walk down the road and see a shanty town of greasy art students damaging the lawn close to an important war memorial fighting with each other and no leaders taking control. They are exactly the same as the rent a mob crowd that would hassle "The Man" in and around my uni campus more than 20 yrs ago. In fact now they are worse because they have diluted their message into many sub groups. Back then it was anti uranium, now it is corporate greed, next week.....?

I have some compassion towards some of their cause. Massive profits are being exploited through very little actual work and this is then horded away. The fact people can make money when the stock market falls must sound alarm bells to most people that such a financial system is easily manipulated for greed. But why stop at wasteful or dishonest business? If you dig a little deeper you find millions of dollars wasted in the public service and government itself. If every dollar needed to be justified I'd bet L2R, plenty of your work collegues would be nervously shuffling the floor and not wanting to make eye contact. How many "jobs for the boys" exists in the union movement or even student unions? Hypocracy is infectious.

Personally I would love to see an increase in company tax or a super wealthy tax that then is used for the communities good. Take public transport for instance. How much would it take to make it 100% free in a city like Sydney for all users? 2 billion dollars? 4 billion dollars? Not a huge amount when you compare it to superanuation payouts for the public service. However any government is just as likely to redistribute this acquired windfall to another area once they face yet another "financial crisis". I don't have much faith in politics mainly because it rarely attracts the brightest or smartest. I only have to look at my classmates who eventually went into politics to sadly realise that it takes a special breed to want to become a politician. Unfortunately they are so special you wouldn't want them to breed.
i know what you mean about polly's. Bunch of leechs. I made a joke about them the other day on fb.

q: what does it take to be a politician?

a: you gotta know how to act

anyway, don't let the anti-anything posers tarnish your view on the occupy phenomenon. there is something of value in it. it's just hard to see with their obnoxious appearence and smells being such a distraction.

if it were up to me, i'd strongly encourage dressing up neat for the show.
then again, if it WERE up to me, I'd split the support into handful size groups and spread them all over the city. that way, there's greater coverage of the cause, and less chance at being stomped by mounted piggies.
"current events and politics", it's another part of bluelight