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Opioids O-Desmethyltramadol

yeah , day 2 and it´s perfectly ok to combine low doses of Bupre (0.5-2mgs) with O-DMT, as a matter of fact I think it compliments bupe much better than Tramadol does (at the doses I´ve been experimenting with at least) ...no MXE nor camfetamine today ...well,not even any Tramadol,just Bupre (1mg)+10mgs valium and a few bumps of O-DMT which should not have exceeded 200mgs ...and yeah , I feel pretty grOOvy lol , nod on!
I think ODT is far enough under the radar that you don't need to worry about it getting caught in these ridiculous "temporary bans". The problem is that apparently the only lab synthesising it has closed down and there's less than 1/2 kilo left in the UK. Looks like an "out of stock" hiatus pretty soon, so I'm glad I stopped when I did. CWE's just don't cut it for me nowadays, so it's back to fags and tramp juice for me.......
Not to be a dick, but..... buprenorphine being used while full agonists are still in effect doesn't throw HIGHLY DEPENDENT individuals into precipitated withdrawals? Do you use opioids for recreation or pain management? I ask because someone that uses them recreationally as opposed to someone that is litterally on them 24/7 by doctors orders and have been on these medications for literally decades isn't nearly as dependent upon them. They not only have withdrawal to deal with, but they also have to deal with all the pain they would have if they had never taken opioids (which is usually a FUCK-ton, and also causes major changes in vital signs/overall health) which is then amplified by the w/d symptoms of myalgia that non-medicinal addicted users experience during w/d.

I just find it odd that things that are medically documented as possibilities would be argued as false. It's just kind of like taking 400mg of Tramadol might not cause you to seize out, but it sure has fuck has and can sure as fuck happen again. Perhaps this doesn't happen to the recreational/addicted user as often as it does to dependent medicinal users, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Also, there's a forum for trip reports.
^ Yeah, but "woo,I've done loads of drugs and I'm nodding out" isn't really a trip report imho.
Just analy administrated 125mg, it's pretty interesting i feel a bit like i may throw up and quite woozy. it's quite a bit like tramadol
ha come on mate ...I see Bluelight as a "space" of freedom,all these elitisms regarding what not to say - not to do are pretty unnecessary imho..."we do not do trip reports /no SWImming in here etc etc " ...you know ?Who the hell cares?Majority of people in here do drugs and are after info (info they can relate to,raw ,crude info,not some pseudo-professional/technical crap which even the people involved in such studies do not have anything ressembling a final answer) in general which might just "benefit" them,for instance , I see no point in the "no sourcing policy" ,as a matter of fact I think all these things should be discussed openly...I hate hearing reports of kids doing MDPV cut with fukk knows what being sold as mephedrone etc etc cause some cunt up there (yes,even here) finds it "inappropriate" to discuss legit vendors on bl ...regarding the "precipitaded withdrawals" thing ...not that I´m proud of it or anything but in over 20 years of H addiction and Sub maintenance I never experienced anything which vaguely ressembles the term ,nor have I heard it from anybody else around me...I´d assume this is an american thing where doctors prescribe 32mgs/daily (lol@ that)...even at my addiction´s peak(we´re talking 1gram,proper H/daily) 2 lousy mgs of Subutex would be more than enough to keep withdrawals at bay ...maybe 32 mgs of Subutex would cause PW,dunno ...took me 2 or 3 days to figure out a dose I felt comfortable with, since I´m far from special I assume the same logic should apply to everyone else...and yes , lol,"woo,I've done loads of drugs and I'm nodding out" mode still ...peace :)
Not to be a dick, but..... buprenorphine being used while full agonists are still in effect doesn't throw HIGHLY DEPENDENT individuals into precipitated withdrawals? Do you use opioids for recreation or pain management? I ask because someone that uses them recreationally as opposed to someone that is litterally on them 24/7 by doctors orders and have been on these medications for literally decades isn't nearly as dependent upon them. They not only have withdrawal to deal with, but they also have to deal with all the pain they would have if they had never taken opioids (which is usually a FUCK-ton, and also causes major changes in vital signs/overall health) which is then amplified by the w/d symptoms of myalgia that non-medicinal addicted users experience during w/d.

I just find it odd that things that are medically documented as possibilities would be argued as false. It's just kind of like taking 400mg of Tramadol might not cause you to seize out, but it sure has fuck has and can sure as fuck happen again. Perhaps this doesn't happen to the recreational/addicted user as often as it does to dependent medicinal users, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Also, there's a forum for trip reports.

I don't think this is a full agonist. Tramadol + buprenorphone are fine together as well.
^ Yeah, but "woo,I've done loads of drugs and I'm nodding out" isn't really a trip report imho.

How is this:

subject :male, 38 years, 85-90kgs- 1.81m ,on relative low daily dose of Subutex (maintenance) for over 4 years now ,tapered to 0.5-2mgs(tops) daily
so haven´t been able to find any info on the following combos I decided to order some O-desmethyltramadol/mxe and Camfetamine...
having tried all of the aforementioned on their own, with O-dmt being the exception.
It´s now 13:55 and this is what I´ve tried so far:

10:00am 2x50mgs tramadol IRs + 1x100mgs SR tramadol + 10mgs Valium (Roche)

at roughly 1pm the postman arrives with my parcel and having no scales and being pretty tolerant to tramadol I limited myself to eyeball
what I´d assume was just over 200mgs of O-desmethyltramadol...divided it into 2 fat lines for insufflation...
well, being tolerant to Tramadol and having had no Buprenorphine in my system for over 24 hours (last dose was yesterday and around 0.5mg)I should have been
feeling rather sick as I normally do when I dose that low-ish on the previous day...well,1 hour after the 200mgs insufflated dose of O-dmt I felt no need to take my daily bupre dose
actually I felt pretty good on it alone...

2pm : now comes the part I was curious about,"will O-dmt compliment low doses of buprenorphine?" ...So I cut another 2 lines of less than 0.5 mgs of Bupre and add
a small amount of Camfetamine (10-20mgs) to the mix knowing that I should not overdo it cause of the seizure threshold when combined with tramadol,perhaps
(pretty ignorant on these things as one can easily perceive)...

2:45pm :still nothing out of the "ordinary",as in I feel pretty awesome as if I had used a full agonist...so time is ripe to add a small bump of MXE (20-40mgs range)
2:50pm :decided to call a mate and then suddenly it all got very pronounced ,the unusual interest in each and every theme which would normally bore me to tears or at least towards indifference,
this to me is "euphoria"...that state of well-being which seems to be impossible to get disrupted by anything...from here on I decided to do some work in my home,as in scraping paint off of walls so I can re-aint it etc etc...

5:00pm :no sigs of any kind of adverse "syndrome",just an awesome amalgamation of substances pushing me towards consistent/constant euphoria/joy, work felt great,blasting Burial´s "st" while at it was a major plus...
basically a BIG thumbs up to this rather ecletic combo which I by no means condone but take it for what it is...sure is working for me :|.

not a trip report?
How is this:

not a trip report?

I don't see much of a problem. For a novel compound such as this, it is helpful to have such posts in order to ascertain a safe dosage. If he had posted it in the trip reports forum, many people wouldn't have seen it.
I don't see much of a problem. For a novel compound such as this, it is helpful to have such posts in order to ascertain a safe dosage. If he had posted it in the trip reports forum, many people wouldn't have seen it.

Yeah, I agree, and the moderators haven't stepped in so I don't really see the point in this navel gazing. Let's have discussion, not discussion about the forms of discussion.
Gonna be buying 500mg of this from my trusted supplier i would really appreiatte advice on what dose to take, never taken opaites before but am quite a heavy benzo (diazepam) user.

Also what the best way to take it?

Please advise!

Kind Regards
Gonna be buying 500mg of this from my trusted supplier i would really appreiatte advice on what dose to take, never taken opaites before but am quite a heavt benzo (diazepam) user. Please advise!

I started out, opioid naive, with tiny (5-10mg) doses which did fuck all (but proved it didn't kill me) then quickly settled on 35mg as a pick-me-up dose and 80mg as more sedative. Developing tolerance over time this has turned into 50-70mg pick-me-up and 100mg+ sedative.

My doses are plugged. I don't have a benzo habit so don't know how that might affect you, start small though.
Well by the sounds of your experience it doesnt sound to potent i reckon a nice 50mg dose would be a great starting point, if it kills me ill post back and let you know how things are in the 4th dimension brother.

Whats plug it ? up your ass ? shiz i dont even know how to do that my friend but like fk dat shiz holmes only thing that comes out of my ass is shiz ya heard lol aint nuttin going up it.

Any other ways to digest, how bout diretly dissolve it on your tongue ?

can u OD on it out of suicidal curiosity ? na but srsly thats possible ?
Bless u Fistful- guess I'm just terminally lazy! OD didn't happen to some dude who IV'd 2 grams, so Suicidal Curiosity is probably best directed elsewhere. Have you considered snorting Plutonium?
Well by the sounds of your experience it doesnt sound to potent i reckon a nice 50mg dose would be a great starting point, if it kills me ill post back and let you know how things are in the 4th dimension brother.

Whats plug it ? up your ass ? shiz i dont even know how to do that my friend but like fk dat shiz holmes only thing that comes out of my ass is shiz ya heard lol aint nuttin going up it.

Any other ways to digest, how bout diretly dissolve it on your tongue ?

can u OD on it out of suicidal curiosity ? na but srsly thats possible ?

Eating and sniffing both work but I prefer eating it to sniffing, if you're not going to let me stick it up my hole.
Bless u Fistful- guess I'm just terminally lazy! OD didn't happen to some dude who IV'd 2 grams, so Suicidal Curiosity is probably best directed elsewhere. Have you considered snorting Plutonium?

Im just interested in some useful information on this substance. Lets not get it twisted. Im just a sarcastic prick 77.3% of the time :)

Tx for the advice m8y gonna eat it for sheez me tinks...
Doesn't Shulgin have a joke in Pihkal where he's discussing the halogenated phenethylamines and posits an Astatine-substituted compound?
I'm going to do ODT for the first time today. However, I can't really make up which roa you guys choose. Is there a lot of different in dose between nasal and oral use?
I was planning on starting with 30mg. Nasally because of the fast onset. Does this sound ok to you?

edit: just did 30mg nasally five mins ago. I'll let you know how things work out.

edit 2: totalled 50mg and I definitely feel it. Not very euphoric (which is always the case with me and opiates) but just that familiar feeling of content. I've also got quite some difficulty focussing on writing this; nodding is imminent lol.
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Damn, you lucky bastard. Tramadol is one of my favorite drugs, and I would give my left nut to try O-desmethyltramadol. I would give my right nut for a perpetual prescription for Nucynta (talpentadol). Haven't tried it yet but god willing I shall.

I've been prescribed it. I hated it. Didn't feel anything but tired. Don't even know why it's a CDS.
Sorry about the previous post,

United States useres trying to order O-desmethyltramadol, most of the companys out there who say they will make it, I just scammed by a guy saying he needed 180$ to get the product and shit it to me, then said that they made a restriction on it and that I needed to give him ANOTHER 900 bucks...so beware of sketchy people like that. it's so easy to think you have such an awesome hookup then just end up getting screwed.