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Opioids O-Desmethyltramadol

250mg bomb about an hour ago, the lovely warmness & itchings started. I can honestly say this is better than the gear round my ends at the minute!
Havnt tried chasing it yet, pretty much every ROA but though so that'uns next on the list!
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I can understand people's fascination with both tramadol and M1. During the time when I kept in touch with people who got stuck on codeine, I noticed most of them were also prone to buy tramadol if it was available. It's something that never happened among heroin or morphine users which suggests the need to get high in some codeine addicted people is totally different from heroin/morphine addicts.

I know, M1 is not tramadol. I don't want anyone to jump down my throat and stating I have no idea what I'm talking about. The group of M1 fans definitely seek a high with something different from classic opioid experience. I don't think anyone here gets (+)-M1 and it's very important that it is this particular isomer. (-)-M1 is a monoamine reuptake inhibitor mainly. And while both noradrenaline and serotonin play their role in pain management, I have never seen tramadol being prescribed for its unique pharmacodynamics. It's simply treated as something below hydrocodone and oxycodone. And while it really doesn't represent a better analgesic than codeine, somehow codeine/APAP formulations are available OTC in a lot of countries and tramadol is available for script-only.

But here's what I really want to write about... Just as with tramadol, addicts with great tolerance to classic opioids should avoid this one. It doesn't matter it has a much higher affinity for mu-opioid receptors. Buprenorphine does as well, it certainly beats M1. And it may cause precipitated withdrawal.

DHC examples and alike are irrelevant here, they're too weak. Even hydrocodone having affinity for opioid receptors itself is far from "the first league" (you can search the quote: 'Hydrocodone binds with only 10- to 33-fold less affinity than hydromorphone to the mu-opiate receptors.', it should pop up somewhere). You could be stuck on high doses of codeine and tramadol won't really cause any withdrawal effects. I've seen codeine addicts that need to take it daily, otherwise they'd get withdrawal effects. But they can easily take tramadol, a partial MOR agonist, and experience no withdrawal effects.

Also, another risk is the same as with SSRI/SNRI antidepressants. Nobody is going to sell you (+)-M1 alone. It's always going to be 1S,2S and 1R,2R mixture. So you end up with an isomer that is mostly responsible for opioid effects and an isomer that is a monoamine reuptake inhibitor. I never liked these additive properties tramadol and M1 have. I was thrown away from these drugs right from the very first dose.

Anyway, I was up to something else. Having gotten addicted to M1, withdrawal effects aren't only from lack of external opioid supply but it also feels like withdrawal commonly known that appears after long enough usage of an SSRI or an SNRI. I can't describe it subjectively as I've never been addicted to either of these drugs but it's been proven gradual diminishing of the dose taken is a must not only because of opioid withdrawal effects but also because of withdrawal effects associated with SSRI/SNRI abrupt discontinuation.

I don't think any heroin addict is a kind of a person who would be interested in this stuff. I've been on methadone daily for over year and a half. And as I could easily shoot up morphine or heroin. I wouldn't take M1 or tramadol even if it was great for me.
Oh yes, lovely stuff. Plugged 102 mg's about an hour ago and 50 mg's more half hour later. Effects started maybe 10 minutes in and come up was surprisingly intense. More than i was expecting. They evened out soon after to nice but not very strong buzz. Not even a hint of nodding thou. Now feeling pretty chill + quite itchy.

For me this stuff doesn't resemble tramadol at all. Which is good because i never really got anything out of it even at very high dosages except for keeping withdrawls away . I'd say this resembles in strenght maybe 300-400 mg of codeine or lowish dose of oxy. I have zero tolerance at the moment and havent used almost any opiates for 6 months when i had quite a tolerance to oxy, fentanyl + other pharm's. Back then i doubt i would have gotten any worthwhile buzz from this considering it's price at this dose. How does re-dosing same evening work with this? Is it worth it or should i save it later?
Ididn't have any need to redose today, the high became more sedating later on and was feeling just fine. It was a big dose w/o tolerance thou, i'd recommend starting way lower, like 50 mg's maybe.
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Just chipping in with my two cents.

I used to take a fair bit of tramadol, on and off. I haven't taken any for a few months now.

When I saw this compound for sell in the UK I was intrigued, so I ordered a small sample. I had 2mg of Etizolam and about the same amount of Phenazepam (in liquid) earlier in the afternoon - about 1pm-ish - and took the O-Desmethyltramadol at about 22:00 (along with another mg or so of phenaz), so that may have had an effect on it - although I must say that I wasn't feeling too much from the phenazepam or etizolam to be honest at any point during the day, just a very subtle anxiety-free feeling, which wasn't exactly a bad thing. It was my first time with all of these compounds (although most definitely not with benzos... long, painful story, don't want to get into it - you can probably fill in the blanks).

Anyway - the O-Desmethyltramadol has knocked my socks off!

I weighed out 20mg and bumped it at about 10pm. 30 mins later I bumped another 20mg. Then 30 mins later another 20mg... and then, finally at 12pm (as I really do have to get to work tomorrow) another 20mg bump. All in all, about 80mg insufflated over 2 hours.

It feels like tramadol but with a much, much nicer body high. I'm floaty, happy, positively chirpy. Hopefully sleep shouldn't be too traumatic, but I'm definitely going to buy a proper amount this time (my initial sample was 250mg) and explore some different ROAs. I have some pipettes lying around which I use for my phenazepam... I've never plugged before, but damn, this might be the one to convince me to put drugs up my pooper!

Very impressed with this compound. I think that it would be perfect for a comedown situation. Will definitely have some around for the morning after my next big night out (which admittedly will probably be a month or two away because I'm old and boring now).

TL;DR: I like this compound!
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It is nice stuff. I find it's easy to sleep once the sedative effects kick in after four hours or so, but the sleep is more of a nod than a proper sleep, waking up every so often from dreams. It's not a problem though and doesn't leave me wiped out the next day at all, leaves me quite chipper in fact. I quite like the taste of it too, it's actually sweet.

How do people find snorting this batch? There is a bit of a sting but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

I think it's fairly forgiving in terms of dosage, I don't have tolerance and I've got through about 200mg over a fairly long night. Obviously makes sense to exercise some caution though, and I'll be keeping it for "special occasions" like the odd chilled night in with a friend.
Mod Note: I've cleaned this thread up a bit. Avoid sourcing and availability discussion please.
It is nice stuff. I find it's easy to sleep once the sedative effects kick in after four hours or so, but the sleep is more of a nod than a proper sleep, waking up every so often from dreams. It's not a problem though and doesn't leave me wiped out the next day at all, leaves me quite chipper in fact. I quite like the taste of it too, it's actually sweet.

How do people find snorting this batch? There is a bit of a sting but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

I think it's fairly forgiving in terms of dosage, I don't have tolerance and I've got through about 200mg over a fairly long night. Obviously makes sense to exercise some caution though, and I'll be keeping it for "special occasions" like the odd chilled night in with a friend.

I made the mistake of lying down to watch some cartoons and started to nod off pretty heavily. I decided to get back up and use the PC again because I don't really want to crash on the sofa.

I'm a terrible sleeper anyway, only ever getting a few precious hours of sleep per night, and I predict a few hours of blissful rainbow dreams when I decide to call it a night in about... half an hour perhaps?

As for snorting, I've found it okay actually. I'm not a hardened snorter or anything but I've bunged a whole bunch of stuff up my nose in my time. If I had to arbitrarily rate it in terms of pain on a 1-10 scale, I'd say it's about a 3.

Oooh, starting to itch a bit now. Whatever, I feel awesome so don't really care :)

What was my point again?

Oh yeah, this stuff is the tits. Recommended! (and sorry for the rambling, I'm all O-Desmethyltramadoled out - I've decided that's a verb)

EDIT: blissful rainbow dreams were not had. I was tired, and lying in bed felt nice, but sleeping was hard. I'd say that this is more of a daytime drug (but then again, that's how I feel about tramadol too as it gives me a weird kind of energy).
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Okay, so I snorted a few small bumps/lines (10-20mg) and started to feel it a little bit. Then I weighed out the rest and saw that I only had 70mg left. I haven't ever plugged before but have always been curious, plus I wanted to maximise what I had left, so I went for it.

I took a dump, found a balloon (because sticking my finger up my bum is a bit icky), put it on my middle finger, lubed that sucker up, then slightly wetted the gel cap that contained 70mg of O-Desmethyltramadol and pushed it up my pooper, up to my second knuckle (as per Google's advice). I made sure that it seemed securely lodged up there, then cleaned up. Now here I am.

I have drugs in my bum! This is a first. Let's see how this turns out...
I dont like snorting it, the drip tastes horrible, but it doesnt burn much. Sniffings usually my preferred ROA but not with this, orally is the way i use it. Well IV preferred but i dont inject much, its niice injected though.

But yeah, oral. Never tried plugging, let me know how that turns out!
Okay, so I snorted a few small bumps/lines (10-20mg) and started to feel it a little bit. Then I weighed out the rest and saw that I only had 70mg left. I haven't ever plugged before but have always been curious, plus I wanted to maximise what I had left, so I went for it.

I took a dump, found a balloon (because sticking my finger up my bum is a bit icky), put it on my middle finger, lubed that sucker up, then slightly wetted the gel cap that contained 70mg of O-Desmethyltramadol and pushed it up my pooper, up to my second knuckle (as per Google's advice). I made sure that it seemed securely lodged up there, then cleaned up. Now here I am.

I have drugs in my bum! This is a first. Let's see how this turns out...

lmao. Dude, you really should have put the powder in an oral syringe with some water and plugged it that way. Good luck with that gelcap. (Though I've heard it does work, I just wouldn't want to have a pill chillin' up my asshole...)
lmao. Dude, you really should have put the powder in an oral syringe with some water and plugged it that way. Good luck with that gelcap. (Though I've heard it does work, I just wouldn't want to have a pill chillin' up my asshole...)

+1 on the oral syringe, how did it go down after lol?
lmao. Dude, you really should have put the powder in an oral syringe with some water and plugged it that way. Good luck with that gelcap. (Though I've heard it does work, I just wouldn't want to have a pill chillin' up my asshole...)

I think it went fine, I was bit spangled to tell you the through so couldn't give you a "100% success!" or "massive failure" answer. Drugs went up my nose, drugs went up my bum, I felt pretty good! that's all I have to say about that.

Saying more about that though... I have some 3ml gradiented (disposable!) pipettes laying around which I use to measure out appropriate amounts of phenazepam that has been pre-dissolved in liquid. Would I be able to use these pipettes to put the O-Des up my bum? I'm not so sure, given then they are only 3ml pipettes. If this would would work, how would it go? Or am I best off just snorting and perhpas whacking the occasional gel cap up their for shits and giggles (so to speak)?
I think it went fine, I was bit spangled to tell you the through so couldn't give you a "100% success!" or "massive failure" answer. Drugs went up my nose, drugs went up my bum, I felt pretty good! that's all I have to say about that.

Saying more about that though... I have some 3ml gradiented (disposable!) pipettes laying around which I use to measure out appropriate amounts of phenazepam that has been pre-dissolved in liquid. Would I be able to use these pipettes to put the O-Des up my bum? I'm not so sure, given then they are only 3ml pipettes. If this would would work, how would it go? Or am I best off just snorting and perhpas whacking the occasional gel cap up their for shits and giggles (so to speak)?

I don't see why not. I'd still recommend getting oral syringe, it'll be worth it. 3 ml is more than enough. I think you can easily dissolve 100-200 mg to 1ml or less. Most water i have used was less than 1,5 ml for 190 mg. And this stuff dissolves really fast and easily. Here is good info about plugging: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=247323
From reading wikipedia...

Tramadol's seizure threshold lowering may be due to either 5-HT2C blockade or theorized GABA-A receptor blocking at high doses. Neither enantiomer of O-Desmethyltramadol has SRI properties.

Does o-desmethyltramadol work good as a painkiller?
My guess is it would spark a false/positive for tramadol?
