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Nznity's guide to make baking soda crack cocaine


Jan 24, 2017
Ok guys, I'm gonna give you my recipe so you guys can Cook your own banging rock cocaine instead of buying that cut to shit Bullshit. Here it goes:
1. You Need a spoon, some baking soda AND at least 1+Gram of decent blow. A lighter of course
2.mix the coke with the baking soda, a ratio of 80 coke 20 baking soda should be enough
3. Mix it up AND put in the spoon, cover with tap WATER just enough so it doesn't burn the material AND the mix reacts.
4. Light up the spoon, it should Start bubbling up for a good 40 secs, then slthe baking soda should STart desappearing AND you're left with a yellow oily substance.
5. Wait for it to dry AND the rock should STart taking shape, i use my index finger so the oil sticks to it.
Dry it with toilet paper for a bit AND you're left with a solid white fire rock.
6. Enjoy smoking Ur gsrbage hahah
There you go guys, that's my recipe. Hope it helps some people. Regards from your peruvian neighbour Spiderman. I mean nznity xp cheers blueworld.
It looks like you had some before you took the photos; your hands must have been shaking alot for the pictures to come out blurry 🤣

It seems like the more cocaine is used the easier it is to make. I've tried to make it from 200mg of cocaine and its a tricky task to try arrange the little droplets of freebase oil into a crack rock.

How much crack are you able to make from 1g of peruvian cocaine?
It looks like you had some before you took the photos; your hands must have been shaking alot for the pictures to come out blurry 🤣

It seems like the more cocaine is used the easier it is to make. I've tried to make it from 200mg of cocaine and its a tricky task to try arrange the little droplets of freebase oil into a crack rock.

How much crack are you able to make from 1g of peruvian cocaine?
Around 0.6 rock. That rock in the picture must be a 0.7 rock from a g of blow. I get 70-80% blow for a mad cheap price so yeah hahaha my hands arent shaky my camera Is just shit
I’ve made freebase from small amounts, just gotta have the right “tools.” Aka do it a small glass vial, then wash a few times with hot water using a syringe to clear away the water without sucking up freebase. Once done, scrape it out or rinse it out with water onto a plate and dry near fan.

God damn I’m so jelly of your right now NZN, haven’t had good cocaine in probably a year or so and Covid definitely ain’t making it easier lol.

I’ve made freebase from small amounts, just gotta have the right “tools.” Aka do it a small glass vial, then wash a few times with hot water using a syringe to clear away the water without sucking up freebase. Once done, scrape it out or rinse it out with water onto a plate and dry near fan.

God damn I’m so jelly of your right now NZN, haven’t had good cocaine in probably a year or so and Covid definitely ain’t making it easier lol.

Look at my pics from the stash.... ;) the day before yesterday.. bit teasing :D
I’ve made freebase from small amounts, just gotta have the right “tools.” Aka do it a small glass vial, then wash a few times with hot water using a syringe to clear away the water without sucking up freebase. Once done, scrape it out or rinse it out with water onto a plate and dry near fan.

God damn I’m so jelly of your right now NZN, haven’t had good cocaine in probably a year or so and Covid definitely ain’t making it easier lol.

i just cooked another fat rock lollls.. brb ringer.
It looks like you had some before you took the photos; your hands must have been shaking alot for the pictures to come out blurry 🤣

It seems like the more cocaine is used the easier it is to make. I've tried to make it from 200mg of cocaine and its a tricky task to try arrange the little droplets of freebase oil into a crack rock.

How much crack are you able to make from 1g of peruvian cocaine?
no man, what i do is i add a lil bit of cold tap water to the spoon so the oil doesn't burn and i collect it with my finger. :p
I’ve made freebase from small amounts, just gotta have the right “tools.” Aka do it a small glass vial, then wash a few times with hot water using a syringe to clear away the water without sucking up freebase. Once done, scrape it out or rinse it out with water onto a plate and dry near fan.

God damn I’m so jelly of your right now NZN, haven’t had good cocaine in probably a year or so and Covid definitely ain’t making it easier lol.

GC, those ringers are fucking unbelievable LOL. i'ma do the next one on your name pal. :p
God damn I’m so jelly of your right now NZN, haven’t had good cocaine in probably a year or so and Covid definitely ain’t making it easier lol.

Definitely jealous lol. And the whole US market is just destroyed right now because of the pandemic, it's insane. Even the higher up, reliable vendors can barely keep product in stock in the US. Mexico is just destroying the product and using RCs too. It's all synthetic or some other -aine like lidocaine. Supposedly Europe is doing just fine because there are no issues for South America going that route. Even if they open the US/Mexico border back up, it still doesn't sound like things will get better because of all of that.
up the spoon, it should Start bubbling up for a good 40 secs, then slthe baking soda should STart desappearing AND you're left with a yellow oily substance

You get it to bubble up that long, hey? I wonder if that has something to do with quality, I've never got it to bubble that long without the solution actually starting boil.
You get it to bubble up that long, hey? I wonder if that has something to do with quality, I've never got it to bubble that long without the solution actually starting boil.
Depends on the amount rly, when it's more. U Need to cook it for a bit longer.

seems as we did a competition yesterday night. i have hangover, pheeeeww.....

But i just made it to the parmacy and bought 2 different nasal sprays because I am allergic and almost dying. but i cannot let this extremely good coke just hanging around anywhere. There is just one goal.... no. two :D

Just started to read a book called "The Cocaine Blues Story" - lets see....