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Diet Nutrition Question


May 31, 2021
I'm making a protein shake. Here's what I put in it so far: 3 large tablespoons plain yogurt, half a banana, a handful of organic blueberries and 2 large strawberries, large scoop of whey protein powder, 1 scoop of organic flaxseed meal (2 oz), about a half a cup of lactose free milk. And that's about it.

Since there's probably about half a line left over from a week ago, too little to smoke, would it be okay if I put meth in?

That was good. And no I didn't
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I’m confused, what is the question? Is meth nutritious?
There was a weak attempt at humor and some confusion there but the confusion was all inside my own head. I'm actually very proud that I did not add something nefarious as meth to what was a delicious Nutrition Shake. Homemade. However I'm game for any recommendations on future ones, what was mine missing? What's the solo tip on why yours is better?
Also is there anything you can add that will prolong the feeling of fullness. Since an hour after I have a protein shake even that good I am famished
I gave that a thumbs up but I'm not enthusiastic about it. Especially if you go where I think you're going
I believe the bioavailability is like 20% higher when you plug it versus snorting
I recommend convict conditioning for exercises, and Nasms essentials of personal fitness for information surrounding the workout, like nutrition, which is arguably half of getting stronger