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nutmeg tea report


Dec 25, 2012
so when i was younger ive tried grinding nutmeg 3 the first time 6 the second and wahing it down with milk and both times i got absolutly no effect.well 2night im board and poor so i thought ide try it again but i only ad ground ntmeg which i heard i weaker but i took 30grams in 3 cups of water and boiled for an hour adding a little bit of water.well i just drank the tea and its 12:54 now and not feeling anything yet butt i will report back
Good luck acoustic. I've heard nutmeg is the least fun drug in the universe but have at it and see what you think.
apparently malcolm x used nutmeg while locked up.
A friend of mine took a much lower dose than this, and was very ill for days, this may well have been something to do with his body than the nutmeg, but beware!
well i didnt feel anything last night other than one small visual(my white cat looked blue for a sec)but today i just feel kinda out of it and mildly stoned kind of.when i smoke a cig i feel like im stoned.so all in all not really worth it but i think im immune or something.peace
I think it's the fact you took ground nutmeg which resulted in such a weak experience. I've taken a similar amount of ground nutmeg in the past when I was younger and also found it very mild at best. I'd try and get your hands on whole nutmeg and try again if you want to get a full experience, but overall nutmeg was not a very useful drug to me, or many other people.

The first day was just delusional and the second day it felt more like I had a head cold than an actual high.
nutmeg affects everyone differently. its a strong antidepressant for me, and its convienent to down a tsp or two while cooking.

Where did he say that parappa? I've read everything he's ever written and never known him mention nutmeg.
The part of the nut that get you high is in the volatil part, its the essential oil, the part that give the nut its odor.
With ground nuts, this part will fade away as it get older, and if you boill it, you just discare the active stuff.